Saturday, 1 November 2008

Little bit of a ramble 01.11.08

I'm not sure where to start today.

Got up earlier than planned this morning because my delightful children woke me up so much that I could sleep in no more, I think it was about 10:00am. I was contemplating going back to bed when Simon called up for my help, I was just putting my slippers on when he yelled at Bronny to get me NOW immediately and all that...

Turns out that the 97 gallon tank that Simon has set up and had water in for ages, decides that it doesn't like how it is supported any more and cracks and allows the entire liquid content of the tank to gush out. I'm presuming that Oscar was under it eating his biscuits at the time as he was pretty wet and upset when Si opened the door.

Simon found a puddle of water in the hall first and thought that there was only one place that could have come from and that is his new 97gallon bomb.. and yes, it had erupted all over the floor.

I feel sorry for him because he's lost his fishies and his tank is broken (bottom needs replacing) BUT I'm a bit upset that he seems to think that as we cannot SEE the water it is no longer a problem, I am sure that his phrase is going to come back and bite him in the butt.. but we will see, I'll leave it and keep quiet, you can bet a pound to a penny though, that we'll be replacing the floor before Christmas or AT Christmas :S As long as it's covered by the insurance because I know for a fact that I cannot afford to replace the floor and I'm NOT asking my Gramps to lend us the money for it, I'm not borrowing a penny off him ever again, no I not.

I do understand about his dead fishies though, honestly I do, but dead fishies are nothing if we get kicked out of here for damaging the whole of downstairs flooring :S and not going about it properly, like reporting it to him, or going through the insurers. I guess if the floor starts to come up we could act thick and say that we thought it wasn't a problem because it was gone?

Same as usual for rest of the day, fed the kids and lay on the bed whilst Euan played on my PC and Bronwyn on my DS whilst I rested and finally was able to get off to sleep woot! I don't know if my sleep was deep or not, but it was worth it for those few hours, although I woke up feeling like I'd not slept. It's horrible is this sleep problem, I used to love my sleep, I'd get a good 10 - 11 hours of sleep and feel so refreshed in the morning and be able to get up without a worry. Oh if only.


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