Euan had another flid this morning, whatever I did he was not happy with, he just wanted this that and the other but he didn't want to play ball he just wanted me to run round after him trying to calm him down I think, problem is the more I do that the more attention he gets and the more attention he gets the more he's going to realise that being naughty gets him attention, which is why I am supposed to ignore the bad and praise the good, but it just doesn't work in this house, whatever we try doesn't work. If we tell him off he has more of a flid at me when Simon is not watching, whereas if we don't tell him off he just gets more and more worked up until he has such a raging fit that he ends up going to school late because he refuses to walk to school, Simon gets cross with him and just takes Bronny, then when he comes back he goes straight upstairs and I have to persuade and beg him to take Euan, this happens every single time there's a big flid.
Euan's temper and anger is not HIM though, it's an alien that is attacking him and it needs to either be calmed down or removed from him, I'm guessing that calming down will be CAMS approach towards sorting him out. Whether that be with sessions which will just piss him off in the long run and I'll have him getting even more pissed with me, or medication which I honestly think would be the best option, although I do not want Euan to be sedated it would be such a relief to have a day where he doesn't get worked up because Bronny has "looked at him" or because he can't have a donut when I've said no.
BRB need toilet.
Sorry about that, nature calls and all that, cleaned toilet whilst I was at it, well if I didn't do it no-one else would it would look like a public toilet and probably smell like one too.
I'm trying to remember how old I was when Mum started having me doing jobs like cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen sides down etc etc, I'm thinking of perhaps getting Bronny to do the simple jobs where she doesn't have to use the chemicals to clean, like wiping over the sink at the end of every day, cleaning the bath with just elbow grease and water lol, things like that, to make it easier on me because I have to clean the bathroom, it's one room that Simon won't do, he'll put chemicals down the toilet if I ask him to, but he won't clean the bath or the sink, he seems to be oblivious to the fact that because the bath is so low down it is one of the jobs that I DO do that cause me so much pain and suffering :( *stops complaining*
This is the remote control that we have bought for Simon's Mum lol HOW big is it? We put it next to a standard Sky remote so you could see the size difference. It's a piss take because they've just bought their very first TV since their last one blew up when Simon was a kid, we are going to say, we thought you would need a large remote so you can see what you are doing with the buttons.
I'm thinking of getting one for Gramps, I think it might be useful for him so he doesn't have to put his glasses on just to look at the buttons of the remote control, and so that the buttons are easier to find, would take him a while to learn how to use it though I think, which might cause a problem. He would probably get pissed off with it and either put it in the bin or put it away and just get it out when he knows we're going to see him lol
Right, I best bugger off and do my dailies now.
Euan's temper and anger is not HIM though, it's an alien that is attacking him and it needs to either be calmed down or removed from him, I'm guessing that calming down will be CAMS approach towards sorting him out. Whether that be with sessions which will just piss him off in the long run and I'll have him getting even more pissed with me, or medication which I honestly think would be the best option, although I do not want Euan to be sedated it would be such a relief to have a day where he doesn't get worked up because Bronny has "looked at him" or because he can't have a donut when I've said no.
BRB need toilet.
Sorry about that, nature calls and all that, cleaned toilet whilst I was at it, well if I didn't do it no-one else would it would look like a public toilet and probably smell like one too.
I'm trying to remember how old I was when Mum started having me doing jobs like cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen sides down etc etc, I'm thinking of perhaps getting Bronny to do the simple jobs where she doesn't have to use the chemicals to clean, like wiping over the sink at the end of every day, cleaning the bath with just elbow grease and water lol, things like that, to make it easier on me because I have to clean the bathroom, it's one room that Simon won't do, he'll put chemicals down the toilet if I ask him to, but he won't clean the bath or the sink, he seems to be oblivious to the fact that because the bath is so low down it is one of the jobs that I DO do that cause me so much pain and suffering :( *stops complaining*
This is the remote control that we have bought for Simon's Mum lol HOW big is it? We put it next to a standard Sky remote so you could see the size difference. It's a piss take because they've just bought their very first TV since their last one blew up when Simon was a kid, we are going to say, we thought you would need a large remote so you can see what you are doing with the buttons.
Right, I best bugger off and do my dailies now.
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