Saturday, 29 August 2009

Drayton Manor 28 August 2009

Went to Drayton Manor yesterday, got value tickets with clubcard vouchers, so instead of paying £80 to get in, I paid £28 worth of clubcard vouchers to get four tickets :) Simon was confused as to why we could make such a great saving and there must be small print or something like that but no, it worked out hunky dory. The kids started going on rides in Thomas Land first, and after we did all but three of the rides in Thomas Land (didn't do troublesome trucks rollercoaster because the queue was way too long and we actually missed another two) we then moved on to the bigger rides in the park, the children and Simon went on Stormforce 10 whilst I sat and watched, even the viewing platform was up a pile of stairs. I have to say that Drayton Manor has to be one of the most anti-disabled places on the planet. I have every mind to complain to them about the way that every queue is either up a slope (steep slope) or upstairs, meaning poor old me couldn't go on them. I would have loved to have gone on a few of the rides but no, not possible, not even the simple ones like Splash Canyon and Pirate Adventure have no way of allowing disabled people access. I really was disappointed, even though I went knowing that I probably wouldn't be able to go on any of the rides, I was expecting to be told by the ride operator that I couldn't go on it because of my oxygen or something, not to be not even able to get up as far as the ride operators. I guess theme parks are not for disabled people :(

The food was disgusting too, it was cold, soggy and they ruined the cheeseburger by putting bloody mustard on it, who puts mustard on a cheeseburger without checking whether you want it or not first? bleugh, it ruined it for Simon too, £20 of food that was disgusting and less than second rate, at least the ducks liked it (we threw lots of chips and stuff for the ducks heheh)

When we had the real icecream in a real icecream cone (the big waffle ones like cornetto but bigger) that was nice and worth the money, three flavours, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla (I had two vanilla balls because I don't like chocolatemuch), they were dripping all over the place and made a sticky mess of all of us, but they were worth it,absolutely gorgeous icecreams they were :D I should expect so at £2.80 each heheh, £11.20 on icecreams *blush* naughty us. All in all we spend nearly £40 just on food without spending a penny on games or souvenirs!

Next time we go if there ever will be a next time, we'll leave the change of clothes and stuff in the car so I don't have to worry about my huge handbag being nicked off me all day, that ruined it quite a lot because I was constantly holding tight on to it and looking around to make sure no-one was trying to nab it, it only had my phone in it as something valuable but my phone has not been insured yet so the last thing I needed was to have it stolen from me.

I'm off now because i'm monged and I cannot fight the mongedness and tiredness anymore :P xx



Sunday, 23 August 2009

Tehya finally stopped me worrying

Tehya finally stopped me worrying today by providing me with an absolutely perfect skin with both eyecaps at 21 inches long :) I am so pleased for her, it was a bloody long shed though at least three - four weeks, I guess I didn't help by keep disturbing her :S

I'm so pleased.



Wednesday, 19 August 2009


I need to find a forum which is all the rage and everyone is really friendly and there's no clickyness in the member ranks and there's ALWAYS something to do. That's what our forum used to be like but so many people just cannot be arsed with it anymore. Everyone has changed and moved on. I just need somewhere to be part of and have lots of friendies and always have someone to talk to about something or other. I'm lonely, Mr Lonely, got nobody.. of my own.. *singing snails from Flushed Away* heheh.

I just need somewhere to fit in and feel wanted, at the moment I don't fit anywhere, I'm like a square peg constantly trying to fit in a round hole. *woe is me* never mind, I guess I'm not the only one out there that is craving for friendship.

I should spend more time OFFLINE with my family and really I guess, I think Simon would like me to be sitting next to him whilst he's watching television downstairs. The problem is most of the things that he watches just don't interest me, and a lot of the time I'm monged with my eyes so I cannot focus on what is happening anyway.

Bronny, Euan and Simon are playing COD5 at the moment and all I can hear is Bronny moaning that she is being killed heheh, bless her, she is obviously no good at hiding from Si and Euan, other than that she's just crap at the game heheh.

I don't think COD5 will work on the laptop, it barely works on my computer and that is graphically much better than my laptop. Laptops, unless purpose built for the occasion are no good with games. You can spend thousands on a gaming laptop though, but I just don't see the point, I'm happy with my little chugger. rofl

We have found a piece of kit that allows us to stream films and videos etc from abroad, we sat and watched Monsters Vs Aliens the other morning, which was really good :) Not as good as the trailer gives it credit for but it is good. It's called Grabazoid, it installs a player thingy on your system and you watch the things through that, you can watch TV Shows and various documentaries and such on it. I think it's probably illegal in this country, but as long as I have a free 30 day trial I am going to use it and act ignorantly innocent if something goes wrong. It's the company that have got the thing running that are at fault anyway not me, because i'm not actually downloading anything from them, just streaming.

*rolls eyes* they're playing ANOTHER game of COD5, that'll be an hour of solid play, whatever are they like lol

Bloody hell I didn't realise the cat was asleep right next to my leg lol,, he's just moved and scared the crap out of me, I didn't know what it was hahah

*yawn* I'm bored now. I tried to become part of it all at RFUK, but the problem is that they are all way too clicky there, if you don't fit in then your posts just don't get a look in, I've had posts that I have created have 100's of views and not one reply :(

My Mum has added me to msn, the problem being is that she won't ever be on when I am on, so we won't get to chat anyway, I've sent her a "private message" to see how she is and what she did on her holiday so I could find out how much fun she had, will have to wait and see if it gets a response. Unfortunately when I added her to my network, I added lots of other contacts that have been not on my msn for years, and now they are back again, I deleted them because I never talked to them. Perhaps we will start to talk from now on.

I'm sick of Bronny shouting! grr, well in 9 minutes time her pc will shut down on her anyway and that will be the end of it, though she'll have a pissy fit saying it's the holiday and why should the pc close down on her etcetc, I know it's not fair, I would have set it to 8:30 to give her time to get off stuff, to say goodbye to her friends etc, but I guess she'll have to get used to it closing down at 8pm and have plenty of time to say goodbye to her friends before 8pm comes. That's Vista's parental controls by the way heheh, it will close down at 8pm and you can't go on it before 9am in the morning,, if she tries it just won't start up, this is because we don't want her going on it from 6am in the morning, if she knew she'd get to go on it she'd get up early especially, out of childlike excitement, which is only natural, but the controls are set so it will not switch on before 9am I don't think even admin can get it to switch on before 9am, other than changing the time in thecontrols. It's cruel but it's a good idea to stop her being on the pc too early and too late, she would sneak on it when Simon was downstairs and I was resting in bed and she'd end up on it until Simon caught her way past 10pm at night which wouldn't be very good for her on a school night.

My butt has gone numb, just shows that I have to move, I can't be arsed lol ;)

I think it's time to sign out of bloggy though because I'm not really doing anything anyway.



Tuesday, 18 August 2009

tireddd so damn tireeddd

I have been so tired lately to the point of exhaustion, I get up between 10 and 11am in the morning, I manage to stay awake until about 2-3pm in the afternoon then I have to have a sleep again, when the children are in bed, by 9pm I am crawling into bed myself and I sleep until Simon comes to bed, then when we've got in bed properly I have gone back to sleep again, until 10-11am, so I am getting more than 12 hours sleep a day, sometimes as much as 16 hours sleep, but I am still exhausted. It's not a case of a vicious circle the more I sleep the more I want to sleep, it is literally because I need it, Simon often queries the fact that I need so much sleep but I don't know how to answer other than if I didn't need it I wouldn't sleep it?

I am going to try and not have a sleep today and see how I go, although I am already getting monged from getting up at 10am this morning, I should be going to sleep in the next hour, but I am going to really try and fight it and see how we get on, if I can stop the daytime sleep and just sleep of a night time, even if itis early, then at least we'll be able to do stuff in the days because I am up and awake? I hope so anyway.

I want to go for a walk over the Chase but Simon says no way not with the children because they'll just play up, I can't get it through to Simon's head that the reason why they play up is because they don't know HOW to behave when out of the house because we don't go out often enough for them to learn how to behave.

It's time to try Tehya with a mouse again tonight, I think I'll be wasting my time but hopefully she will actually get off her butt and take it this time, I'm going to try strike feeding her with it to see how it goes, all Simon's snakes feed wonderfully, even his troublesome python, but no, not my Tehya, she's not interested in eating, she just wants to hide for most of the day when it's dark perhaps pop out for a five minute "stroll"

I'm quite worried about her actually as she's been "dull" as if in shed for.. *counts* 3-1/2 weeks now and it should last a mere 10-14 days. :S I just hope she is going to shed OK when she finally decides to actually shed and that she sheds with a perfect skin with eyecaps in the head piece. Hopefully she will shed soon and then eat something! heheh.

Today is week 6 since she has eaten, hopefully she is getting hungee now and will eat for me! I've wasted so many meeces by trying to feed her them to no avail. I might try a strike feed tonight and see how we go.

Bronny is making strange noises trying to get some foam "clothing" on her Bratz doll, it sounds like she's trying to get herself into a dress which is 2 sizes too small for her rofl. Euan is playing on COD5 (Call Of Duty) Simon is sitting downstairs listening out for the delivery (Bronny's new pc bits) I really feel sorry for her as she had the temporary pc on her birthday which never really worked properly, she probably got about 5 hours out of it before the motherboard failed to post, that was on her birthday on 5th August and her new pc bits are arriving today, which is 13 days after her birthday, nearly two weeks bless her soul, though she'll be one happy pumpkin when it is installed as it will be faster than my pc in the bedroom and my laptop, it'll be shit hot for a kid heheh. She is so spoiled bless her. We spent about £50 on Euan's birthday and we spent about £100 on Bronny :S *blush* though my excuse is that it IS a special birthday, her first double figure birthday and she'll only be 10 once. Lordy knows what we will get for her 16th birthday lol

Euan wants a pc too in his bedroom, but I have told him that he has to be 10 years old, and a responsible 10 years old before he gets HIS own pc in his bedroom. Not cost, it's about age, he's not old enough to be trusted properly on a pc so he has to be watched, especially as he signs himself into things such as places where he can chat and they say things untoward. Simon banned ourworld on the router because someone said to my 7 year old boy (who admittedly was signed in as being 13) "if I go out with you will you cheese all over me?" Simon and I were disgusted, even for a 13 year old that is disgraceful, so he immediately banned the web address from being able to be accessed on any of our computers including his own.

We have to understand and set up the parental controls on Bronny's PC, according to SImon vista has it's own special Parental Control set up and you can set times that the PC is able to be switched on, then if the PC is switched on or attempted switch on when it's not in the allowed times, it just won't switch on. which is really good because it will stop her waking up in the middle of the night and switching it on, or will stop her waiting for us to go to bed and then going on it, or going on from 6am in the morning.

Bronny is moaning for lunch so I'll have to go in a minute (yes I took heed Jane, they have three meals a day again now ;) ) well, three minutes to be precise, tick tick tick heheh, to be honest I'm all out of blog anyway, anything else I write will be more waffle than the waffle before it because I'm tired and all out of things of remote importance (to me) to say.

I'm glad that people still read my blog but I still think you are nutters for doing so, it's always compllete and utter waffle about nothing in particular and is never in any type of order, I'll mention something in the first instance and then mention it again about 5 paragraphs down lol

Right, I'm off.



Thursday, 13 August 2009


If you were born with healthy genes, you may know me but you don't
understand me. I was not as lucky as you. I inherited the predisposition to
chronic pain, fatigue and forgetfulness. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia
(FMS) after months, years or even decades of mysterious physical and
emotional problems. Because you didn't know how sick I was, you called me
lazy, a malingerer, or simply ridiculous. If you have the time to read on, I
would like to help you understand how different I am from you.


1. FMS is not the newest fad disease. In fact, it isn't a disease at all,
and it isn't even new. In 1815, a surgeon at the University of Edinburgh,
William Balfour, described fibromyalgia. Over the years, it has been known
as chronic rheumatism, myalgia and fibrositis. Unlike diseases, syndromes do
not have a known cause, but they do have a specific set of signs and
symptoms which, unfortunately for the patient, take place together.
Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are also syndromes.

2. The many physical and emotional problems associated with FMS are not
psychological in origin. This is not an "all in your head" disorder. In
1987, the American Medical Association recognized FMS as a true physical
illness and major cause of disability.

3. Syndromes strike life-long athletes as viciously as they do couch
potatoes. They can be disabling and depressing, interfering with even the
simplest activities of daily life.


1. My pain - My pain is not your pain. It is not caused by inflammation.
Taking your arthritis medication will not help me. I can not work my pain
out or shake it off. It is not even a pain that stays put. Today it is in my
shoulder, but tomorrow it may be in my foot or gone. My pain is believed to
be caused by improper signals sent to the brain, possibly due to sleep
disorders. It is not well understood, but it is real.

2. My fatigue - I am not merely tired. I am often in a severe state of
exhaustion. I may want to participate in physical activities, but I can't.
Please do not take this personally. If you saw me shopping in the mall
yesterday, but I can't help you with yard work today, it isn't because I
don't want to. I am, most likely, paying the price for stressing my muscles
beyond their capability.

3. My forgetfulness - Those of us who suffer from it call it fibrofog. I may
not remember your name, but I do remember you. I may not remember what I
promised to do for you, even though you told me just seconds ago. My problem
has nothing to do with my age but may be related to sleep deprivation. I do
not have a selective memory. On some days, I just don't have any short-term
memory at all.

4. My clumsiness - If I step on your toes or run into you five times in a
crowd, I am not purposely targeting you. I do not have the muscle control
for that. If you are behind me on the stairs, please be patient. These days,
I take life and stairwells one step at a time.

5. My sensitivities - I just can't stand it! "It" could be any number of
things: bright sunlight, loud or high-pitched noises, odors. FMS has been
called the "aggravating everything disorder." So don't make me open the
drapes or listen to your child scream. I really can't stand it.

6. My intolerance - I can't stand heat, either. Or humidity. If I am a man,
I sweat...profusely. If I am a lady, I perspire. Both are equally
embarrassing, so please don't feel compelled to point this shortcoming out
to me. I know. And don't be surprised if I shake uncontrollably when it's
cold. I don't tolerate cold, either. My internal thermostat is broken, and
nobody knows how to fix it.

7. My depression - Yes, there are days when I would rather stay in bed or in
the house or die. I have lost count of how many of Dr. Kevorkian's patients
suffered from FMS as well as other related illnesses. Severe, unrelenting
pain can cause depression. Your sincere concern and understanding can pull
me back from the brink. Your snide remarks can tip me over the edge.

8. My stress - My body does not handle stress well. If I have to give up my
job, work part time, or handle my responsibilities from home, I'm not lazy.
Everyday stresses make my symptoms worse and can incapacitate me completely.

9. My weight - I may be fat or I may be skinny. Either way, it is not by
choice. My body is not your body. My appestat is broken, and nobody can tell
me how to fix it.

10. My need for therapy - If I get a massage every week, don't envy me. My
massage is not your massage. Consider how a massage would feel if that
charley horse you had in your leg last week was all over your body.
Massaging it out was very painful, but it had to be done. My body is
knot-filled. If I can stand the pain, regular massage can help, at least

11. My good days - If you see me smiling and functioning normally, don't
assume I am well. I suffer from a chronic pain and fatigue illness with no
cure. I can have my good days or weeks or even months. In fact, the good
days are what keep me going.

12. My uniqueness - Even those who suffer from FMS are not alike. That means
I may not have all of the problems mentioned above. I do have pain above and
below the waist and on both sides of my body which has lasted for a very
long time. I may have migraines or hip pain or shoulder pain or knee pain,
but I do not have exactly the same pain as anyone else.

I hope that this helps you understand me, but if you still doubt my pain,
your local bookstore, library and the internet have many good books and
articles on fibromyalgia.

Author's note: This letter is based on communications with people throughout
the world, males and females, who suffer from fibromyalgia. It does not
represent any one of the over 10,000,000 people with FMS, but it can help
the healthy person understand how devastating this illness can be. Please do
not take these people and their pain lightly. You wouldn't want to spend
even a day in their shoes...or their bodies.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

it's bloody hot

or should I have said "it ain't half hot Mum"? heheh

I'm waiting for Tehya's dindins to warm up so I can try her with it, I am hoping that as it's day 29 of no eating that she will actually take it this time, I'm worried about her though as she's still not shed, so she's way overdue now. I've been offering her a pinky every 5 days, which is what you're supposed to do with a young snake, but she's just not interested. They said that she refused to eat if they sat and watched her at the shop but when they put her back in her rack she would eat nicely for them. I don't have the facility to make her feel as though she's in the safety of a comfinement that means all but one side is in the dark, I don't think I want to give her that confinement either. I guess she just has to get used to where she is living, though she still hasn't shed so I'm thinking she's not going to eat until she HAS shed :S I don't know what is going to happen. I provided her with a moss hide for her to go in to help hydrate her enough to loosen her skin so I just don't understand it, I just hope it's not messed up because I have held her a couple of times whilst she's "in shed". Her eyes haven't gone blue/grey either yet, but they might have done that in the night and been OK by morning so we didn't notice. Simon and I are pretty sure that she IS shedding though because she went noticeably dark a couple of days to a week after I purchased her. Geesh that's a long time.

Have not seen Bob much these last few days, though to be honest I've not really paid attention to his housing so he could have been sitting there looking at me like he normally does, and I've not noticed. I just hope that he is OK too, he seems to go through moodswings where he is happy and interested in his surroundings, then all of a sudden he is not interested and is bored with where he is living, hence Simon's constant fidgetting and moving around of his accommodation lol

Oscar hasn't been near me much over the last week or two either, I guess it's cuz the children are off school and normally where I am, the children are and he wants some peace and quiet away from them. I'm dreading going back to getting up at 7:30am for 5 days a week, I hate it, I wish I didn't have to do it, I'd much rather get up an hour later. At least when the children are a bit older and able to make their own breakfast I won't have to get up so early, Simon can get them up and then I'll come downstairs a bit later on as they are getting ready to leave LOL AS IF! Even when they ARE old enough to do their own breakfast (Bronny should be at the age of 10) I don't think they would want to and I know for a fact that Simon wouldn't want them to either, because he's always going on about germs and them touching things and he refuses to touch the things or eat things that the children have been remotely near. I guess I'll have to brush up on their hygiene skills, Bronny has started washing her hands all the time, but I don't think the little terror does, I think he doesn't bother EVER washing his hands :S I guess it's my fault for not drumming it in to him, they don't clean their teeth every day either *blushes lots*

Right, starting tomorrow there will be a wake up call in this house, from now on the children ARE going to clean their teeth after they have eaten for brunch, and then they will clean their teeth at bedtime, every day, Euan WILL wash his hands after every bathroom visit and before every meal. Then Simon will have no excuse but to eat food that has been near them because they will be as clean, if not cleaner as/than him.

Time to try and feed pinky to Tehya now, it's all gone dark which means it's nearly ten o'clock which means mousey has been out defrosting for 2.5 hours, which is plenty of time for a pinky, I might leave it a little bit longer to be on the safe side. I'd rather make her wait if she IS in fact waiting than feed her a frozen mouse that will damage her insides, I don't actually know what it will do to her on the whole but I'm imagining that it won't make her very well.

Speaking of very well, I've not been feeling too good of late never mind very well, not sure whether it is the heat or whether it's another bad patch, I can't remember what they are called right now, I hate it when my mind goes utterly blank when I'm trying to look for a word or phrase to type/say.

Uh oh, Oscar has just seen a moth or something that has arrived in the bedroom, which will probably be flying around my laptop real soon so I'm signing out now to switch it off. lol




Just had a phonecall offering me £20 for the hamster cage, considering we advertised it at £25 that's not too bad. She's coming from Stafford to pick it up round about 5pm this evening. Nice one, another £20 for the kitty (not the cat, for the kitty) heheh

Went to docs yesterday and she assured me that the other bits on the blood test are nothing to worry about, that they won't directly affect me but they are useful in diagnosing other things if need be she gave me some cypramil and some tramadol which I wanted and talked to me about my cholesterol level.

Got the dentist on Friday, I am well and truly crapping myself, I know for a fact that there is at least one tooth that they will want to fill or put a crown on, no more crowns, if fillings are not suitable then the bad tooth comes out is what I say, there is absolutely no way that I would tolerate having another crown after how much it hurt last time and I nearly passed out. After all that it being no point anyway because the tooth continued to rot away underneath the crown that they put in in Atherstone I think it was where I went.

At least we have a dentist that is a reasonable drive away instead of being all the way in Atherstone like the dentist was that we had in Tamworth and then Stafford, obviously I didn't bother going to the dentist again after moving to Gnosall because Atherstone is about 40-50 miles away from Gnosall at the least, so 100 mile round trip just for my teeth is not warranted.

Euan is pestering me to play on Call of Duty 4 with him so I shall have to go shortly. He won't wait for long lol I better bugger off and play I suppose.

Will blog again later methinks.



Sunday, 2 August 2009

Darnit and tartar sauce

This stupid bloggy thingy doesn't recognise me when I go on the page any more, I used to be able to click the link and then click new post but now I have to sign in, be redirected to the dashboard then find my blog and then click new post, not many more moves but it's just a pain in the old ass. lol

Simon is adamant that although Bronnybum is on her own pc and can spend nearly all day on it, Euan is only allowed 2 hours max in the day then another stint at night, it's just not fair for Euan but Simon says it's because she has her own pc now, but I don't care whether she has the Queen's PC, she shouldn't be allowed to have more time than Euan. I think it's all to do with the fact that Euan is in the bedroom, OUR bedroom on my pc.

Tehya still refused to feed last night :( I found her curled up like a baby around the mouse this morning but she wasn't remotely interested in feeding, I couldn't even get her to strike feed for me, will try again in five days time, but that will be lordy knows how many mice in the bin/down the loo, I think at least three bless her, I hope it's just because she's shedding and she'll go back to feeding like a good girly when she's shed, will just have to keep an eye on her because today is day 18 without food. :( She's too small to go without for too long :(

Shopping came today so I finally got some sugar for a cuppa, ran out yesterday morning, or the day before but it feels like a decade that I've not had a cuppa lol had Kelloggs Special K red berries for breakfast/lunch and plan to have a caesar salad for dinner unless something else props up. Simon can have a cooked meal tomorrow, for now there's yummy hotdogs that I bought for him, those frankfurter thingies, he likes them. He says he only went off them before because he was always eating them heheh.

I'm still not sure whether I am feeding the kids enough or not, they're eating brunch and then having a proper dinner, Bronny has a bit of a tum on her but I think that is because of all the takeaways we've had recently, because she always has a 1/4lb burger with cheese and fries/chips or something big when we go to Burger King :S Euan hasn't put an ounce on, I think he's like his Grandad (my Dad) he could eat a house and not put any weight on, whereas the rest of us in the family only have to look at a cream cake to put the ounces on lol.

I've got a headache yet again, I think it's because of my neck because I don't have a headache when I am lying down properly in the right position, it's just that my neck is causing a hell of a lot of tension and pain, and what doesn't help is that I can't see straight either so I'm really straining my eyes to focus on the same things. Stupid eyeballs, I need cocktail sticks so I can stick them in my eyeballs and fix them permanently into a position for best eyesight lol, ouch wouldn't that hurt, to have one's eyes stabbed with those damn things and then have them forced to look in the same place and forced open. Ouchies.

I think that bald professor, has been doing too much time travelling again lol (you'd have to read a past blog or be a member of my forum to understand what the f I'm talking about) time is going so quickly, one minute it's 7am in the morning and I've woken up too early, next minute it's 11am and I've over slept as far as the children are concerned, it's not just time where I am asleep that is disappearing either, daytime and evening time zooms past too.

Bleugh someone has farted and is not admitting it, this household are right stinky buggers I tell you, Simon especially his farts often make me gag and want to upchuck or choke to death, he's a right stinker, and when he's been in the bathroom for a number two, heaven help you if you need to go in straight after him lmao, your eyes burn and you struggle for breathe in the exceptionally sulfuric atmosphere rofl. Saying that it's a bleeder to go in after the kids too, they make your eyes burn back into the sockets, or even make them bleed rofl it's just a stinky family.

Euan's time is up on the pc now but I am just waiting to see if Simon notices and pulls him off or not, hopefully he won't notice so Euan gets a bit more time, but we'll have to see, Euan is pissing about before going into a game at the moment which is eating up time, he'll not have time to play the actual game :S Simon is playing WoW at the moment so might not think about the time, I know I'm not going to shout out that it's time up. Crap he's just looked at the time and told Euan he's got four minutes left :( poor Euan he's going to be piss bored all afternoon bless his heart. Simon is a stinky poo poo head with lots of rules that are way too strict.

Rules are made for breaking though right? That's what I grew up thinking anyway, which is probably why I got into quite a bit of trouble :( eeek heheh Euan's time now up and he's closed down like a good boy that he is, without complaint too bless his heart. Simon is a grumpy grots lol

My friend that I accused of blocking me and then lying to me by saying that she hadn't? Well, I realised that she wasn't lying when I saw her on yesterday or the day before, in the day, so I couldn't be blocked by her, so if you are reading, I am very sorry. Honestly I am.

I wonder how many people actually read my blogs? I know that one person reads it religiously, for some reason she actually enjoys reading my blogs and waits patiently for me to do another one. Bless :) Thank you to my friend :)

I am being watched by Tehya lol she can just see the top of my head I think, or maybe more of me and she's stretched up to the roof of her house looking at me :) she is a gorgeous lil thing, so precious to me :) I can't wait until she's shed so I can hold her again :) I want to hold her for longer this time instead of handing her over to Simon whilst I do stuff, I want her to sit comfortable in my hands and get used to be and not just Simon. heheh can't do anything until she's shed though :( *sulks*

That's it for now, another boring bloggy with nothing much interesting in it I'm afraid.

Til next time.



Saturday, 1 August 2009


I'm covered in coconut fibre and sphagnum moss lol, we've changed our snakes onto coconut fibre because we have gone off the idea of the carefresh as Simon's snake had a problem with shedding on/in it his eyecap and a bit of his skin was retained so I had to gently pull it off whilst Simon held him.

Someone just mentioned something and it made me recall that I've not actually had a period for 6 years now lol, it's great! I hate periods, they're so ughhh She wasn't actually referring to a period, she was referring to something else, but she said coming on so I presumed that meant a period lol *shuts up*

Bronny is playing on her computer which has been given to her as an early birthday present, to be truthful it's not the actual pc she'll end up with as her proper present as it is going to be a complete new motherboard, and then Si will put his graphics card in and other items, which will mean in the long term that it will be a better pc than my laptop or my desktop lol, lucky girl. We just need the money to buy the upgrade items, which means it will be a couple of weeks before we upgrade.

She is also going to have the Bendaroos that I ordered from Hong Kong and a makeup kit :) that will be a very happy birthday for Bronny heheh. I want to get her a surprise too but I can't think of anything she'd want, the makeup kit was SUPPOSED to be a surprise but she damn well saw it on my laptop when I put it down for a second to do something for Simon, I left it on the screen because I didn't think about her even looking at it, but she's a nosey moo so she did look at it and now she knows that she's getting it :(

I need to buy her the lazer gaming mouse from the selection of things that Simon has added to his basket to upgrade her computer, it's £16.98 I can afford that even though I did a massive shop today (to be delivered tomorrow) as the rent is going to be a week late so I can use the money from the next rent cheque to add to this month's rent and clear it that way, then replace what I borrow from the next rent cheque with my DLA money. Sorted.