Sunday 6 September 2009


Well, we have finished moving the room around, the only problem that I have now is that the stuff I had stored behind my desk now has to find a loving home elsewhere and there isn't actually anything that I could throw away :( It's all needed otherwise it would have already been thrown away. At this moment in time Bronny's bedroom is an absolute tip and she can't even get in her wardrobe because it is stacked to bursting with my stuff that now doesn't have a home :S I don't know what to do with it all, I haven't even started trying to find a home for it all because I know there is nowhere to bloody put it, I have been left with 0zero storage space, complete zilch, I was supposed to be having the cupboard but all Simon's stuff is in there so there is now no room for me. If you look at it, this room is Simon's room and I'm just squished in at the last minute, he hasn't thought about me and what I want in the slightest, he's just designed the room around him how HE wants it and then left me to do what I do and sit on the bed, at least he's not taken that away from me, at least I still have the bed to rest on and to sit on whilst on my laptop. It took a lot of pissyness and bickering for me to even get my bedside table, I can only hope that it all still fits when he gets his viv stack.

Tehya is sitting on top of the python, and until I complained to Simon about the heat, she was suffering in a temperature of 32degreesC all over her faunarium when it's a maximum of 31 degrees in the HOT end, supposed to be, poor little mite, after quite a bit of moaning last night and again this morning he agreed to help me raise Tehya's viv so that it wasn't being heated by the python's ceramic bulb underneath which kicks out a LOT of heat. Thankfully after lifting her an inch off the python's tank the heat from the ceramic bulb is escaping and not going straight into Tehya's viv above him. At least we know that when the viv stack arrives, the python has GOT to be on top, there's no other order that is possible, unless the heat from the ceramic bulb is used in the place of a heat mat but then it can't be controlled, can't be just turned down to stop it heating the viv above too much because that would be detrimental to the python.

I shouldn't complain though, the room does look nicer as it is now instead of all over the place like it was and at least both of our spideys have a home too, would be nice for them to have a home each in the viv stack though, would look really nice. Oscar seems to like the new layout too, only because he gets more Lizard catching space, have had to tell him off about four times already for trying to swipe at Rex. *rolls eyeballs*

Rent is only going to be four days late this month, have already worked out that October's rent will be on 8th Oct bang on which is when it SHOULD be paid.

Now, the Green Paper. I think it's a load of crap, utterly truly wuly, it's just a way for the government to get lots of money back from the people who most need it and feed it into the social services where that person lives, which means I will then have to rely on the social services to get us about, we'd lose the car, Simon would have to go out and find a job and I would be left on my own to look after the children and myself, so I'd have to go out and get myself a mobility scooter somehow (what chances have I got unless someone pays for it for me?) so I could take the children to school and back, yes I would relish the chance, but not if it means that I am to be on my own or trying to work. I mean how the hell can they find me a job when I am asleep for half of the waking hours, I am depressed, I can't think straight and I can't sit for a long time, I can't stand up, I can't walk, I can't do a sit down job because that inevitably means using a pc or doing something repetitive which I cannot do because that hurts my arms, and I can't sit in the same position for more than 10 minutes without getting back ache and having to lie down to rest my spine, I can't see any job allowing me to lie down and rest every so often. It's impossible, there's the fact about short term memory loss too, there's no way I could deal with customers because I would forget what I had told them or done about it. Then there's the fact that I don't know what I'm doing half of the time never mind anyone else, it would not be fair to expect me to work in a work environment. Not forgetting the vertigo, that is so bad I cannot turn my head. I can see lots of disabled people complaining about this and there is no way on earth they could have asked real disabled people what they think about it, they will probably have asked those who are able to work and earn quite a bit of money doing it, not those who are stuck at home and cannot go out to work.

I'm sad now because I'm scared for our future, if they take away the disability we will have to live on the child tax credits, and also be expected to pay bills and feed and clothe ourselves with that pittance that I get. We will also lose the car which is what we need to get around as a family, we would never be able to visit our relatives again, because buses never run on time and at the same time, for instance to go to Tamworth, it used to take 2 - 3 hours on the train or the bus, because the connection times were wrong, the trains didn't run consecutively, so we'd have to wait an hour or more just to get the next bus when Tamworth is only 20 minutes away by car. There is NO way we'd be able to visit Christina and Gary.

The government needs to STOP allowing all these immigrants into the country, the gates should be shut and locked tight and we only let the English people back in, and those travelling on holiday. We are giving far too much money away to other countries by having their people in our Country, I'm not being racist, it's a fact. They come to this country, they get given benefits, housing benefit, income support and even disability in some cases. We should be like Australia and Canada, there should be a points system and you should have to have something to give the country instead of take take take.

I hate this country I really do, I wish we could emigrate to a country that is sensible and not selfish and all the fat cats getting fatter whilst the skinny people get skinnier and die. :(

*stops thinking about it* I wish I wasn't part of the group that keeps telling me all of this stuff now actually, I'd rather be kept in the dark, I really would, it's scary knowing what they are doing next.

If you want more information about what I have waffled on about, or you are confused as to what I'm talking about, please email me at and I'll provide you with more information. Or you can leave a message here :)

I'm off now heheh



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