Friday 10 July 2009

Oops I forgot...

Forgot about blogging, naughty me, I used to be so regular at it, and now I'm a naughty girl and don't hardly blog at all. I can't even say I am too busy to blog either because I do bugger all day in day out lol

It's Euan's birthday on Tuesday, we're going shopping for presents on Monday heheh because I won't have any money to buy anything until Saturday, so we're off out on Monday to get some pressies for him (can't do Sat or Sun as we have the little rascals with us).

I cannot believe he is 7 already, seems like only yesterday that we were changing his little cute bottom heheh. His bottom isn't much bigger actually but he is, he's had a growth spurt and he doesn't look like a baby anymore, his face has really thinned down and he looks so grown up. :( my baby! lol He'll always be my baby, so will Bronny, even when they are in their 20's and 30's hahah.

I'm all excited :) :) :) :) only 8 more days until I get to put something in the viv that I have bought :) woot. I'm just testing the mat & mat-stat at the moment to get the right temperature for when my little thingy arrives :)

I am so so so excited I really am :) I can't wait to show her off on the forum to all my friends :) :) :) :)

Right back to business. All my money this week is for Euan's birthday, all my money next week is for my little thingy and then all the money the following week will have to be used to get some food in the house or for Bron's birthday.

We are buggered as far as food goes, I should have bought food instead of the viv on Wednesday, but I can't have nowhere to put my little thingy when she arrives on Saturday 18th July around 10am.

Heheh I am soooooo excited ;) (I think you get the picture)

Oscar has just gotten himself stuck behind Rex's "cage" by the window, lil shit lol

How am I feeling lately? I'm in a lot of pain, the pain has considerably increased and it's all over at different times, like last night I had an intense dull thud type pain in the top of my calf last night in bed, no matter how I moved myself it hurt, it wasn't a muscle cramp either, it was more like a pain around the bone. Emotionally I am not too bad although I do need to get some more anti-depressant because there isn't any available for the chemist to order :( there's just none, zilch, nothing. So I'm stuck, I have to go to the docs to get a different brand.

Just been out to get a "piece of wood" and a hide from reptile place for my little thingy that is coming a week tomorrow woot heheh

I have the coconut fibre for the floor substrate that I bought for Simon and it's not been used so I can use that. So that's it really, I have everything I need for my little thingy's house heheh.

I think that my friends on the forum are going to be thoroughly surprised when I post next week to show what I have got heheh, I can't decide whether to post the viv set up and say it's ready for my little thingy and THEN show them the surprise, or whether to leave it all until next week so it's a complete surprise heheh.

Well, it's my bedtime (daytime bedtime) so I will catch you all laters my friendly gaters.


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