Saturday 4 April 2009

What is life?

I'm sitting here wondering what my purpose in life is, everyone has one, that's how this big old ball ticks along not always nicely but most of the time it works.... So what am I supposed to do to put in my input? Or am I supposed to aimlessly plod on in my half existence that pretends to be a life.

Whatever the answer to that, I wish I knew, or maybe it is one of those darned rhetorical questions, one that you want to hear an answer to but you can't because law says it's rhetorical of course.

I often wonder weather we are part of something bigger, that maybe, like Horton Hears a Who? Maybe astronomers are wrong... we are merely a speck or particle within a world that is hugely vast with huge creatures that roam and we sit safely on the bed of a moon cloud star flower, which is why it LOOKS like there's a universe out there, because that is exactly what this flower looks like, a universe.

I wonder how people felt when they realised that yes indeedy we are not flat, there is no "end of the world" and that we are sitting on a ball with great potential, whether or not we use that potential is up to the politicians of the world, they rule the world with their damned rules and regulations and way of life. Some of it makes sense, other bits you just want to sit and think "why..?"

If I were a Horton, I would only promise to put the speck that is Earth back somewhere safely if the politicians would all shut up and let the people speak about how they want to rule the country, usually it would mean a highly roudy debate, but at least the people would be in agreement (after a few years or more) on what should be what.

Nature is far more organised and"for the people (most of the time)" than us, so why don't we take a tip from nature and sort out those problems that we seem to hear about

Well I just fell asleep for the third time since I STARTED writing the blog so I am going tosave and lose now (close) I started hours ago lol good night all.


Carol xxxxxx


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