Monday 9 November 2009

Oh No!!!

Our snakes and Bob the Skink have reptile mites :( so not fair :( it means a costly de-miting process where we have to treat the snakes and their habitats. The horrible little biting barstewards!

I can't believe it, have no idea where we got them from, it could have been the Speckled King or the Pinstripe which were Simon's latest additions to the "fold" (it's not a fold of snakes I know I'm just loosely using that word) There isn't a snake that hasn't got them, Simon's mexi-black seems most troubled by them I think, bless his little heart, he's been throwing himself around and soaking in his water bowl for months. Which means actually that it wasn't the latest additions, I do hope it wasn't the Boa because in two weeks time I'll be having me a Boa for my little collection which will be three :)

Simon has gone to get bigger bowls for his snakes to bathe themselves in to attempt to ease the itch. I still can't believe it, how unlucky are we? :( bloody biting things that they are!

Why did amoebas evolve into parasites? It's not fair, all of them want rounding up and setting on fire and then we can get rid of them lol, it's so not fair. Though, are we parasites? No we don't actually live on the things we eat so at least we can't be called parasites lol

In other news, yes you heard already, next on my list is a Dwarf sonoran cross boa :) Simon's is just so beautiful I can't help but have one for myself, we'll be in trouble if they're not proper dwarves though as Boas can grow up to 14ft long! Heheh we'd have to sell them on, but we'd probably get a fair bit for them.

We should set up a breeding scheme and get ourselves off benefits and living off our sales of snakes, if we got a grand a snake we'd be laughing all the way to the bank. Only problem? We don't have the space or the money to set ourselves up, we'd have to buy expensive snakes 2 off to be able to sell expensive snakes.

I can't understand people wanting to keep venomous breeds though, I mean that's just daft surely, the Dangerous Wild Animals list is big and long and I cannot believe that anyone would purposely buy a venomous snake. Yes they are pretty but so are all non-venomous snakes. I know you have to have a licence to keep them and you have to have a room that you can put them in one with a lockable door that has NO gaps in it heheh.

When the children grow up and leave the nest, hopefully by then we will have ourselves a nice council house :) and we'll be able to have a room full of snakes :) how cool is that? Heheh, though I don't know if they would downgrade us if the children left home and we were still living in a council house? Will have to ask someone that has lived in one for years and years, next door seems like a safe bet for an answer.

That's all folks.


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