Monday 27 April 2009

How many negatives make a positive?

I am finding that recently there have been more negative days than positive ones in my life at the moment. Negative meaning, health, feelings, and such... it's just getting on top of me at the moment but I refuse to ask for an increase in anti-Ds even though I knokw he'd say no anyway heh.

Pain is paramount at the moment, I am in such pain that it makes me grumpy and short tempered and the kids seem to be getting the brunt of my short fuse and my rattyness :S ((((hugs)))) for the children, I don't MEAN to bite their heads off when they upset me, but oh sometimes.

Mongedness is worse at the moment too, I seem to be moged far more than I used to be, perhaps it's the meds but I've not changed the dosage of them in the slightest

Maybe it's me personally, I am more monged than ever and need to get over it, maybe I need the kids to rum off steam with mean me not far far behind them just to open up the movement stakes :D :D

That would be a nigh on impossibility lol, would be funny to watch though.

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