I blogged! lol sorry people but I can't help it, I just enjoy being boring and typing about my boring existence on this wonderful planet.
One of the questions I asked my forum friendies was whether they think that time is flying too fast or whether it's actually people with such busy lives that makes the time go so fast that they run out of hours in the day to do things... but then what about me? Time flies scarily for me to yet I do nothing during my days, I spend most of my days in bed, yes it does bother me, I don't do it by choice, I would rather have a life where we're active and going out doing things, but unfortunately that's not the way it is on this big ole dish that they call Earth, it's not even a dish, why did I say that? I meant ball, honestly I did. Why don't I just go and correct it and you'll all never know I made a stupid mistake with words? It's more fun to just leave it there, it'll get a snigger out of the best of you at least, I mean, let's laugh at the dunce who doesn't even know how to depict a round thing, yes a dish is round but it's not round round round is it, like 3d round, it's just well... round.
That brings me along to another thought, who invented shapes and why did they not just call them something easy, like circle is easy but triangle would be threeangle, square and rectangle and any other shape with four angles would be fourangle, pentagon, fiveangle, hexagon sixangle and so on and so forth (yes I DO know the rest, like septagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon) hehehe, I bet they're not even called that I just funked them outta my ed.
Anyway, back to time, I propose that there is a little bald man in a white overcoat somewhere in a lab with his magnificent time machine, but in his calculations he doesn't realise that every time he travels in time, he steals time from his original universe being us, which is why time flies, it doesn't fly, it is being stolen by some bumf in a lab somewhere, it is, honestly, you don't believe me? Then you explain why time seems to be flying, go on... I dare ya.
*waits for comments from very clever people who actually have a scientific reasoning for it*
Well, I have managed to waffle so far, which is good because it takes my mind off worrying about tomorrow, you see I have a very important hospital appointment tomorrow, it's the be all and end all. I'm either going to be told I have, or haven't got angina, which to me is quite important, I hope it is the controlled type too, otherwise I am in trouble... I really hope that all the pains and symptoms are just symptomatic of whatever else I am struggling along day to day with, but it would actually explain a lot of things, like for instance why I've struggled to breathe for the last two and a half years and why I can't take a full breath in or a deep breath out without it hurting my chest a lot. I am trying so hard to take it lightly, I didn't tell anyone about the appointment when I was first referred I just told Simon that they were "just blood tests" I didn't tell him that I am being referred to the Rapid Access Angina Clinic, he told me off for that, and because I kept that from him, he wants, in fact insists that he's coming in with me tomorrow, even though we have to drag the kids in with, I would like to go in with Simon, but I think the kids are just going to be naughty and distract me when I am trying to listen to what is being said.
I know for a fact that they'll not be able to test me on a treadmill, simply because I cannot walk far enough to be able to do the readings I am sure that my 5-10 metres of walking steps is not going to be enough for them to get an accurate reading from it. *sigh* I don't know how they're going to find out whether I have got it or not.
On to brighter things, my children are being quite good this holiday, they are taking it in turns on the pc because Bronny is banned from my laptop, after she installed various things onto it and broke firefox and basically the laptop, though saying that I have also been on "our world" on here since we re=installed everything and since then I've had issues with the lappy being slow at times, so it MUST install something in the background, it's the only explanation.
I am in the middle of installing printer software so that I can print Emma's cv's off for her and as soon as I'm done I can text her and let her know that they are ready for collection, I think she is going to be applying for more jobs bless her, she's not happy in her present role, and what makes it worse is that her boss is also her friend. I don't think anyone should ever have an out of work relationship with their work colleagues because it always causes problems somewhere down the line, even if it is just friends, if they work in a completely different part of an office, not in the same room and their paths don't cross then I think that it is OK but other than that I think that they shouldn't be having relationships, even friendships. nada nada.
Jebus this software is taking a fair time to install, I only want to use the printer for heaven's sake! heheh hopefully it will install soon so I can get Emma's CVs printed and out the way.
Microsoft Security Essentials is pissing about AGAIN, every day it tells me that there is a trojan downloader in each of the backup files from the forum, we have had our server hosts checking that there is no trojan downloader in ANY of our files or our database and they have said there isn't, but MSE claims there is which makes it a false positive I think Simon called it, but the only trouble is when I opt to allow it so that it doesn't scream at me every day, it takes an absolute age to get about 7mm across the bar and then it freezes, the software still claims to be doing it's job but it just hangs there at the same place every time! I guess the only way to get around it would be to put the offending files on the D drive as I don't think MSE checks the D drive, that way I won't have it shouting at me every day. (is still waiting for printer software to install)
I need to spend more time on the forum :S I think because there are no new posts when people come on to the forum, they can't be arsed to try and start a conversation, so they come, read the few things that are available, like dailies perhaps and then bugger off and go on to better more interesting things. I think if I start making the effort again then other people will probably join in too, for instance why should they bother when I don't? I just break my heart every time I go on the forum remembering what we HAD and what we have now, all those information posts, gone forever, we were one of the best for oodles of information, four years of information actually! All gone :( poof... just like that. I hope that people don't blame me for breaking it because I worked my very hardest to manually update those files and I believe I did every single one that required replacing, only to find that a manual update wouldn't work which means we'd have been running the forum software out of date which would have caused us to be liable to be hacked again and therefore the server host would probably have just deleted our forum to save all the hassle as they worked hard last time to fix it for us, when we found out that it was a backdated copy of joomla that was causing the problem.
Anyway, what it boils down to is the fact that the old forum is gone, the new forum is here and we have to make it as good as the old forum, the only trouble is, the likes of bindi, she won't/can't reproduce all her hard work with all the informative posts that she created, and there are other members that have done large information posts and then it all went boom. I have gotta stop mulling over the past and allow the future to flourish, I just don't know how to make it flourish though lol.
Finally managed to print Emma's cv's for her, I also updated and printed my symptoms and medication ready for tomorrow's appointment. Still nervous about that even though I've taken my mind off it by waffling successfully for ages. I think when I waffle on loads and it's ages long people get bored of reading my blog and stop reading it and go and watch paint dry for instance rofl
Anyway, I've waffled on far enough today so I'm going to love you and leave you all.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Monday, 27 July 2009
Bloggedy blog blog
Blogs, everyone has them these days, I'm surprised Bronny hasn't asked for one, she's got her facebook account in the end, the only reason I agreed was because she only wants to play the games on it anyway, she's not using it to chat anyone up, although she does use the chat option on it, but she only has school friends and my family added, and Simon's brothers are due to be added I believe.
Tehya has started to shed :) I don't know when her last one was or whether it was a successful shed as I forgot to ask if she was shedding OK. :S I don't know whether she is naturally thin or whether she's not been a good eater because Kings are supposed to be nice and chunky and she's really thin like a worm but quite long to boot. No-one has said that her weight is an issue though so I am presuming that all is well.
I am getting butt cramps again rofl ouchies ouch. Simon is watching 5th Gear on his pc (via his card thingy that lets him plug an aerial into his pc and get tv (he has an aerial direct from the sky box that Dad wired in for him upstairs. :) Ouch my bottom really hurts.
Euan went to bed at 7:30pm tonight because Simon was fed up of him being awake just before we go to bed, hopefully it has worked and he's not going to come out of his bedroom until the morning, I can still here him though so he's not going to sleep still, it's just that he's not coming out of his bedroom. *rolls eyes* so he'll still be awake at nearly 10pm, just staying in his room, can't see how that makes an improvement to be honest, apart from the fact I haven't had to shout at him to get in bed tonight.
Bronny is on the pc until 9pm, slight bugger up with regard to the time considering she is supposed to be in bed at 8pm, she wants an extension to half eight on her birthday but I don't know whether to let her have it or not, otherwise soon she'll be going to bed later than me when I'm tired lol bless her, she can always try.
Her birthday is coming up and we are working on giving her her own pc so that she can have her own instead of sharing the main one with Euan, only problem is I'll never see her anymore with her being in her bedroom on her pc instead of in here lol DAMNIT, I think she just read my blog, I'm not sure though, I hope she didn't. Anyway that's what we're doing (she's in bed now) and I've ordered a network cable that is long enough to go from router to pc in her bedroom, a pair of speakers and a mouse, I ordered the dell mouse because at the time we thought we were getting her a refurbished Dell PC so we wanted it all to match but now we have decided that we are going to upgrade the pc that Simon's Dad gave him, but we'll do it bit by bit as and when we can afford it, her pc will then end up a better spec than laptop or pc in the bedroom heheh.
I have a headache again which means I'm going to be lying down pretty soon, it could be to do with sitting at an angle using the lappy on my lap of course and having my neck cricked, it could also be to do with the fact that I am supposed to wear my glasses nearly all the time regardless of what I am doing. I will find them out in a minute lol naughty me *blushes*
Am I a good friend or a bad friend? I don't know how my friends would rate me, it just made me think with all these quizzes on facebook, none of the questions usually relates to me and my friends but I tick all the boxes at are most relevant and end up being told I am a good solid reliablle friend, but I wonder if I am for real? It'd be nice to know what people think of me that are my good friends, but I'm not going to ask them because that'd just be really vain and self centered of me and I try not to mix with those traits.
I wonder who still reads my blogs, I wonder if I have extra eyes since I've made it public and listed, or whether it's too boring for the likes of a normal person, I mean all I do is rattle on about all or nothing, nothing or something, not a lot of it really makes sense and I flit from thought to thought which often finds me flicking back to something I previously said so that I can add to it or edit it, strange heheheh
Some people can be so selfish, I'm not naming names nor am I naming places or people but when people put an effort in to do something, one would feel obliged to join in and take part too? Surely that's the way it goes, whether you want to or not, you should make an effort. My family are strange like that sometimes.
I've felt rather pissy all day today, like with the forum this morning, I posted a post about so many people who just can't be arsed to be there or join in anymore and such, but then I deleted it because I felt guilty and didn't want to lose even more people.
I have lost another friend :( She says she's not blocked me, but if she hasn't how come she is NEVER ever on anymore, surely I'd see her name pop up now and again, even for short bursts, but it doesn't, so she is telling fibs, unless she accidentally blocked me and never noticed.
Anyway, I'm knackered and struggling to breathe so I am going to rest now, not that typing takes much energy, or maybe it does, lately just sitting up drains my batteries of that much needed energy, even though I am propped up by cushions, it still knackers me out :S Oh well, such is life.
Night night friendies..
Tehya has started to shed :) I don't know when her last one was or whether it was a successful shed as I forgot to ask if she was shedding OK. :S I don't know whether she is naturally thin or whether she's not been a good eater because Kings are supposed to be nice and chunky and she's really thin like a worm but quite long to boot. No-one has said that her weight is an issue though so I am presuming that all is well.
I am getting butt cramps again rofl ouchies ouch. Simon is watching 5th Gear on his pc (via his card thingy that lets him plug an aerial into his pc and get tv (he has an aerial direct from the sky box that Dad wired in for him upstairs. :) Ouch my bottom really hurts.
Euan went to bed at 7:30pm tonight because Simon was fed up of him being awake just before we go to bed, hopefully it has worked and he's not going to come out of his bedroom until the morning, I can still here him though so he's not going to sleep still, it's just that he's not coming out of his bedroom. *rolls eyes* so he'll still be awake at nearly 10pm, just staying in his room, can't see how that makes an improvement to be honest, apart from the fact I haven't had to shout at him to get in bed tonight.
Bronny is on the pc until 9pm, slight bugger up with regard to the time considering she is supposed to be in bed at 8pm, she wants an extension to half eight on her birthday but I don't know whether to let her have it or not, otherwise soon she'll be going to bed later than me when I'm tired lol bless her, she can always try.
Her birthday is coming up and we are working on giving her her own pc so that she can have her own instead of sharing the main one with Euan, only problem is I'll never see her anymore with her being in her bedroom on her pc instead of in here lol DAMNIT, I think she just read my blog, I'm not sure though, I hope she didn't. Anyway that's what we're doing (she's in bed now) and I've ordered a network cable that is long enough to go from router to pc in her bedroom, a pair of speakers and a mouse, I ordered the dell mouse because at the time we thought we were getting her a refurbished Dell PC so we wanted it all to match but now we have decided that we are going to upgrade the pc that Simon's Dad gave him, but we'll do it bit by bit as and when we can afford it, her pc will then end up a better spec than laptop or pc in the bedroom heheh.
I have a headache again which means I'm going to be lying down pretty soon, it could be to do with sitting at an angle using the lappy on my lap of course and having my neck cricked, it could also be to do with the fact that I am supposed to wear my glasses nearly all the time regardless of what I am doing. I will find them out in a minute lol naughty me *blushes*
Am I a good friend or a bad friend? I don't know how my friends would rate me, it just made me think with all these quizzes on facebook, none of the questions usually relates to me and my friends but I tick all the boxes at are most relevant and end up being told I am a good solid reliablle friend, but I wonder if I am for real? It'd be nice to know what people think of me that are my good friends, but I'm not going to ask them because that'd just be really vain and self centered of me and I try not to mix with those traits.
I wonder who still reads my blogs, I wonder if I have extra eyes since I've made it public and listed, or whether it's too boring for the likes of a normal person, I mean all I do is rattle on about all or nothing, nothing or something, not a lot of it really makes sense and I flit from thought to thought which often finds me flicking back to something I previously said so that I can add to it or edit it, strange heheheh
Some people can be so selfish, I'm not naming names nor am I naming places or people but when people put an effort in to do something, one would feel obliged to join in and take part too? Surely that's the way it goes, whether you want to or not, you should make an effort. My family are strange like that sometimes.
I've felt rather pissy all day today, like with the forum this morning, I posted a post about so many people who just can't be arsed to be there or join in anymore and such, but then I deleted it because I felt guilty and didn't want to lose even more people.
I have lost another friend :( She says she's not blocked me, but if she hasn't how come she is NEVER ever on anymore, surely I'd see her name pop up now and again, even for short bursts, but it doesn't, so she is telling fibs, unless she accidentally blocked me and never noticed.
Anyway, I'm knackered and struggling to breathe so I am going to rest now, not that typing takes much energy, or maybe it does, lately just sitting up drains my batteries of that much needed energy, even though I am propped up by cushions, it still knackers me out :S Oh well, such is life.
Night night friendies..
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Meet Tehya :) Tehya is Native American Indian for Precious, she definitely suits her name :) she is beautiful and so so precious to me.

She didn't take her mouse last night/today but they don't USUALLY when they've been messed about, they USUALLY eat the week after when it is offered to them. Simon's python took 3 weeks to settle down enough to eat and he still doesn't come out even now. Simon had to wriggle the rat in front of the python and bloody heck was he quick in strike feeding, he missed it first time though but got a good hold of it the second time :)
Hopefully she will settle down enough to eat her mouse next week :) she should be settled in a week and not bothering too much about us but she could also be a bit feisty with being a baby snakey, so I'm not taking any chances, when we need to do things we put the box in the bath and we do it like that instead of taking any risks in the bedroom JUST INCASE she tries to escape. Obviously with plug in and overflow taped up.
I am really looking forward to her settling down a bit more so that I can touch her and handle her, apparently the more they are handled as youngsters the better they will be at handling when they are older because they will be used to the idea and not get pissy (literally) and musk everything too heheh.
I am so tired today, I think I'm going to end up in bed earlier than normal eeek which will piss the kids off no doubt, well it will piss Euan off, Bronny won't care because she'll be on the PC, I just have to make sure she doesn't get extra time with me being asleep, that really pissed Simon off last time :( I didn't MEAN to let her have longer I was just asleep so couldn't really say "time's up" but apparently I should have set my alarm to wake up and tell her that time was up *rolls eyes*
Anyway, time to prepare luncheon now so bye bye a bit!
She didn't take her mouse last night/today but they don't USUALLY when they've been messed about, they USUALLY eat the week after when it is offered to them. Simon's python took 3 weeks to settle down enough to eat and he still doesn't come out even now. Simon had to wriggle the rat in front of the python and bloody heck was he quick in strike feeding, he missed it first time though but got a good hold of it the second time :)
Hopefully she will settle down enough to eat her mouse next week :) she should be settled in a week and not bothering too much about us but she could also be a bit feisty with being a baby snakey, so I'm not taking any chances, when we need to do things we put the box in the bath and we do it like that instead of taking any risks in the bedroom JUST INCASE she tries to escape. Obviously with plug in and overflow taped up.
I am really looking forward to her settling down a bit more so that I can touch her and handle her, apparently the more they are handled as youngsters the better they will be at handling when they are older because they will be used to the idea and not get pissy (literally) and musk everything too heheh.
I am so tired today, I think I'm going to end up in bed earlier than normal eeek which will piss the kids off no doubt, well it will piss Euan off, Bronny won't care because she'll be on the PC, I just have to make sure she doesn't get extra time with me being asleep, that really pissed Simon off last time :( I didn't MEAN to let her have longer I was just asleep so couldn't really say "time's up" but apparently I should have set my alarm to wake up and tell her that time was up *rolls eyes*
Anyway, time to prepare luncheon now so bye bye a bit!
Monday, 20 July 2009
Can't believe I haven't excitedly blogged about this before lol. Well... the apricot pueblan that I WAS having? That was a complete and utter let down. Right up until Saturday everything was fine, she changed the morning to the afternoon on Thursday night but that was all, she didn't mention anything about cancelling on me or anything. Anyway, right from day one I knew something didn't sit right, I kept saying to Simon that she would put me off and off and off and I'd never receive the snake but I'd be £10 worse off? Well, on Saturday morning at 10am, she text me to tell me that she was really sorry but she had forgotten to bring the snake with her from Nottingham to Stoke (where she was going to deliver from) so would I mind waiting until the WEEK after, not tomorrow, not 3 days time, the following Saturday. I was gutted, REALLY gutted, I had been so god damn excited. After a while of me complaining and saying that she would fob me off next week too, Simon agreed that we would cancel her and go looking for another snake.. I phoned Britannia to no avail, they couldn't get any in it wasn't on their stocklist, then Simon suggested I call Chase Pets and Reps (or Reps and Pets, can't remember which way round it is now) so I did, she said that they hadn't got any milksnakes in stock but there was an Arizona Mountain KingSnake in.. because they are only down the road, Simon agreed to drive me there to have a look. I fell in love immediately but only got him to knock £4.95 off the price which was a pisser as it was £74.95 to start with.. but she is worth every penny in my opinion. I haven't thought of a name yet because nothing has fit right, I want a really different name that isn't a popular name for a snake, like people would call a python monty for instance...
Right I've looked on a Native American Indian Names site and I've got the following:
Chu'mana = Snake Maiden (Hopi tribe)
Meoquanee = wears red (Chippewa)
Tehya = Precious (all tribes)
Wyanet = Beautiful (all tribes)
I think I'm going to go for Tehya :) it's the nicest name out of those four in my opinion, at least the easiest to pronounce lol and she is precious to me so yep that's what it is going to be :) Tehya :) heheh I quite like it :)
Going off the subject of snakes now because I don't want to bore all those that are not interested to death.
Had to phone my bank today because they are charging me £21.something for being overdrawn in my new account, and the annoying thing is that I was offered an overdraft on the account and I thought I had one which is why I borrowed £3.92 from the £10 I had in there for the deposit to clear the overdraft that I noticed in the first step account, I forgot when I had spent my money that a £5 goes out on a Wednesday lol silly me *rolls eyes* anyway, they have waivered the charges (because there was another one coming out next month for me being overdrawn over two banking periods) I don't get the overdraft after all though, I have to wait until I have had money in there for a while first before the overdraft will be authorised which means I will have to wait until there is a regular income and expenditures before they let me have an overdraft *rolls eyes again*.
Simon is faffing around complaining about UV bulbs or something, he's just been out and bought a UV meter which means he can test to see how much UV Rex is getting because in Yemen the UV is 12+ and this bulb that is sitting on top of the flexarium is reading at 0.5!!! Which means he is getting nowhere near enough UV which is what he needs to create D3, and without enough D3 he will get bone disease and become quite seriously affected by it. So that's why he's looking at buying a new bulb, but like on loads of other stupid websites, you have to register first to find out how much postage will be on an item. He doesn't have enough money this time around but he will have some money next weekend.
I have spent that much of the rent this time round that I don't think I am going to have money to buy Bronny any decent birthday presents to open on her birthday :( I know I'll definitely not be able to afford to buy her the computer I'll just have to see if Simon will agree to spend OUR not his OUR money on a PC for her to ensure that she gets one. I'm sick of using all my money on stuff and he sits there just buying stuff for him *shuts up* *best not start that one*
Someone is mowing their lawn at the moment but it sounds like they are mostly mowing down weeds on the lawn lol, pretty much like ours was when it needed doing lol, our back lawn could do with a haircut but I won't mention it he'll think I'm nagging at him.
Was hoping to catch a glimpse of Tehya this morning but she must have come out at dawn if at all. I hope she's out more once she gets used to me, I don't know if Kings are as shy as milks but if they are it means I will hardly ever see her :( Oh well, we'll have to wait and see.
Anyway I'm hungee so I'm going to get a bite to eat.
Right I've looked on a Native American Indian Names site and I've got the following:
Chu'mana = Snake Maiden (Hopi tribe)
Meoquanee = wears red (Chippewa)
Tehya = Precious (all tribes)
Wyanet = Beautiful (all tribes)
I think I'm going to go for Tehya :) it's the nicest name out of those four in my opinion, at least the easiest to pronounce lol and she is precious to me so yep that's what it is going to be :) Tehya :) heheh I quite like it :)
Going off the subject of snakes now because I don't want to bore all those that are not interested to death.
Had to phone my bank today because they are charging me £21.something for being overdrawn in my new account, and the annoying thing is that I was offered an overdraft on the account and I thought I had one which is why I borrowed £3.92 from the £10 I had in there for the deposit to clear the overdraft that I noticed in the first step account, I forgot when I had spent my money that a £5 goes out on a Wednesday lol silly me *rolls eyes* anyway, they have waivered the charges (because there was another one coming out next month for me being overdrawn over two banking periods) I don't get the overdraft after all though, I have to wait until I have had money in there for a while first before the overdraft will be authorised which means I will have to wait until there is a regular income and expenditures before they let me have an overdraft *rolls eyes again*.
Simon is faffing around complaining about UV bulbs or something, he's just been out and bought a UV meter which means he can test to see how much UV Rex is getting because in Yemen the UV is 12+ and this bulb that is sitting on top of the flexarium is reading at 0.5!!! Which means he is getting nowhere near enough UV which is what he needs to create D3, and without enough D3 he will get bone disease and become quite seriously affected by it. So that's why he's looking at buying a new bulb, but like on loads of other stupid websites, you have to register first to find out how much postage will be on an item. He doesn't have enough money this time around but he will have some money next weekend.
I have spent that much of the rent this time round that I don't think I am going to have money to buy Bronny any decent birthday presents to open on her birthday :( I know I'll definitely not be able to afford to buy her the computer I'll just have to see if Simon will agree to spend OUR not his OUR money on a PC for her to ensure that she gets one. I'm sick of using all my money on stuff and he sits there just buying stuff for him *shuts up* *best not start that one*
Someone is mowing their lawn at the moment but it sounds like they are mostly mowing down weeds on the lawn lol, pretty much like ours was when it needed doing lol, our back lawn could do with a haircut but I won't mention it he'll think I'm nagging at him.
Was hoping to catch a glimpse of Tehya this morning but she must have come out at dawn if at all. I hope she's out more once she gets used to me, I don't know if Kings are as shy as milks but if they are it means I will hardly ever see her :( Oh well, we'll have to wait and see.
Anyway I'm hungee so I'm going to get a bite to eat.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
waffling again.
Well, I've ordered part of Bronny's birthday present which was shipped yesterday, 500 pack of bendaroos... they're a new product that has come on the market they are strong string coated in wax and you can shape them, stick them together and make all sorts of things with them, 2D pictures and 3D shapes with them, they look really good, (video: Bendaroos Advert ) I just hope I have not been ripped off because 24 hours after I clicked on buy it now and click to pay, I get an email from ebay AND paypal telling me that the item had been removed due to an issue with ebay's terms and conditions or policies or something and to respect the customer's privacy they could not tell me what it was that they got pulled for.
I have to get her makeup kit yet but I still have time as her birthday is 3 weeks away yet. I want to get her the makeup kit she saw in Tesco catalogue, or I might get her something similar from Argos and then she will be happy :)
Then the main big present would be her computer that we are buying her, we have found a refurbished Dell that we are going to get her, hopefully that will be up to her standards, we just need to get a mouse for her as we have a spare keyboard, and then it'll be sorted (we have a spare monitor too, it doesn't come with a monitor as standard) I am really looking forward to seeing her opening that because she doesn't think she's getting one, she wanted to have one but I told her that we couldn't sort out a pc that we could afford, but this deal is too good to miss, especially for picking it up for only £80 odd quids.
I might find the link that Simon has got and then put the link on the forum and recommend them, perhaps I shall recommend them as soon as I know we are getting the pc mentioned.
Wellll only 3 more sleeps to go until I gets my lil reptile :) I am so excited, you'd not believe how excited I am at the moment, I don't think I am going to be able to sleep. lol I have now put the carefresh in for bedding, I have the light on and am checking the temperature that the basking area goes to and it seems to be between 28.4 and 29.5 so I am hoping it stays on the low side of that, the temperature that was suggested by a friend of mine who keeps them was 28.5 but the book says between 28 and 31 so I guess I'm ok with my temperature, there is no way I could get the cool end as low as they want in the middle of Summer though, without any heating mat etc it regularly reads 24.5... hopefully that is reasonable for the lil critter.
We are receiving the little critter at 10am on Saturday and then we are to take Euan to a party at 12pm until 2pm, I will probably just get Simon to take him for me because there's no point us all getting up and out into the car just to pop down the road and back and then do it again 2 hours later heheh.
Busy few days then, we have to go out tomorrow to pay a check into my bank and to get the rest of Euan's birthday presents, and then we have to come home and order Bron's pc on the internet off ebay. Friday we have an appointment for me at 14:45 at Sandy lane Rugeley to have relaxation therapy with Sarah Matthews as part of the pain management programme. So Si will have to drop me off early and then rush home again and collect Bron and Euan from school and then race back to collect me from the appointment, we'll probably have a BK after that as a treat, haven't decided yet, depends how much money I will have already spent.
Got to do a shop tomorrow morning before I spend any money on anything else though, that and getting the PC will put a decision on what else I have to spend. I have to get a lot from shopping but I am going to really try to cut down on the bill so that it is not too much so I still have money left to get some decent birthday presents for Euan, he deserves something decent after all.
Simon is watching some weird film at the moment, it's called Ruins or something like that, he downloaded it onto his PC from Sky player heheh. It's keeping him quiet and busy anyway so I am not complaining lol lol
Well I have received £54 from sending my two mobiles off to fonebank to have them recycled, I thought I'd get more for the K850i but at least I actually got some from them. I would have liked to keep the K850i to see if my vodafone simcard would work in it, it probably wouldn't but it was worth a try, I need a new camera as good as the K850i camera now but I can't find one cheap enough, when the kids' birthdays are out of the way I will have a look at buying myself a decent point and shoot camera that at least has a macro option, I don't know though, they are all expensive these days, depending on what you want, I just want to be able to take photos as good as I used to with the K850i because I miss the camera on that phone, it was the only bonus about it lol.
It would take me ages to find a camera on ebay, one that isn't listed as spares or repair, I'd have to get Simon to help me find one heheh he's always good like that he seems to be able to search for the right thing too bless him, he's a one in a million is that man of mine. Ooh, it's my bedtime lol I usually aim to go to bed by 10pm, even though with nattering to Simon and so on we don't actually manage to get to sleep until nearer to midnight some nights, it depends how much we have to talk about, it's daft we hardly see each other all day because he's downstairs and I'm usually upstairs, and then at bedtime we make up for it and natter til the cows come home lol, that's on the average day when we do nothing, there are days when we go out instead of sitting around at home, but we don't normally talk about things other than that precise moment what we are doing or stuff relating to it.
Oscar gets a routine three fusses out of me a day these days, he's really crafty. When the children have gone to school he starts following me around the house and then wherever I settle whether it be upstairs or downstairs, he jumps on my lap and says "fuss me now slave" with his attitude, he doesn't have to say a single word lol then again just after lunch when I'm about to settle down to sleep he'll either sit on me or snuggle up with me and keep nudging my hand to fuss him bless his socks, and again in the evening when the children have gone to bed he'll drop himself on me and demand a fuss again, he has this routine sussed, and if we go out during the morning and get back after lunch, he demands two fusses length of fuss before I go to sleep lol he's such a cheeky bugger, you should see him when we go out for the day, he's even more wanting a fuss when we get back, only most of the time I am too tired to give him the fusses he tries to demand so I have to gently push him away, only this gentle gesture to say get off or bugger off never usually works because he pushes against my hand stronger than I can push these days so I have to boost up my energy and give him a quick shove lol he soon gets the hint from a shove.
He is asleep at the foot of the bed at the moment but he keeps touching me with his paw, if I move he'll adjust himself so he can touch me either with the same paw or a different paw, bless him, it's as if he needs to know that I'm there with him wherever he is in his dreams. He's not properly asleep anymore because I keep getting wafted by his tail heheh bless.
Well, I truly have waffled beyond belief tonight so I shall love you and leave you.
I have to get her makeup kit yet but I still have time as her birthday is 3 weeks away yet. I want to get her the makeup kit she saw in Tesco catalogue, or I might get her something similar from Argos and then she will be happy :)
Then the main big present would be her computer that we are buying her, we have found a refurbished Dell that we are going to get her, hopefully that will be up to her standards, we just need to get a mouse for her as we have a spare keyboard, and then it'll be sorted (we have a spare monitor too, it doesn't come with a monitor as standard) I am really looking forward to seeing her opening that because she doesn't think she's getting one, she wanted to have one but I told her that we couldn't sort out a pc that we could afford, but this deal is too good to miss, especially for picking it up for only £80 odd quids.
I might find the link that Simon has got and then put the link on the forum and recommend them, perhaps I shall recommend them as soon as I know we are getting the pc mentioned.
Wellll only 3 more sleeps to go until I gets my lil reptile :) I am so excited, you'd not believe how excited I am at the moment, I don't think I am going to be able to sleep. lol I have now put the carefresh in for bedding, I have the light on and am checking the temperature that the basking area goes to and it seems to be between 28.4 and 29.5 so I am hoping it stays on the low side of that, the temperature that was suggested by a friend of mine who keeps them was 28.5 but the book says between 28 and 31 so I guess I'm ok with my temperature, there is no way I could get the cool end as low as they want in the middle of Summer though, without any heating mat etc it regularly reads 24.5... hopefully that is reasonable for the lil critter.
We are receiving the little critter at 10am on Saturday and then we are to take Euan to a party at 12pm until 2pm, I will probably just get Simon to take him for me because there's no point us all getting up and out into the car just to pop down the road and back and then do it again 2 hours later heheh.
Busy few days then, we have to go out tomorrow to pay a check into my bank and to get the rest of Euan's birthday presents, and then we have to come home and order Bron's pc on the internet off ebay. Friday we have an appointment for me at 14:45 at Sandy lane Rugeley to have relaxation therapy with Sarah Matthews as part of the pain management programme. So Si will have to drop me off early and then rush home again and collect Bron and Euan from school and then race back to collect me from the appointment, we'll probably have a BK after that as a treat, haven't decided yet, depends how much money I will have already spent.
Got to do a shop tomorrow morning before I spend any money on anything else though, that and getting the PC will put a decision on what else I have to spend. I have to get a lot from shopping but I am going to really try to cut down on the bill so that it is not too much so I still have money left to get some decent birthday presents for Euan, he deserves something decent after all.
Simon is watching some weird film at the moment, it's called Ruins or something like that, he downloaded it onto his PC from Sky player heheh. It's keeping him quiet and busy anyway so I am not complaining lol lol
Well I have received £54 from sending my two mobiles off to fonebank to have them recycled, I thought I'd get more for the K850i but at least I actually got some from them. I would have liked to keep the K850i to see if my vodafone simcard would work in it, it probably wouldn't but it was worth a try, I need a new camera as good as the K850i camera now but I can't find one cheap enough, when the kids' birthdays are out of the way I will have a look at buying myself a decent point and shoot camera that at least has a macro option, I don't know though, they are all expensive these days, depending on what you want, I just want to be able to take photos as good as I used to with the K850i because I miss the camera on that phone, it was the only bonus about it lol.
It would take me ages to find a camera on ebay, one that isn't listed as spares or repair, I'd have to get Simon to help me find one heheh he's always good like that he seems to be able to search for the right thing too bless him, he's a one in a million is that man of mine. Ooh, it's my bedtime lol I usually aim to go to bed by 10pm, even though with nattering to Simon and so on we don't actually manage to get to sleep until nearer to midnight some nights, it depends how much we have to talk about, it's daft we hardly see each other all day because he's downstairs and I'm usually upstairs, and then at bedtime we make up for it and natter til the cows come home lol, that's on the average day when we do nothing, there are days when we go out instead of sitting around at home, but we don't normally talk about things other than that precise moment what we are doing or stuff relating to it.
Oscar gets a routine three fusses out of me a day these days, he's really crafty. When the children have gone to school he starts following me around the house and then wherever I settle whether it be upstairs or downstairs, he jumps on my lap and says "fuss me now slave" with his attitude, he doesn't have to say a single word lol then again just after lunch when I'm about to settle down to sleep he'll either sit on me or snuggle up with me and keep nudging my hand to fuss him bless his socks, and again in the evening when the children have gone to bed he'll drop himself on me and demand a fuss again, he has this routine sussed, and if we go out during the morning and get back after lunch, he demands two fusses length of fuss before I go to sleep lol he's such a cheeky bugger, you should see him when we go out for the day, he's even more wanting a fuss when we get back, only most of the time I am too tired to give him the fusses he tries to demand so I have to gently push him away, only this gentle gesture to say get off or bugger off never usually works because he pushes against my hand stronger than I can push these days so I have to boost up my energy and give him a quick shove lol he soon gets the hint from a shove.
He is asleep at the foot of the bed at the moment but he keeps touching me with his paw, if I move he'll adjust himself so he can touch me either with the same paw or a different paw, bless him, it's as if he needs to know that I'm there with him wherever he is in his dreams. He's not properly asleep anymore because I keep getting wafted by his tail heheh bless.
Well, I truly have waffled beyond belief tonight so I shall love you and leave you.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
waffle waffle
Define ugly? I know that I am ugly because well, who can look like they have been hit by the back end of a bus without being defined as ugly? lol reasoning behind this? (not that I always have to have a reason) is that one of my friends said something about them being ugly yet they are one of the prettiest friends that I have. It's always the same though, all my pretty friends say they are ugly, they see themselves as being ugly, but they really are not ugly bugs, now there are some right ugly buggers out there, yet there are some truly beautiful people out there, those that don't flaunt it are beautiful, the ones that are naturally beautiful and didn't have plastic surgery and didn't have liposuction or a fake tan or hair dye, they even have qualms about themselves, they are truly beautiful, however those that have fake beauty or the highschool teenage brats style people, they are just ugly, yes they have pretty faces and brill figures but they know it and flaunting it and boasting about it and being vain about it defines them as being ugly.
I don't understand Simon's brother and his girlfriend, they just do not like me at all, they are civil with me when we are at Simon's parents' house but as soon as we're out of there they ignore me, he has blocked me on msn and his girlfriend, although she re-added me... doesn't talk to me, I have talked to her a load of times and she just does not respond back, it's a horrible feeling not being liked by someone who is in Simon's family. I guess I'm not going to be liked by everyone.
I wish I had a magic wand so that I could fix all my friends' problems, everyone has them and I feel so useless not being able to help them in life and help them get over things, I'm just nothing really, just someone to talk to occasionally, no-one would recall my name in a list of top 5 friends for instance, not even top 20 probably if they're really popular. It makes me feel so useless and feel like shit.
I don't think I have a single friend that I am REALLY REALLY close to that I could talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with, no-one has opened themselves up to me that much so I don't feel I could trust them with that much about me.
I have now upset my bestest best best best friend I think :( yes, I guess telling her what I did WOULD upset her, but she needs to know what I think is wrong and that I think she needs to sort it out.. but it's not for me to say, I can only advise and then shut up and go away.
I feel down now, so lonely, so down, I think I am going to read my reading that my mate did for me on tarot cards in a minute, not sure whether it will cheer me up or just make me feel worse. *back after reading*
it made me feel better and has kicked me up the arse into wanting to get an answer so getting off my butt and pestering the neurology team and then the rheumatology team to see how we go with this.
My symptoms have changed significantly since I was last seen by Rheumatology AND Neurology so now it is time to update them with my findings so that I can get somewhere with them.
I have relaxation session as part of my pain management scheme on Friday which I am looking forward to indeed, hopefully she will be able to give me further ideas to those I already know in relaxing.
Simon is trying to stay up until midnight to get his license for Windows 7, for which he's only going to buy one copy for as it's £50... I think that there were more important things to spend the money on than a piece of software but that's up to him, I was going to say it's his money but it's NOT.. I wish sometimes he would remember that my part of the income support is included in his payment it's not just all his damn money. *shuts up* won't go down that road.
Well, another short waffle but I need to give up and go to bed now, my tablets have kicked in and I don't want to fight past them and end up awake all night feeling like shit, so I am off.
Night night.
I don't understand Simon's brother and his girlfriend, they just do not like me at all, they are civil with me when we are at Simon's parents' house but as soon as we're out of there they ignore me, he has blocked me on msn and his girlfriend, although she re-added me... doesn't talk to me, I have talked to her a load of times and she just does not respond back, it's a horrible feeling not being liked by someone who is in Simon's family. I guess I'm not going to be liked by everyone.
I wish I had a magic wand so that I could fix all my friends' problems, everyone has them and I feel so useless not being able to help them in life and help them get over things, I'm just nothing really, just someone to talk to occasionally, no-one would recall my name in a list of top 5 friends for instance, not even top 20 probably if they're really popular. It makes me feel so useless and feel like shit.
I don't think I have a single friend that I am REALLY REALLY close to that I could talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING with, no-one has opened themselves up to me that much so I don't feel I could trust them with that much about me.
I have now upset my bestest best best best friend I think :( yes, I guess telling her what I did WOULD upset her, but she needs to know what I think is wrong and that I think she needs to sort it out.. but it's not for me to say, I can only advise and then shut up and go away.
I feel down now, so lonely, so down, I think I am going to read my reading that my mate did for me on tarot cards in a minute, not sure whether it will cheer me up or just make me feel worse. *back after reading*
it made me feel better and has kicked me up the arse into wanting to get an answer so getting off my butt and pestering the neurology team and then the rheumatology team to see how we go with this.
My symptoms have changed significantly since I was last seen by Rheumatology AND Neurology so now it is time to update them with my findings so that I can get somewhere with them.
I have relaxation session as part of my pain management scheme on Friday which I am looking forward to indeed, hopefully she will be able to give me further ideas to those I already know in relaxing.
Simon is trying to stay up until midnight to get his license for Windows 7, for which he's only going to buy one copy for as it's £50... I think that there were more important things to spend the money on than a piece of software but that's up to him, I was going to say it's his money but it's NOT.. I wish sometimes he would remember that my part of the income support is included in his payment it's not just all his damn money. *shuts up* won't go down that road.
Well, another short waffle but I need to give up and go to bed now, my tablets have kicked in and I don't want to fight past them and end up awake all night feeling like shit, so I am off.
Night night.
Some random photos...
Euan's birthday today, he had his three prezzies off us that we got him yesterday, he's getting the rest on Thursday when he comes home from school when we've gone out to get some that is lol
We went out this morning to get my light fitting, a cage guard thingy and some washers and locusts for Simon, I'm having an economy bulb in my viv so that I can actually see what is in there heheh, not that I will probably see the thing anyway because they are rumoured to be quite shy lil creatures.
I'm on the computer at the moment as Simon is on the bed wiring up the light, so I have nowhere to go on the laptop unless I go downstairs, which I don't want to do, so I decided I may as well just come and sit at the pc. I can't sit here long as my butt is already going numb and my back hurting so I'll have to have a rest pretty soon.
Charlie (the tarantula, remember her?) has started to go to bed in the cave we made her at night and then she comes out in the open during the daylight hours. :) Bless her, she used to sleep out in the open and not care, but now she goes to bed in her house, perhaps she's shy of her pyjamas, perhaps they are babyish for her so she doesn't want to show them? rofl *sigh*
Simon's tarantula hasn't been out for a few days, maybe she/he is going to shed/is shedding.
Bob is so funny, he is such a character, he is so nosey too, when he hears something going on he has to bob up and have a look at what we are up to, he's always watching me it's so funny when he hears me talking he bobs up and looks at me, he does for Simon too, but considering I don't feed him and all I do is talk to him you would think he'd not be interested in me, but he is bless his heart, he's always looking to see what I am doing and looking at me. :)
Hmmmm what else shall I waffle on about? Oh yeah, Mum told me some good news yesterday morning so I announced my congrats to said people on Facebook at about lunchtime, then at 7pm Mum text me and said "oh yeah, it's to be kept in the family only until blah blah" and I went ballistic at her for not telling me in the morning because said people don't like me too much and said person dislikes me even more, so I was worried they would have a go at me for opening my big mouth, Mum sorted it out though and apparently said person said it was OK. Which surprised me.
I want a doggy. No matter what animals I get myself it does not hide or sate the fact that I really really want a doggy :( Simon catagorically says no everytime I mention it because he doesn't want to have to be left with the responsibility of cleaning up after it in the garden, or taking it for walks and so on. I think having a doggy would do him good as it would get him out of the house for an hour or so each day, which he needs to keep sane, but he's not getting that time where he can go out, because he doesn't want to go for walkies on his own.
I am sitting here falling asleep because I am so tired and in pain, the pain isn't stopping me wanting to and falling asleep but it's still pretty bad, I've got acheds and pains because of physio yesterday, she was getting me to move my head, neck and limbs into different positions and it was hurting me and then it hurt me a lot. It is hurting lots and lots today as if she just did it but did it for longer and got me to stretch further.
I'm going to have to give up in a minute as my right wrist is really hurting, it feels like jointy bone ache and sting and also a muscly tendon ache, throb kinda pain, difficult to explain really but yeah. Unless I go in Bronny's bedroom I cannot go to sleep yet because Simon is still working on the viv.
Anyway I'm being boring waffling about nothing now so I am going to sign out.
We went out this morning to get my light fitting, a cage guard thingy and some washers and locusts for Simon, I'm having an economy bulb in my viv so that I can actually see what is in there heheh, not that I will probably see the thing anyway because they are rumoured to be quite shy lil creatures.
I'm on the computer at the moment as Simon is on the bed wiring up the light, so I have nowhere to go on the laptop unless I go downstairs, which I don't want to do, so I decided I may as well just come and sit at the pc. I can't sit here long as my butt is already going numb and my back hurting so I'll have to have a rest pretty soon.
Charlie (the tarantula, remember her?) has started to go to bed in the cave we made her at night and then she comes out in the open during the daylight hours. :) Bless her, she used to sleep out in the open and not care, but now she goes to bed in her house, perhaps she's shy of her pyjamas, perhaps they are babyish for her so she doesn't want to show them? rofl *sigh*
Simon's tarantula hasn't been out for a few days, maybe she/he is going to shed/is shedding.
Bob is so funny, he is such a character, he is so nosey too, when he hears something going on he has to bob up and have a look at what we are up to, he's always watching me it's so funny when he hears me talking he bobs up and looks at me, he does for Simon too, but considering I don't feed him and all I do is talk to him you would think he'd not be interested in me, but he is bless his heart, he's always looking to see what I am doing and looking at me. :)
Hmmmm what else shall I waffle on about? Oh yeah, Mum told me some good news yesterday morning so I announced my congrats to said people on Facebook at about lunchtime, then at 7pm Mum text me and said "oh yeah, it's to be kept in the family only until blah blah" and I went ballistic at her for not telling me in the morning because said people don't like me too much and said person dislikes me even more, so I was worried they would have a go at me for opening my big mouth, Mum sorted it out though and apparently said person said it was OK. Which surprised me.
I want a doggy. No matter what animals I get myself it does not hide or sate the fact that I really really want a doggy :( Simon catagorically says no everytime I mention it because he doesn't want to have to be left with the responsibility of cleaning up after it in the garden, or taking it for walks and so on. I think having a doggy would do him good as it would get him out of the house for an hour or so each day, which he needs to keep sane, but he's not getting that time where he can go out, because he doesn't want to go for walkies on his own.
I am sitting here falling asleep because I am so tired and in pain, the pain isn't stopping me wanting to and falling asleep but it's still pretty bad, I've got acheds and pains because of physio yesterday, she was getting me to move my head, neck and limbs into different positions and it was hurting me and then it hurt me a lot. It is hurting lots and lots today as if she just did it but did it for longer and got me to stretch further.
I'm going to have to give up in a minute as my right wrist is really hurting, it feels like jointy bone ache and sting and also a muscly tendon ache, throb kinda pain, difficult to explain really but yeah. Unless I go in Bronny's bedroom I cannot go to sleep yet because Simon is still working on the viv.
Anyway I'm being boring waffling about nothing now so I am going to sign out.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Radda Radda Radda
Why do I use that as a title? It has to be one of the best sayings in the world ever? What does it say? I haven't the foggiest but when uttered by Snitzel on Chowder, it is really cool Chowder, which is a new cartoon on Cartoon Network... the person who did Spongebob is on the team. Although it is a children's cartoon, like Spongebob, Fairy Odd Parents and various other cartoons, there is a lot of hidden adult humour in there, which makes it interesting for adults and children alike without being too distasteful for the children.
Euan is getting excited about his birthday and keeps reeling off a list of things that he wants, I hope when it actually comes down to what we have (will have, but not yet) bought him that he will not be too disappointed. He wants sweeties to hand out at school too, so I have to get them on Monday ready for him/Simon to take into school on Tuesday.
We also have to get him a cake but I might request that Mum keeps up with her "tradition" and buys him a cake to bring with on Sunday when they come round for his birthday, I hope that the presents she has got him do not contain little tiny bits because they will just get lost in his bedroom. I want to buy some tubs to put all his toys in and tidy his room up a bit but it will have to wait until I have some money spare in September.
Here is the viv for my little thingy that is going to be arriving a week tomorrow, Simon set it up for me because I had all the bits and absolutely no idea what to do with them, he's done a brilliant job and now I'm never going to see the little thingy. lol
Can you guess what I am getting?

I just have to get some lighting now, something suitable to light up the whole vivarium because it's back is to the window so it is in the dark. I like Simon's stone lights but I am not sure that they will be bright enough to light up the whole viv with there being so much in it, I'm probably better off with the strip lights that Simon has in with his crab, they look horrible but they are not going to be seen because I will put them on the roof of the viv and behind the top board.
Bronny and Euan had their school reports today, not bad not bad lol Could be room for improvement with Euan but Bronny is good good good. Euan's downfall is concentrating and hand writing, I have tried to get him to practice his handwriting but he's just not interested in sitting still to write :( Maybe I need to push him a little harder.
OH, we have at least one visitor in the house, why am I saying this? Well, we've had lots of strange happenings in the house, the most frequent one that has been happening since we moved in is the sound of a plastic type ball being dropped and it bouncing a little then rolling along what sounds like a wooden floor. This happens when we are downstairs, and it sounds like it is coming from upstairs, upstairs is totally carpeted and the noise comes when either there is no-one upstairs, or when the children are in bed asleep.
Another thing is that Bronwyn was talking about the presence of ghosts the other morning and a piece of paper on the table had it's corner lifted, no-one else saw this but I know it happened and it wasn't a hallucination.
Another, when I was sitting innocently typing away at my laptop, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a shadow move past between the bed and the cupboard and it was "reflected" or "cast" onto Simon's vivarium with Wendy in.
Another, probably the most exciting because it wasn't just me witnessing it was the fact that Simon's cupboard door opened and shut when we had been in bed talking for about half an hour, when I finally shut up and we lay down, that is when the door opened and closed, Simon heard it too. woot.
Hopefully we will eventually find out who it is and what they want, why they are obviously trying to get our attention to the fact that they are here with us, or we are here with them.
woot isn't it exciting!? heheh
Right, enough for now, I've excited you all far too much lol.... see you laters alligators...
Euan is getting excited about his birthday and keeps reeling off a list of things that he wants, I hope when it actually comes down to what we have (will have, but not yet) bought him that he will not be too disappointed. He wants sweeties to hand out at school too, so I have to get them on Monday ready for him/Simon to take into school on Tuesday.
We also have to get him a cake but I might request that Mum keeps up with her "tradition" and buys him a cake to bring with on Sunday when they come round for his birthday, I hope that the presents she has got him do not contain little tiny bits because they will just get lost in his bedroom. I want to buy some tubs to put all his toys in and tidy his room up a bit but it will have to wait until I have some money spare in September.
Here is the viv for my little thingy that is going to be arriving a week tomorrow, Simon set it up for me because I had all the bits and absolutely no idea what to do with them, he's done a brilliant job and now I'm never going to see the little thingy. lol
Can you guess what I am getting?
I just have to get some lighting now, something suitable to light up the whole vivarium because it's back is to the window so it is in the dark. I like Simon's stone lights but I am not sure that they will be bright enough to light up the whole viv with there being so much in it, I'm probably better off with the strip lights that Simon has in with his crab, they look horrible but they are not going to be seen because I will put them on the roof of the viv and behind the top board.
Bronny and Euan had their school reports today, not bad not bad lol Could be room for improvement with Euan but Bronny is good good good. Euan's downfall is concentrating and hand writing, I have tried to get him to practice his handwriting but he's just not interested in sitting still to write :( Maybe I need to push him a little harder.
OH, we have at least one visitor in the house, why am I saying this? Well, we've had lots of strange happenings in the house, the most frequent one that has been happening since we moved in is the sound of a plastic type ball being dropped and it bouncing a little then rolling along what sounds like a wooden floor. This happens when we are downstairs, and it sounds like it is coming from upstairs, upstairs is totally carpeted and the noise comes when either there is no-one upstairs, or when the children are in bed asleep.
Another thing is that Bronwyn was talking about the presence of ghosts the other morning and a piece of paper on the table had it's corner lifted, no-one else saw this but I know it happened and it wasn't a hallucination.
Another, when I was sitting innocently typing away at my laptop, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a shadow move past between the bed and the cupboard and it was "reflected" or "cast" onto Simon's vivarium with Wendy in.
Another, probably the most exciting because it wasn't just me witnessing it was the fact that Simon's cupboard door opened and shut when we had been in bed talking for about half an hour, when I finally shut up and we lay down, that is when the door opened and closed, Simon heard it too. woot.
Hopefully we will eventually find out who it is and what they want, why they are obviously trying to get our attention to the fact that they are here with us, or we are here with them.
woot isn't it exciting!? heheh
Right, enough for now, I've excited you all far too much lol.... see you laters alligators...
Oops I forgot...
Forgot about blogging, naughty me, I used to be so regular at it, and now I'm a naughty girl and don't hardly blog at all. I can't even say I am too busy to blog either because I do bugger all day in day out lol
It's Euan's birthday on Tuesday, we're going shopping for presents on Monday heheh because I won't have any money to buy anything until Saturday, so we're off out on Monday to get some pressies for him (can't do Sat or Sun as we have the little rascals with us).
I cannot believe he is 7 already, seems like only yesterday that we were changing his little cute bottom heheh. His bottom isn't much bigger actually but he is, he's had a growth spurt and he doesn't look like a baby anymore, his face has really thinned down and he looks so grown up. :( my baby! lol He'll always be my baby, so will Bronny, even when they are in their 20's and 30's hahah.
I'm all excited :) :) :) :) only 8 more days until I get to put something in the viv that I have bought :) woot. I'm just testing the mat & mat-stat at the moment to get the right temperature for when my little thingy arrives :)
I am so so so excited I really am :) I can't wait to show her off on the forum to all my friends :) :) :) :)
Right back to business. All my money this week is for Euan's birthday, all my money next week is for my little thingy and then all the money the following week will have to be used to get some food in the house or for Bron's birthday.
We are buggered as far as food goes, I should have bought food instead of the viv on Wednesday, but I can't have nowhere to put my little thingy when she arrives on Saturday 18th July around 10am.
Heheh I am soooooo excited ;) (I think you get the picture)
Oscar has just gotten himself stuck behind Rex's "cage" by the window, lil shit lol
How am I feeling lately? I'm in a lot of pain, the pain has considerably increased and it's all over at different times, like last night I had an intense dull thud type pain in the top of my calf last night in bed, no matter how I moved myself it hurt, it wasn't a muscle cramp either, it was more like a pain around the bone. Emotionally I am not too bad although I do need to get some more anti-depressant because there isn't any available for the chemist to order :( there's just none, zilch, nothing. So I'm stuck, I have to go to the docs to get a different brand.
Just been out to get a "piece of wood" and a hide from reptile place for my little thingy that is coming a week tomorrow woot heheh
I have the coconut fibre for the floor substrate that I bought for Simon and it's not been used so I can use that. So that's it really, I have everything I need for my little thingy's house heheh.
I think that my friends on the forum are going to be thoroughly surprised when I post next week to show what I have got heheh, I can't decide whether to post the viv set up and say it's ready for my little thingy and THEN show them the surprise, or whether to leave it all until next week so it's a complete surprise heheh.
Well, it's my bedtime (daytime bedtime) so I will catch you all laters my friendly gaters.
It's Euan's birthday on Tuesday, we're going shopping for presents on Monday heheh because I won't have any money to buy anything until Saturday, so we're off out on Monday to get some pressies for him (can't do Sat or Sun as we have the little rascals with us).
I cannot believe he is 7 already, seems like only yesterday that we were changing his little cute bottom heheh. His bottom isn't much bigger actually but he is, he's had a growth spurt and he doesn't look like a baby anymore, his face has really thinned down and he looks so grown up. :( my baby! lol He'll always be my baby, so will Bronny, even when they are in their 20's and 30's hahah.
I'm all excited :) :) :) :) only 8 more days until I get to put something in the viv that I have bought :) woot. I'm just testing the mat & mat-stat at the moment to get the right temperature for when my little thingy arrives :)
I am so so so excited I really am :) I can't wait to show her off on the forum to all my friends :) :) :) :)
Right back to business. All my money this week is for Euan's birthday, all my money next week is for my little thingy and then all the money the following week will have to be used to get some food in the house or for Bron's birthday.
We are buggered as far as food goes, I should have bought food instead of the viv on Wednesday, but I can't have nowhere to put my little thingy when she arrives on Saturday 18th July around 10am.
Heheh I am soooooo excited ;) (I think you get the picture)
Oscar has just gotten himself stuck behind Rex's "cage" by the window, lil shit lol
How am I feeling lately? I'm in a lot of pain, the pain has considerably increased and it's all over at different times, like last night I had an intense dull thud type pain in the top of my calf last night in bed, no matter how I moved myself it hurt, it wasn't a muscle cramp either, it was more like a pain around the bone. Emotionally I am not too bad although I do need to get some more anti-depressant because there isn't any available for the chemist to order :( there's just none, zilch, nothing. So I'm stuck, I have to go to the docs to get a different brand.
Just been out to get a "piece of wood" and a hide from reptile place for my little thingy that is coming a week tomorrow woot heheh
I have the coconut fibre for the floor substrate that I bought for Simon and it's not been used so I can use that. So that's it really, I have everything I need for my little thingy's house heheh.
I think that my friends on the forum are going to be thoroughly surprised when I post next week to show what I have got heheh, I can't decide whether to post the viv set up and say it's ready for my little thingy and THEN show them the surprise, or whether to leave it all until next week so it's a complete surprise heheh.
Well, it's my bedtime (daytime bedtime) so I will catch you all laters my friendly gaters.
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