Thursday, 5 August 2010

Extreme Pain...

I have suffered extreme pain for the last week or so, it's mainly in my legs but my upper body is in pain too. I have tried taking paracetamol on top of the meds I am already on but paracetamol touches nothing but a mild headache for me. I want to go back and see the doc and see if anything stronger can be prescribed, but we only did my medication review on 20th of July so it might look a bit dodgy me all of a sudden complaining that my pain relief just isn't doing it's job.

I have got to see him soon about the antidepressants so I suppose I could mention the extra pain then, I think it's just a co-incidence that I experience more pain upon changing antidepressant surely?

I have been bed bound mainly and I don't like it, luckily with the children going to Holiday Club it's not affecting them, but I don't enjoy spending most of my days in bed.

I was in bed when Mum and Dad came round yesterday, I tried to sleep as much as possible so that I was a good hostess and didn't feel grotty when they were here, thankfully they didn't stay very long, and Emma who came afterwards didn't stay all that long either and we had a chip shop dinner because I was too exhausted to even think about what to put on our plates.

We're supposed to be going out when the post has been as it is Bronny's birthday and she wants to go clothes shopping, I'm really not looking forward to it, but I promised her we would go and I'm not going to let my health get in the way.

I'll have to see how I get on and then decide whether I need the doc's intervention or not.

Huggles to all

Carol x

Friday, 23 July 2010

Bronny left Primary School Today

Big milestone today, Bronnys last day at Primary School, boy is she going to miss her teachers and friends.

It seems like only last week that she was leaving nursery to start at Primary, now she's getting ready to start high school! Woweee time flies.

It was a tearful day for her today as she doesn't want to leave, she says she's going to miss Mrs Davies the most. A lot of her friends are going to different schools, I think there are two other children in her class, I think she said that anyway.

Still got to finish off paying for her uniform before she starts in September, need to buy her shirts and trousers too. I wish I was made of money lol, though I'd end up being nothing as money burns a hole in my pockets lol.

Euan needs new trousers and polo shirts for school too, though his stuff won't be as expensive as Bronny's.

It's all money though, I don't know how people manage it. Maybe there's a secret like always ensuring you have someone to hand me down from lol.

Kids didn't get a place on the chase it course, which is all my fault for not sorting it out sooner, so they just have holiday club to go to on the days that they're not supposed to be on trips. Hopefully that in itself will be fun though, I can't see them charging £15 a day for the children to just sit around bored. (we're covered by a grant before you wonder where the hell we're getting the money from)

So all in all hopefully this holiday will be a lot better than years previous, we'll have to see.

I think I've upset my Mum somehow, she hardly ever replies to my texts any more, I often have to send her two or three texts to get one single answer and even then sometimes I get no answer at all.

Oh well.

Huggles for now xxxx

Friday, 16 July 2010


I watched paranormal activity with Simon on Wed night and am beginning to wish that I hadn't. I have never been so affected by a film, not that I can recall anyway. I'm scared of being on my own, I'm scared of the dark, I keep hearing things and I can't sleep through at all anymore, I think it's partly due to having caffeine again so I have to get some decaf teabags asap. Which will be next weekend now as this weekend will be spent on rent :/

I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye too which is really disturbing, I really wish I hadn't watched it, I'm so stupid as I know that type of film upsets me :/ I'm hoping it will wear off soon so I can sleep better, obviously I'm awake through the night anyway but nowhere near as much as the last few nights :/

Have you ever watched a film that has freaked you out for days? :/ xxxx

Huggles xxx

Friday, 9 July 2010

Life is what you make of it…

So they say, but sometimes things happen that you cannot help, and you are forced to live life that way instead. If only I wasn’t poorly, all the things we could have done over the years as a family, all the stuff I have missed out on, even playing ball games with the children in the back garden are a no go.

Imiss life sometimes. Mostly I just buckle on and get used to life and understand that this is the way it is going to be, I am far better off than some people on this earth, at least I still have my hearing, my eyesight (most of the time) and the ability to talk, and I have two legs and two arms that don’t quite work right but they are still there and I can still cuddle my children in my arms and know I’m doing it.

The day that will signify the end to me is the day that I start to forget happy memories, the ones that are burnt into my head deeper than any other memory in my head. When I start to forget them I may as well be no longer. Gruesome eh? Unfortunately that’s the way I feel.

Oh effin great, Euan has just come in to my bedroom with the gun that I bought him on Sunday (which arrived Tuesday) in two pieces, he can’t keep anything safe! He says he trod on it. Little sod, he doesn’t have a care for anything on this planet. He needs to learn that things cost money and money DOES NOT GROW ON TREES. OR come from up my arse. lol

Typical child, can’t keep anything for more than five minutes, I don’t think there is ANYTHING that I have given him or even leant to him that has not got broken, OK the DS is in one piece but he chewed the stylus beyond use. He’s always chewing on something, he spent a week chewing all the buttons off his school shirts and couldn’t understand why I was so mad with him. He’s just daft in the head is that lad of mine.

Anyway, no point moaning about it, complaining isn’t going to bring anything back now is it? Nope lol

I feel rather ill today with pain and I am very tired indeed. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day, perhaps not, we’ll have to wait and see.  I have found the least I do the day before and the better night sleep I have, the better the tomorrow.

Well that’s about it for this episode peeps.


Huggles and stuff.



Saturday, 26 June 2010

It’s been a while….

Hello my fellow blog readers, it’s been a while since you heard from me, and when you do hear from me I bore you all to death, how fair is that I ask? lol Since writing last, Bronny has received her mobile phone and hardly uses it, she probably has most of her texts for the month left which will save me money because I thought she would be excited about having her own phone and go over the amount of texts.

We went to Chester Zoo in the half term break, which was OK I guess apart from the fact that Chester Zoo isn’t REALLY wheelchair friendly and nor was it a quiet day, we queued for about half an hour to see the elephants as they were indoors, and by the time we got to what we thought was the front of the queue, people were not moving on, what was actually happening was people were giving up and leaving that’s why the queue was moving, not because they were being polite and giving everyone a chance to see. I obviously saw nothing but the backs of ignorant people’s heads and bodies. I don’t think the kids managed to see much more either, Simon couldn’t even get a photo for me because too many people were hogging the viewing area and not letting anyone in. :( We didn’t even find the big cats, which was a shame because I love the big cats too :( We couldn’t work out where they were on the map compared to where we were so we didn’t know which way to turn or anything, so we missed out on that.  The icecream was delicious, it was Karry Gold icecream, looked like a cornetto but tasted better lol.  I took plenty of photos of the animals that we DID manage to see including a picture of a Rhino’s backside, which I have subsequently made into a postcard for my postcard crossing hobby :) One out of my five postcards has arrived so far, but that was to a UK address.

I’m still waiting on Finland, USA, China, Taiwan and now I have one to send to Australia :) it’s all good fun and I can’t wait to receive my first postcard, it will be special to me indeed. I sound sad, but it’s something that Caroline introduced me to and it sounded really interesting and fun, so I soon got addicted. As our village isn’t exactly “touristy” I have had to make my own postcards online, but that doesn’t matter because they cost cheaper in the long run than spending petrol money to get to the place and then buying the postcards individually. Yes I end up with 50 of the same design but I’m not sending to the same people so that doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

My next design is of a squirrel, I thought of a caption for the picture too, but I don’t know whether or not I will use the caption or just keep the beautiful picture unmarked. I know not to resize it this time though because the bigger image that bonusprint have to work to the better the outcome.

Simon is playing WOW again, he has really gotten into it over the last few days, it keeps him from being bored anyway. :) Bronny and Euan are playing Unreal Tournament 2004 together, or at least they were. That keeps them busy for quite some time, until Bronny gets bored that is.

Bronny goes to camp on Monday, they’re camping out in tents instead of using the dormitories, it brings back memories because I went there with my Year 6 of school, and we camped too! Doesn’t time fly? lol She’s going to be doing canoeing, archery and at least one evening walk in the dark to see how much wildlife they can see. Brilliant! I bet she will thoroughly enjoy it, it should cure her fear of the dark, or make her worse and we’ll have to collect her :S

Hopefully she’ll be ok, too embarrassed in front of her friends to admit that she’s scared and then realise that there is actually nothing to be scared of, that it’s just dark, just not light, nothing else changed apart from the creatures, and none of them can harm her. lol

I am scared of flushing the toilet at night, I always have been, I used to be scared of something coming up out of the toilet I’ve seen so many daft horror movies where monsters and even normal creatures have come out of the toilet, and I’m scared of getting my butt bitten. lol I don’t know why I’m scared of using the flush, but when I was well I used to run back to the bedroom and shut the door before the flush finished, no idea what I thought might happen if I didn’t lol I’m still scared of it now but have had to grow up a bit as I’m unable to run away from it anymore lol

That’s all from me for today, I’ve waffled on inanely again and probably not ended up saying what I planned to say in the first place lol

Huggles to all.


Friday, 28 May 2010

Bloggedy Blog

Simon has finally agreed to letting Bronny have her own mobile phone, it took some nagging and persuading I’m getting her the E63 Nokia on a 24 month contract. I have ordered it I just have to wait for an email to let me know if I’ve passed the credit check or not.

Bronny will be dead chuffed if I get her it, it’ll be for her birthday but as i’ve ordered it early she can have it earlier. She’ll be over the moon, it has a camera too.

Anyway I won’t get too excited for her yet as I’ve had to put “unemployed” on the status because there was no option for a disabled person unless I clicked on retired lol so hopefully they won’t mark me down for not having a job.

She has wanted a mobile phone since she was about 9 years old, the main reason I want her to have one is because I want to know that she is at school safely at Secondary School as she has to walk her own way, and not all of them are desirable.

Hopefully she’ll choose the best route and be in front of houses or businesses all the way there, if she cuts through keys park there are loads of places where there isn’t anything alive in sight for ages, as it’s a new industrial estate they still have to fill it with offices, I bet Pritchard is worth a fortune.

It also means that she will have a mobile phone for camp so she can call me whenever she wants, IF they give her permission to take it that is, but Bronny seemed to think that Mr Dickinson was banning them all from taking mobile phones :S

Never mind, she’ll be with school so it’s not as if she can get lost or anything, as long as she pays attention on walks and stuff.  I’m quite looking forward to her going on camp because I knew how much I enjoyed Shugborough Hall, we went in year 6 of Primary School too :) Kayaking is my favourite of all the things we did, oh archery was fun too, but I just loved Kayaking lol.

She’s going to have a big shock when she goes though, she won’t go upstairs on her own in the house in broad daylight, so how on earth is she going to manage with them all camping out in tents in the dark? heheh

I think Secondary school will be a big shock too, I don’t think she is expecting it to be anywhere as big and as busy as it will be, if she thinks there’s loads of kids at her school, she’ll pass out when she sees how many children are at secondary school lol.

Hopefully she’ll mature a lot in the holiday, and stop whining and crying at every little thing that goes wrong, you’ve only got to say boo to her and she’s in tears bless her. She is quite emotional right now though.

Euan is looking forward to Bronny going on camp because he will have the house to himself, without Bronny fighting with him over different things, I bet that week will be very peaceful indeed.

I’ll miss her though, I used to miss them both like crazy when they went on holiday with their Dad (something I should never have allowed judging by the blisters on Euan’s feet and the sunburn on Bronny’s back)

Anyway, that’s all for now peeps.







Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Boo :)

Hello fellow readers of this here thicko’s blog.

OOH the electrician has just switched the electric off, good job I’m on a laptop and not on a main PC but If I was Simon would have prewarned me to switch it off first I am sure.

The electrician has come to fix the shower switch because it shorted and melted the circuit, I’ve just heard him say it’s a common fault with dodgy wiring. :S

Well, I’ve finally got my laptop :) I can’t say “back” because this is a totally different one, an actual upgrade from the one I drowned lol.  Must remember I’m running on battery power and save this blog before the battery dies, I’m using Windows Live Writer to write it, I thought I would see what it was like to use and if it was any different to writing directly into the blog website, it’s a tidier experience and you can actually see how the blog page will layout instead of showing either html or non-html versions of each page.

I use blogspot because it was the first one I opened when I googled for blogging software, I don’t blog anywhere near as much as I used to though, so my poor readers have probably died of boredom and gone off to lead much more interesting lives than that of mine. lol

Well, I have exhausted ours and Heath Hayes library of Terry Pratchett books now so I have to find a suitable day when I can get Simon to take me to Tamworth library to get some more stocks.

The snakes are fidgetting today, well it’s usually today onwards that they all go to the toilet after eating on Sunday night typical snakes are going to make a stinky mess all over their clean housing, I doubt my banana will make a mess though as he has not eaten for two weeks now, I hope he’s OK and just shedding or something.

Right, I’m bored already so I’m buggering off now peeps.

Huggles to all





Saturday, 8 May 2010

Another blog from a bored old wrinkly frog

Hello readers :)

I thought it was time to torture you all again with my blogging lol

Today has been no different to any other Saturday. Stayed in my pit
until 11:30 then dragged myself out and prepared kids foodfor their
brunch, then I sat on the bed sending various different emails,pm's
and texts. I've run out of stuff to read! It's terrible. I'm having
withdrawal symptoms from Discworld lol I need more books! Will have to
go to library on Monday to stock up. Just hope the weather is a bit
warmer so I can venture out without making myself ill. Simon could go
on my behalf but he won't know which books to get indeed if there are
many there at all.

I'm hoping to be able to read The Hogfather again, this was my first
intro to the discworld about 10 years ago now. I wouldn't mind Reading
going postal before it comes out on Sky so I know what it's all
about. ;)

There's the witches series that I would like to read too, and
Wintersmith I think it's called as the NacMac Feegles are in it (I
think lol)

Not sure what I'll do next when all Pratchett text is exhausted, maybe
I'll try and find another author that I like, Tom Holt is a good one
too don't know how many novels he has, I had Overtime, expecting
someone taller and Whos afraid of Beowulf but haven't read any of them
for about 8-10 years. I used to read avidly before I got myself
addicted to irc and spent most of my days and nights on there lol Im
not disappointed that I got so addicted. I would ne'er have met Simon
otherwise and I cannot possibly imagine life without him.

I am in pain today but it's tolerable just about, didn't want to take
anymore pain relief though, I'm on more than enough as it is :/

I can't stop bloody yawning lol I'm so tired all the time, I just wish
I could wake up just once feeling remotely relaxed and refreshed.
*sigh* at least I haven't had a major heaving fit today which makes
all tghe difference to my well being.

I think I can hear Simon watching Dr Who, I believe that is what is on
at this time on a Saturday anyway, I watched the first one of the new
series without sound as Si was watching on his pc and I was nosing
over his shoulder, I had to correct that from soldier then lol,

I'm so bored I need something else to get my head stuck into and
read :S heheh I wish we had more books but we've not really been the
Reading kind in the past. Simon is reading fifth elephant ATM which
is the one I read last too lol there should be a detailed list of his
books and in the order that they should be read too heheh I'd ne'er
have read Thud! Before the other two then lol silly me.

Simon has come up to spray his lizRds to give them a drink but Rex is
being awkward doing the impression of a bat on steroids lol (don't ask)

I think I have upset one of my very good friends this week as they've
stopped talking to me, I have checked my sent messages more than once
though and not really seen anything that would upset them, even if
they were in the wrong frame of mind :/ oh well, what is done is
done. :/

I think Jane owes me a letter but I shall let her off considering how
busy she is ATM and with her being in such important times at the
moment lol I'll get one eventually and the longer she leaves it the
more shell have to reply to lol lol

Bored moreso now so gonna fluff off and give myself something to do xxx



Carol Venables
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Oooh I forgot

I forgot about blogging, naughty me lol. I've been busy with my head
in the toilet or in a Terry Pratchett novel though. I have one left to
read which is called monstrous regiment, there's a couple of night
watch books that I haven't read so have to get them although I'm
completely out of order in Reading them now , the last three I read
were back to front for instance, I read Thud! Night Watch and the
fifth elephant, completely back to front lol silly me. I'm just
getting into Thud! Again in the hopes that there is going to be a new
Watch book before he is not able to write at all. He is one amazing
man and once I have picked up a book I have to tear myself reluctantly
from the Discworld every time the real world requires me to do
something in it. Oh how I would love to meet some of the characters,
The Nac Mac Feegles sound delightful to know. I'd love to meet death
on the understanding that I'm not actually dead too , he is a
wonderful character and I adored him in Hogfather. Sybil sounds
divine, the sort of person you don't want to stop hugging incase they
suddenly don't exist. Vetinari sounds like a wonderful character to
meet too :) yes they're all stories and it doesn't do one particularly
good to have a hied full of stories when the real world is being
neglected. I have to say though, since I have been Reading these books
i've not had a single bad dream, not even of the Faerie Queen last
night although she managed to instill a little fear inside of me
whilst I was Reading. I felt as connected to the story as Sebastion
did when Reading the never ending story really quite bizarre but
amazing at the same time.

Yes, I have lost my marbles.

If Mr Pratchett read this he'd probably laughing his socks off at how
such a simpleton could be so engrossed and addicted to his books.

On real life now, I'm still being ill i've lost 4 stone in 2-3 months
and the pain and fatigue is still unbearable at times, my stomach
feels like it's struggling to stop time, it gurgles and bubbles like a
cauldron of brew. Occasionally errupting into a half hearted belch or
a full trouser ripping glad I'm on my own right now fart. Thankfully
without the after burn of acid and the stench of sulphur. Lovely? Not

Went to see Mum and Dad yesterday, I'm under oath not to put their
aging booth pics on facebook, hmmm *rubs hands excitedly like a child
eagerly awaiting their pocket money* wonder how much I could make In
blackmail fees? Lol lol I still have to trawl through facebook and
steal photos of innocent relatives and surprise them into realising
how old they can look. Anyway. I have deviated for want of a better
word. It tore at my heart strings to see Mum in so much pain, I wanted
to hold her and heal her and take all the pain away and promise her
that all would indeed be well. She looked so damn fragile and
hopeless. I wanted to cry and hold her tight and never let go.

Strange how I'm feeling these days, I would give the rest of my life
to go back and start again at the tender age of 11 and right all my
wrongs and just see what I could have made of myself had I not stepped
off the beaten track and attempted to shortcut through the dense
forest of life.

Alas I would not be who I am now, I wouldn't have my wonderful
children or Simon, so yes I may as well put my past behind me and
stick to the future ahead, it's not all bleak, I have my family and
they are responsible for keeping me on today's path through life
without the slightest inclination to stray again.

What nonsense a hied full of stories talks eh? I did already admit to
losing my marbles though so that's a start.

There is a beautiful blue sky out there today but it is cold so only
does good to watch it through nice double glazed windows. Simon says
all this week is to be cold, typical come on Spring catch up! You only
have this month left! We had snow in April last year though, I'm
pretty sure of it. Well about 66% anyway lol the other 34% is hiding
in my memory trying to remember.

Strange things are memories, so many people prefer to live in their
past than to help Fate and Time on their way.

What would I be doing now if I wasn't lost in these words? Ah yes. I'd
be asleep. Lol

I think that is enough for now the men in the White coats are on their
way and I don't intend allowing them to catch up ;)

Huggles to all


Carol Venables
Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Titsalina Bumsquirt

Don't know why I gave it that title, I just fancied doing something different, that is a "nice" way of cursing if you have done something wrong instead of saying "shit" or even "fuck", I'm guessing to the extra prude, it would still sound rude lol

Well, bugger me senseless with a barge pole and a bar of soap. (no, I'm not into that, it's just something I say when I'm in shock or something like that lol) Mum phoned yesterday I think it was, and said that they (they being Mum, Dad, Clare & Amy) will be coming to see us on Tuesday next week. I nearly died of shock when she told me. It's because she has to be in Cannock at some point on that day for her pre-op blood test and she or Dad decided it would be good to visit me whilst they're over here, they're going to pizza hut too, so I'll either see them before or after they have eaten, it depends upon what they decide to do. I'm still surprised that they have/are going to made the effort to come and see us whilst they're in the area.

Mum is going in for her operation on her knees on Thursday next week, I'm actually really worried for her, she's having both knees replaced at the same time :O I couldn't believe it when they said they'd do both at once. At least she'll recover in half the time that she would have done if they did one after the other. I don't envy her in the slightest, yes it would be nice to not have knackered and very painful knees, but I don't think I'd want that doing in a hurry. I hope that she comes through the op OK. I have to arrange visiting times when I'm going to go and see her, we'll have to take the children though, so they'll have to be on their very best behaviour.

Simon is at Sainsbury's stocking up on Easter eggs, I've told him to spend £15 on the small ones, then the kids can have 3 each and then there'll be 9 left for the rest of the family, it doesn't matter that they are small, if people are not grateful they can have nothing lol. Kids will be moregrateful of three smaller eggs with different bits inside than one big egg. Though they have been spoilt by Emma who has bought them a big cadburys easter egg each, they'll not think anything of what we have gotten them (or will have gotten them when Simon gets them rofl)

My health? Well, I've dropped down even further, now only on 10mg baclofen, 250mg Lyrica but have had to go back up to 200mg of tramadol for the pain because it has been so unbearable, he did mention that I could still take tramadol. I'm going to write to the psychiatrist and explain that I do not need to see him anymore because I am practically off my tablets (well still a way to go yet, but I'm definitely getting there) and the oxygen is gone, but as for the mobility it's just not possible with the amount of pain it causes.

I haven't been sick for about 4 days now, but then again I've not really eaten anything that would make me sick either so I can't rule it out as being back to normal, I shall have to try a solid meal, perhaps gammon and chips with Simon tonight, that's not too stodgy if I only have a small portion of chips :) Nah, I'll let the kids have the gammon and I'll stick to my yoghurts and soups i think, I don't want to be sick again. *makes mental note to take gammon out of freezer*

lol I'm addicted to We Rule and Zombie Farm, they're two games on the iPhone/iPod that I am playing, Bronny plays them on the iPod whereas I play them on the iPhone heheh, I've just planted a crop of potatoes in We rule which will be ready in 6 hours and a crop of tomatoes in Zombie farm which will be ready in four hours :) I haven't planted any more zombies as I already have 4 growing in the ground, and I have 14 live Zombies so I can only have two of those Zombies that are "born", I had a dead one this morning which is a shame, but it's one out of the 40 odd Zombies I have created, so when you look at it like that, it's not too bad.

Simon seems to be taking forever, I hope he's OK and the eggies are the price that they say they are on the website, otherwise I'll be owing him even more money lol.

Right, time for me to bugger off now, I have a headache coming on from sitting with my neck cricked :S

Huggles to all x

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Getting There

Well then well then....

Since seeing the psychiatrist person in the beginning of February, I have now come off the oxygen and I am working my way towards coming off the medication, you see he said that the majority of my symptoms are caused by my medication, so I have to come off them and see what is left, obviously the pain won't have gone because the pain wasn't caused by medication, the medication was mainly to prevent the pain, which didn't work of course as I am always in pain.

So far I have dropped Baclofen from 50mg a day to 30mg, Tramadol has been dropped from 250mg a day to 150mg and lyrica 500mg - 350mg I'm dropping that one slower.

Since starting to come off the medication I have had a serious bout of sickness, practically every day I have started throwing up everything I have eaten in the evening, it's getting to the point that I've only been eating liquids, so that I don't have to puke up solids as I panic when I'm puking up really bad thick yuck. Sorry for the detail :( Doc says it's nothing to do with coming off the meds as I am not on any sickness meds, but I don't fully agree because I was fine before I started off dropping the medication down.

it's really strange to explain, before all this, if I missed a dose of meds or was late in having them I would yawn constantly none stop, right? Well, now I'm dropping the meds I'm yawning none stop especially after lunch, the problem is that my yawning is making me pull my vomit muscle, the one that propels the food up through the sphincter into my oesophagus, either that or the muscle is spasming now I'm on lower baclofen, either way I then can't stop being sick, I end up throwing up everything I have eaten that day. This is happening every day. I must be digesting SOME before I'm sick because I'd be seriously ill after three weeks of throwing up now surely? You'd think?

Anyway, enough talk of being sick :( I finally got Jane's letter finished the other day and she text me tonight to say she had received it :) that's a good thing because I've been writing it since January lol a three month letter, not bad eh? lol I'm sooooo lazy when it comes to writing letters, well I end up having to give up because of the pain in my wrist and hand (and fingers) so it takes me forever to handwrite a big letter because of all the breaks I have to have, shouldn't be months though lol a week at most heheh.

I feel a bit chilly at the moment, I'm going to have to put my jumper on, which is mainly used for going downstairs because it's always bloody freezing down there thanks to two leaky outside doors letting all the heat out and cold in. bleugh.

So.. anything else to report? Oh I saw Julie after about 6 years the other week, they came round on a Sat and the children enjoyed their company, Euan behaved and didn't show off, infact he ended up going up on his PC because he was bored, ignorant bugger lol. Becky is 14 now, I can't believe it, she seemed only a wee dot when I saw her last, and James too, he's grown up, and I cannot believe that Daniel is 18 this year (was 18) I can remember him as a wee baby, all small and defenceless lol and now he's a young adult! Bloody hell time flies, that must mean that I have known Julie for 18 years then! Blinking flip now that's a long time to have known her for! lol. I can remember when I used to stay at her house in Swadlincote on the sofa being attacked by the bloody cat all night... them were the days, we saw each other less and less as I got involved with the ex, because he didn't like me going out and visiting my friends, he was a barsteward in that account.

Right I'm going to bugger off now because I have a virtual dog to play with (don't laugh at me, I'm not allowed a real doggy ever!)



Saturday, 23 January 2010

still alive

Hiya all, thought I'd come along and blog to let you know I'm still alive, I bet none of my followers read it any more though so I'm probably wasting my time writing here anyway lol though, at least it is somewhere for me to let my hair down and have a grump about things, or to say how happy I am etc, would have been easier to say let my feelings out whatever they may be.

Right now I'm confused, right my Sister asks me what my children want for Christmas? So I give her a detailed list of what they might like and even give her the website for Euan's stuff... now for some reason this has upset her to the fact that she didn't bother sending them anything at all and now she's not speaking to me again *rolls eyes* I can't win, it's not as if I said, right get him this that and the other and that's what he wants, I just reeled off a list of things that he would want for his combat vest that we have bought him, this obviously has caused a problem *rolls eyes again* I wonder what I did wrong, I have no idea at all.

I have just been on the phone with her, initially she was very short with me, because she felt I had been bloody cheeky asking if she had sent anything, but after a while she let her guard down and we started talking a bit better, Amy is doing really well in her Exams, revising properly with a revision timetable and everything and she even took her revision on holiday, skiing to do some, she missed a day and made up for it, Joe does little as poss apparently,, just scraping by, but he wants to move to Australia and do animal rehabilitation, cool, at least he has high aspirations and doesn't want to just be a surf dude, although I bet he'll spend a lot of time doing that if he manages to get out there, Amy is 16 this year and Joe is 13 :O I can't believe they have grown up so much, but I guess with Bronny starting secondary school now it's about right for them to have progressed so far through their school life.

It was an 18 minute conversation about different subjects, we really nattered, well she did and I listened, she didn't ask how we all were, so I just presumed that she was not interested, besides it was my phone call to her, maybe if she calls me one day she might ask about them. I have to write their birthdays down in my phone so that I get it right, I'll ask Clare for Amy and Joe's Mobile numbers so that I can store those in my phone too. I'll text her in a bit. It's daft, I've not talked to her for absolute years, no wonder she never talks to me, I think I stopped with the calling so she never bothered to call back.

Right, it's time I went and gobbled some banoffee pie now, it's only a small one so I have to be sparing with it lol


