Monday, 17 November 2008

Today's Ramble 17.11.08

What a balls up last night! I typed my usual nightly essay up on here, the DS an although I knew I was nodding off I didn't bother saving the essay, I then jolted up sometime around 1-2am and looked at the screen and there was a few vvvbbcbb on it where it looked as though someone had crawled across the bottom of the keyboard so I must have managed to select the whole text and put those few leters there instead. To say I was pissed off would be an understatement, however I bit my cheek and closed down and went to sleep. No point starting again as when I went to the loo before closing down I was falling asleep standing up never mind when snuggled back down nicely in bed lol

Today has been strange I've been REALLY poorly but in exceptionally high spirits because tomorrow is receiving of laptop day :) WOOHOO lol I'm so stupidly excited but then if you saw me struggling to sit at the PC you would understand. If you saw me upset and sad because I can't communicate with my friends you would too. It also means that I can sit and watch TV when Si is watching and still be able to log in and do stuff :)

Of course if I had a life none of this would bother me, I'd be out working and having a great time with my family when I'm not working.

Euan was naughty at school again and in Choir practice he got kicked out too. This is VERY VERY unike Euan to be naughty at school he is normally golden boy. I am going to get him back in at the doctors because this behaviour has only been really bad every day, opposed to once a week, since he had that nasty bump to his head :( I know of someone who had an unchecked head injury and their personality greatly changed and after various doctors and hospital appointments it turned out he'd had a bleed on the brain which they had to sort as it was causing pressure on the brain incidentally he died about a month later, never knew if the stories were true or what he actually died of either, saying that the bit about the personality was true.... *thinks*

I'll be so relieved when Simon has got rid of the noisy cockroaches and starts feeding locusts again, I wouldn't be remotely perturbed to find a stray locust like I'd be scared to find a stray cockroach, I'd scream the house down if I found a cockroach in the bed for instance. *shudders at the thought*

I would probably feed the fwoggies pinheads actually and woodlice and springtails are on the list too although looking at Simon's issues with springtail explosions (population) I won't bother with them I'll probably find a way of storing and feeding pinnies to them

Fwog will be fed locusts :) that is if he gives her up to me :D although I don't think there will be space for Fwog as well, though, if I gave up one of my monitors..... lol when I'm used to working with the laptop screen, I will probably more willing to give up one monitor to just have one then I will be able to fit more creatures on my desk lol (I'm getting as bad as Simon!)

hmm what does a tropical setup look like? heheh *will have to look at pictures of set ups to give me some ideas, I have some ideas in mind but will have to think, an absolutely ideal set up would be with a waterfall and either pump or reservoir in it that I would fill up now and again therefore giving a constant flow but then again how would I remove water from the bottom without a pump on a continuous flow.? HA I'm so stupid rofl nice ideas in my head though just shame I can't put them into practice would like to have a shallow water dish as well as a pond like area so that they have somewhere to lay spawn should they actually have any not quite sure what I would need to do if they actually bred though heheh

I'm really excited about getting my bumblebees though as you can most probably tell, need to find out from Simon if eco-earth is coconut fibre or not as that's what we're used to well Simon is not me :) the set up has to be absolutely perfect and maintain a steady 80% humidity before I even order the fwoggies.

I could have typed this 3 times already, in the time it has taken to type what I have now, on the laptop *rolls eyes* tonight is the last sleep heheh, this time tomorrow I'll be shutting up shop and going to bed as I'd have already typed my daily ramble. heheh

I'm off now as fallin asleep and, as I nag the kids when they are excited about something.. The sooner I go to sleep the sooner I'll be waking up for morning :D lol

Ni ni

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