Euan is getting excited about his birthday and keeps reeling off a list of things that he wants, I hope when it actually comes down to what we have (will have, but not yet) bought him that he will not be too disappointed. He wants sweeties to hand out at school too, so I have to get them on Monday ready for him/Simon to take into school on Tuesday.
We also have to get him a cake but I might request that Mum keeps up with her "tradition" and buys him a cake to bring with on Sunday when they come round for his birthday, I hope that the presents she has got him do not contain little tiny bits because they will just get lost in his bedroom. I want to buy some tubs to put all his toys in and tidy his room up a bit but it will have to wait until I have some money spare in September.
Here is the viv for my little thingy that is going to be arriving a week tomorrow, Simon set it up for me because I had all the bits and absolutely no idea what to do with them, he's done a brilliant job and now I'm never going to see the little thingy. lol
Can you guess what I am getting?
I just have to get some lighting now, something suitable to light up the whole vivarium because it's back is to the window so it is in the dark. I like Simon's stone lights but I am not sure that they will be bright enough to light up the whole viv with there being so much in it, I'm probably better off with the strip lights that Simon has in with his crab, they look horrible but they are not going to be seen because I will put them on the roof of the viv and behind the top board.
Bronny and Euan had their school reports today, not bad not bad lol Could be room for improvement with Euan but Bronny is good good good. Euan's downfall is concentrating and hand writing, I have tried to get him to practice his handwriting but he's just not interested in sitting still to write :( Maybe I need to push him a little harder.
OH, we have at least one visitor in the house, why am I saying this? Well, we've had lots of strange happenings in the house, the most frequent one that has been happening since we moved in is the sound of a plastic type ball being dropped and it bouncing a little then rolling along what sounds like a wooden floor. This happens when we are downstairs, and it sounds like it is coming from upstairs, upstairs is totally carpeted and the noise comes when either there is no-one upstairs, or when the children are in bed asleep.
Another thing is that Bronwyn was talking about the presence of ghosts the other morning and a piece of paper on the table had it's corner lifted, no-one else saw this but I know it happened and it wasn't a hallucination.
Another, when I was sitting innocently typing away at my laptop, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a shadow move past between the bed and the cupboard and it was "reflected" or "cast" onto Simon's vivarium with Wendy in.
Another, probably the most exciting because it wasn't just me witnessing it was the fact that Simon's cupboard door opened and shut when we had been in bed talking for about half an hour, when I finally shut up and we lay down, that is when the door opened and closed, Simon heard it too. woot.
Hopefully we will eventually find out who it is and what they want, why they are obviously trying to get our attention to the fact that they are here with us, or we are here with them.
woot isn't it exciting!? heheh
Right, enough for now, I've excited you all far too much lol.... see you laters alligators...
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