She didn't take her mouse last night/today but they don't USUALLY when they've been messed about, they USUALLY eat the week after when it is offered to them. Simon's python took 3 weeks to settle down enough to eat and he still doesn't come out even now. Simon had to wriggle the rat in front of the python and bloody heck was he quick in strike feeding, he missed it first time though but got a good hold of it the second time :)
Hopefully she will settle down enough to eat her mouse next week :) she should be settled in a week and not bothering too much about us but she could also be a bit feisty with being a baby snakey, so I'm not taking any chances, when we need to do things we put the box in the bath and we do it like that instead of taking any risks in the bedroom JUST INCASE she tries to escape. Obviously with plug in and overflow taped up.
I am really looking forward to her settling down a bit more so that I can touch her and handle her, apparently the more they are handled as youngsters the better they will be at handling when they are older because they will be used to the idea and not get pissy (literally) and musk everything too heheh.
I am so tired today, I think I'm going to end up in bed earlier than normal eeek which will piss the kids off no doubt, well it will piss Euan off, Bronny won't care because she'll be on the PC, I just have to make sure she doesn't get extra time with me being asleep, that really pissed Simon off last time :( I didn't MEAN to let her have longer I was just asleep so couldn't really say "time's up" but apparently I should have set my alarm to wake up and tell her that time was up *rolls eyes*
Anyway, time to prepare luncheon now so bye bye a bit!
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