Wednesday 15 July 2009

waffling again.

Well, I've ordered part of Bronny's birthday present which was shipped yesterday, 500 pack of bendaroos... they're a new product that has come on the market they are strong string coated in wax and you can shape them, stick them together and make all sorts of things with them, 2D pictures and 3D shapes with them, they look really good, (video: Bendaroos Advert ) I just hope I have not been ripped off because 24 hours after I clicked on buy it now and click to pay, I get an email from ebay AND paypal telling me that the item had been removed due to an issue with ebay's terms and conditions or policies or something and to respect the customer's privacy they could not tell me what it was that they got pulled for.

I have to get her makeup kit yet but I still have time as her birthday is 3 weeks away yet. I want to get her the makeup kit she saw in Tesco catalogue, or I might get her something similar from Argos and then she will be happy :)

Then the main big present would be her computer that we are buying her, we have found a refurbished Dell that we are going to get her, hopefully that will be up to her standards, we just need to get a mouse for her as we have a spare keyboard, and then it'll be sorted (we have a spare monitor too, it doesn't come with a monitor as standard) I am really looking forward to seeing her opening that because she doesn't think she's getting one, she wanted to have one but I told her that we couldn't sort out a pc that we could afford, but this deal is too good to miss, especially for picking it up for only £80 odd quids.

I might find the link that Simon has got and then put the link on the forum and recommend them, perhaps I shall recommend them as soon as I know we are getting the pc mentioned.

Wellll only 3 more sleeps to go until I gets my lil reptile :) I am so excited, you'd not believe how excited I am at the moment, I don't think I am going to be able to sleep. lol I have now put the carefresh in for bedding, I have the light on and am checking the temperature that the basking area goes to and it seems to be between 28.4 and 29.5 so I am hoping it stays on the low side of that, the temperature that was suggested by a friend of mine who keeps them was 28.5 but the book says between 28 and 31 so I guess I'm ok with my temperature, there is no way I could get the cool end as low as they want in the middle of Summer though, without any heating mat etc it regularly reads 24.5... hopefully that is reasonable for the lil critter.

We are receiving the little critter at 10am on Saturday and then we are to take Euan to a party at 12pm until 2pm, I will probably just get Simon to take him for me because there's no point us all getting up and out into the car just to pop down the road and back and then do it again 2 hours later heheh.

Busy few days then, we have to go out tomorrow to pay a check into my bank and to get the rest of Euan's birthday presents, and then we have to come home and order Bron's pc on the internet off ebay. Friday we have an appointment for me at 14:45 at Sandy lane Rugeley to have relaxation therapy with Sarah Matthews as part of the pain management programme. So Si will have to drop me off early and then rush home again and collect Bron and Euan from school and then race back to collect me from the appointment, we'll probably have a BK after that as a treat, haven't decided yet, depends how much money I will have already spent.

Got to do a shop tomorrow morning before I spend any money on anything else though, that and getting the PC will put a decision on what else I have to spend. I have to get a lot from shopping but I am going to really try to cut down on the bill so that it is not too much so I still have money left to get some decent birthday presents for Euan, he deserves something decent after all.

Simon is watching some weird film at the moment, it's called Ruins or something like that, he downloaded it onto his PC from Sky player heheh. It's keeping him quiet and busy anyway so I am not complaining lol lol

Well I have received £54 from sending my two mobiles off to fonebank to have them recycled, I thought I'd get more for the K850i but at least I actually got some from them. I would have liked to keep the K850i to see if my vodafone simcard would work in it, it probably wouldn't but it was worth a try, I need a new camera as good as the K850i camera now but I can't find one cheap enough, when the kids' birthdays are out of the way I will have a look at buying myself a decent point and shoot camera that at least has a macro option, I don't know though, they are all expensive these days, depending on what you want, I just want to be able to take photos as good as I used to with the K850i because I miss the camera on that phone, it was the only bonus about it lol.

It would take me ages to find a camera on ebay, one that isn't listed as spares or repair, I'd have to get Simon to help me find one heheh he's always good like that he seems to be able to search for the right thing too bless him, he's a one in a million is that man of mine. Ooh, it's my bedtime lol I usually aim to go to bed by 10pm, even though with nattering to Simon and so on we don't actually manage to get to sleep until nearer to midnight some nights, it depends how much we have to talk about, it's daft we hardly see each other all day because he's downstairs and I'm usually upstairs, and then at bedtime we make up for it and natter til the cows come home lol, that's on the average day when we do nothing, there are days when we go out instead of sitting around at home, but we don't normally talk about things other than that precise moment what we are doing or stuff relating to it.

Oscar gets a routine three fusses out of me a day these days, he's really crafty. When the children have gone to school he starts following me around the house and then wherever I settle whether it be upstairs or downstairs, he jumps on my lap and says "fuss me now slave" with his attitude, he doesn't have to say a single word lol then again just after lunch when I'm about to settle down to sleep he'll either sit on me or snuggle up with me and keep nudging my hand to fuss him bless his socks, and again in the evening when the children have gone to bed he'll drop himself on me and demand a fuss again, he has this routine sussed, and if we go out during the morning and get back after lunch, he demands two fusses length of fuss before I go to sleep lol he's such a cheeky bugger, you should see him when we go out for the day, he's even more wanting a fuss when we get back, only most of the time I am too tired to give him the fusses he tries to demand so I have to gently push him away, only this gentle gesture to say get off or bugger off never usually works because he pushes against my hand stronger than I can push these days so I have to boost up my energy and give him a quick shove lol he soon gets the hint from a shove.

He is asleep at the foot of the bed at the moment but he keeps touching me with his paw, if I move he'll adjust himself so he can touch me either with the same paw or a different paw, bless him, it's as if he needs to know that I'm there with him wherever he is in his dreams. He's not properly asleep anymore because I keep getting wafted by his tail heheh bless.

Well, I truly have waffled beyond belief tonight so I shall love you and leave you.



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