Tuesday 18 August 2009

tireddd so damn tireeddd

I have been so tired lately to the point of exhaustion, I get up between 10 and 11am in the morning, I manage to stay awake until about 2-3pm in the afternoon then I have to have a sleep again, when the children are in bed, by 9pm I am crawling into bed myself and I sleep until Simon comes to bed, then when we've got in bed properly I have gone back to sleep again, until 10-11am, so I am getting more than 12 hours sleep a day, sometimes as much as 16 hours sleep, but I am still exhausted. It's not a case of a vicious circle the more I sleep the more I want to sleep, it is literally because I need it, Simon often queries the fact that I need so much sleep but I don't know how to answer other than if I didn't need it I wouldn't sleep it?

I am going to try and not have a sleep today and see how I go, although I am already getting monged from getting up at 10am this morning, I should be going to sleep in the next hour, but I am going to really try and fight it and see how we get on, if I can stop the daytime sleep and just sleep of a night time, even if itis early, then at least we'll be able to do stuff in the days because I am up and awake? I hope so anyway.

I want to go for a walk over the Chase but Simon says no way not with the children because they'll just play up, I can't get it through to Simon's head that the reason why they play up is because they don't know HOW to behave when out of the house because we don't go out often enough for them to learn how to behave.

It's time to try Tehya with a mouse again tonight, I think I'll be wasting my time but hopefully she will actually get off her butt and take it this time, I'm going to try strike feeding her with it to see how it goes, all Simon's snakes feed wonderfully, even his troublesome python, but no, not my Tehya, she's not interested in eating, she just wants to hide for most of the day when it's dark perhaps pop out for a five minute "stroll"

I'm quite worried about her actually as she's been "dull" as if in shed for.. *counts* 3-1/2 weeks now and it should last a mere 10-14 days. :S I just hope she is going to shed OK when she finally decides to actually shed and that she sheds with a perfect skin with eyecaps in the head piece. Hopefully she will shed soon and then eat something! heheh.

Today is week 6 since she has eaten, hopefully she is getting hungee now and will eat for me! I've wasted so many meeces by trying to feed her them to no avail. I might try a strike feed tonight and see how we go.

Bronny is making strange noises trying to get some foam "clothing" on her Bratz doll, it sounds like she's trying to get herself into a dress which is 2 sizes too small for her rofl. Euan is playing on COD5 (Call Of Duty) Simon is sitting downstairs listening out for the delivery (Bronny's new pc bits) I really feel sorry for her as she had the temporary pc on her birthday which never really worked properly, she probably got about 5 hours out of it before the motherboard failed to post, that was on her birthday on 5th August and her new pc bits are arriving today, which is 13 days after her birthday, nearly two weeks bless her soul, though she'll be one happy pumpkin when it is installed as it will be faster than my pc in the bedroom and my laptop, it'll be shit hot for a kid heheh. She is so spoiled bless her. We spent about £50 on Euan's birthday and we spent about £100 on Bronny :S *blush* though my excuse is that it IS a special birthday, her first double figure birthday and she'll only be 10 once. Lordy knows what we will get for her 16th birthday lol

Euan wants a pc too in his bedroom, but I have told him that he has to be 10 years old, and a responsible 10 years old before he gets HIS own pc in his bedroom. Not cost, it's about age, he's not old enough to be trusted properly on a pc so he has to be watched, especially as he signs himself into things such as places where he can chat and they say things untoward. Simon banned ourworld on the router because someone said to my 7 year old boy (who admittedly was signed in as being 13) "if I go out with you will you cheese all over me?" Simon and I were disgusted, even for a 13 year old that is disgraceful, so he immediately banned the web address from being able to be accessed on any of our computers including his own.

We have to understand and set up the parental controls on Bronny's PC, according to SImon vista has it's own special Parental Control set up and you can set times that the PC is able to be switched on, then if the PC is switched on or attempted switch on when it's not in the allowed times, it just won't switch on. which is really good because it will stop her waking up in the middle of the night and switching it on, or will stop her waiting for us to go to bed and then going on it, or going on from 6am in the morning.

Bronny is moaning for lunch so I'll have to go in a minute (yes I took heed Jane, they have three meals a day again now ;) ) well, three minutes to be precise, tick tick tick heheh, to be honest I'm all out of blog anyway, anything else I write will be more waffle than the waffle before it because I'm tired and all out of things of remote importance (to me) to say.

I'm glad that people still read my blog but I still think you are nutters for doing so, it's always compllete and utter waffle about nothing in particular and is never in any type of order, I'll mention something in the first instance and then mention it again about 5 paragraphs down lol

Right, I'm off.



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