Thursday, 27 November 2008

Morning 27.11.08

Just woken up. I woke up this morning after not much sleep anyway yet again, with a headache from hell, I had obviously slept wrong again and my sinuses were blocked too (lmao I just put blogged, I'm addicted I tell you!) which was causing a killer headache which was also making me feel ill. As soon as the children had gone off to school and I had been on lappy for a short time, I realised that I wasn't doing headache any good so I decided to try and sleep it off flat on my back to try and drain the sinuses and relieve the crick in my neck. It has relieved both for a while but I have to be careful not to slouch in the same position which helped worsen the neck in the first place.

I used to have physio on my neck because of the pain I had in it, it was only relieved when she worked on it and removed the knots of muscles, that was a huge relief it really was. I wish that I could be referred back for physio on my neck but I would have to see the doc and seeing the doc is no good and useless.

I just realised it is Thursday already? It only feels like yesterday that it was Monday. lol

I hope Janey poo is online tonight, I didn't see her at all last night, I'm hoping although this sounds bad, that she is poorly rather than dead. EEEK We always joke about not dying before seeing each other again the following evening, irony would be so evil at this point. In fact when she logs in tonight, because she will, because she's NOT dead... I'm going to give her the biggest huggle ever. Just because I will be relieved that she is indeed alive and well.

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