Tuesday 4 May 2010

Oooh I forgot

I forgot about blogging, naughty me lol. I've been busy with my head
in the toilet or in a Terry Pratchett novel though. I have one left to
read which is called monstrous regiment, there's a couple of night
watch books that I haven't read so have to get them although I'm
completely out of order in Reading them now , the last three I read
were back to front for instance, I read Thud! Night Watch and the
fifth elephant, completely back to front lol silly me. I'm just
getting into Thud! Again in the hopes that there is going to be a new
Watch book before he is not able to write at all. He is one amazing
man and once I have picked up a book I have to tear myself reluctantly
from the Discworld every time the real world requires me to do
something in it. Oh how I would love to meet some of the characters,
The Nac Mac Feegles sound delightful to know. I'd love to meet death
on the understanding that I'm not actually dead too , he is a
wonderful character and I adored him in Hogfather. Sybil sounds
divine, the sort of person you don't want to stop hugging incase they
suddenly don't exist. Vetinari sounds like a wonderful character to
meet too :) yes they're all stories and it doesn't do one particularly
good to have a hied full of stories when the real world is being
neglected. I have to say though, since I have been Reading these books
i've not had a single bad dream, not even of the Faerie Queen last
night although she managed to instill a little fear inside of me
whilst I was Reading. I felt as connected to the story as Sebastion
did when Reading the never ending story really quite bizarre but
amazing at the same time.

Yes, I have lost my marbles.

If Mr Pratchett read this he'd probably laughing his socks off at how
such a simpleton could be so engrossed and addicted to his books.

On real life now, I'm still being ill i've lost 4 stone in 2-3 months
and the pain and fatigue is still unbearable at times, my stomach
feels like it's struggling to stop time, it gurgles and bubbles like a
cauldron of brew. Occasionally errupting into a half hearted belch or
a full trouser ripping glad I'm on my own right now fart. Thankfully
without the after burn of acid and the stench of sulphur. Lovely? Not

Went to see Mum and Dad yesterday, I'm under oath not to put their
aging booth pics on facebook, hmmm *rubs hands excitedly like a child
eagerly awaiting their pocket money* wonder how much I could make In
blackmail fees? Lol lol I still have to trawl through facebook and
steal photos of innocent relatives and surprise them into realising
how old they can look. Anyway. I have deviated for want of a better
word. It tore at my heart strings to see Mum in so much pain, I wanted
to hold her and heal her and take all the pain away and promise her
that all would indeed be well. She looked so damn fragile and
hopeless. I wanted to cry and hold her tight and never let go.

Strange how I'm feeling these days, I would give the rest of my life
to go back and start again at the tender age of 11 and right all my
wrongs and just see what I could have made of myself had I not stepped
off the beaten track and attempted to shortcut through the dense
forest of life.

Alas I would not be who I am now, I wouldn't have my wonderful
children or Simon, so yes I may as well put my past behind me and
stick to the future ahead, it's not all bleak, I have my family and
they are responsible for keeping me on today's path through life
without the slightest inclination to stray again.

What nonsense a hied full of stories talks eh? I did already admit to
losing my marbles though so that's a start.

There is a beautiful blue sky out there today but it is cold so only
does good to watch it through nice double glazed windows. Simon says
all this week is to be cold, typical come on Spring catch up! You only
have this month left! We had snow in April last year though, I'm
pretty sure of it. Well about 66% anyway lol the other 34% is hiding
in my memory trying to remember.

Strange things are memories, so many people prefer to live in their
past than to help Fate and Time on their way.

What would I be doing now if I wasn't lost in these words? Ah yes. I'd
be asleep. Lol

I think that is enough for now the men in the White coats are on their
way and I don't intend allowing them to catch up ;)

Huggles to all


Carol Venables
Sent from my iPhone

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