Friday 9 July 2010

Life is what you make of it…

So they say, but sometimes things happen that you cannot help, and you are forced to live life that way instead. If only I wasn’t poorly, all the things we could have done over the years as a family, all the stuff I have missed out on, even playing ball games with the children in the back garden are a no go.

Imiss life sometimes. Mostly I just buckle on and get used to life and understand that this is the way it is going to be, I am far better off than some people on this earth, at least I still have my hearing, my eyesight (most of the time) and the ability to talk, and I have two legs and two arms that don’t quite work right but they are still there and I can still cuddle my children in my arms and know I’m doing it.

The day that will signify the end to me is the day that I start to forget happy memories, the ones that are burnt into my head deeper than any other memory in my head. When I start to forget them I may as well be no longer. Gruesome eh? Unfortunately that’s the way I feel.

Oh effin great, Euan has just come in to my bedroom with the gun that I bought him on Sunday (which arrived Tuesday) in two pieces, he can’t keep anything safe! He says he trod on it. Little sod, he doesn’t have a care for anything on this planet. He needs to learn that things cost money and money DOES NOT GROW ON TREES. OR come from up my arse. lol

Typical child, can’t keep anything for more than five minutes, I don’t think there is ANYTHING that I have given him or even leant to him that has not got broken, OK the DS is in one piece but he chewed the stylus beyond use. He’s always chewing on something, he spent a week chewing all the buttons off his school shirts and couldn’t understand why I was so mad with him. He’s just daft in the head is that lad of mine.

Anyway, no point moaning about it, complaining isn’t going to bring anything back now is it? Nope lol

I feel rather ill today with pain and I am very tired indeed. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day, perhaps not, we’ll have to wait and see.  I have found the least I do the day before and the better night sleep I have, the better the tomorrow.

Well that’s about it for this episode peeps.


Huggles and stuff.



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