Monday 9 March 2009

It's coming tomorrow :)

My Blackberry storm will arrive tomorrow apparently, which I am weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely excited about, not sure which courier though so it might be a really early one, like the one that Simon gets stuff from, I'll get myself up at 7am and go downstairs then and we'll see if it comes that early or not heheh. Only problem with that is that the children will insist on getting up too which means that they will be up and mega hyper by the time it's school time, or Euan will have worked himself up to being naughty if they fight enough.

Talking about their fighting (will get back to the phone shortly) I am rather pissed at them to be honest, all they do is fight these days, I just cannot seem to stop them belting the crap out of each other all the time they are awake, it's not ALL the time, sometimes you'll see them in the same room sitting together watching TV, or in one of their rooms playing on their DS's or something, but most of the time they are usually fighting and ripping each other to shreds. I could just blame it on Euan's behaviour, but I've seen Bronny give Euan a sneaky punch and kick more than now and again... I just don't know what to do, maybe every time they do it smack them one myself? BUT then that will be showing them that every hit deserves a hit back which won't teach them anything at all. We've shouted at them when they've ripped each other apart and we've put them in their rooms, the only trouble is that when they are fighting in the morning we can't separate them because they are getting ready for school. Perhaps I could put them in their bedrooms for fighting in the morning when they get home from school, hopefully that will do something because I am at my wits end with them. It's just none stop constant fighting.

Now, my phone. I have ordered the blackberry storm but I am now kinda wishing that I had gone ahead and ordered the ipod after all. Simon says that 3G is incredibly slow and I'll hate the fact I cannot connect to the internet via the home connection. But it said it had a modem in it, so surely the modem will be faster than 3G? I don't think it would be so popular if it was that slow. Will have to wait and see. I have to be careful though because any downloads and browsing has to be paid for if the contract is cancelled, so I have to be careful how much I use it whilst I try and work out whether I want the phone or not. I should just order an iphone now so I get it the next day or something, but I don't know whether I can have another contract, whether they will use the recent credit check for a mobile against me, maybe I have to cancel the vodaphone contract first, but who says I'm not going to like the Blackberry. Simon is just all over his iphone, yes it is probably the very best phone out there at this present moment in time, but I don't think other phone companies are going to leave it TOO long before they come out with something that is equivalent. I think I'm just going to see what the blackberry is like, if it does what I want it to do then I will be happy, besides, I only want the internet side of it when I am piss bored in the kitchen waiting for dinner to cook, surely whatever the Blackberry has to offer will be enough? It's not as if I'm going to stream a program or anything whilst I'm in the kitchen, I'll only be looking at websites and stuff like that, or sending an email or something heheh.

I wonder what messenger programme I'll be able to put on it if any, I can sit talking to people whilst I'm cooking dinner then heheh that will be fun. :D

OUCH, I just peeled some skin off my lip and it's made it red raw and even bleed in some places. :S I thought it was a dead piece of skin, maybe it was but it was still connected to the bloody layers of skin underneath heheh *giggles nervously* Simon is playing his game AGAIN, we don't actually talk in the evenings anymore, I just sit here on lappy and if Simon is upstairs he is on his game, he's only downstairs watching TV when it's something I'm not really interested in watching.

We went to Wyevale garden centre this morning to look for a Mother's Day present for Simon's Mum and Simon had a flid because he couldn't get her anything he wanted because the prices were a little too high and I had told him that buying staple food for the family was slightly more important than getting a Mother's Day present, he obviously didn't agree in his mind because he ended up having one of his storming around sulking and then when we got home a "leave me alone" moment. He was pissed with me because I wanted to get red noses for the children ready for Friday and I had told him he couldn't spend much on his Mum :S I can understand why in a way but there was no need to be that pissy I TOLD him to spend what he wanted on his Mum and we'd rally round afterwards, but no, he decided a pissy fit was more appropriate. When my phone arrives tomorrow I'll have to suggest we go back out again and buy something and then we can go shopping with what he has left and what I have in my bank aftwards, I AM getting my kids red noses though even if I have to beg Emma to get some for them. Have just texted Em and asked if she will get them a couple of noses. At least I'm trying to, damn signal! lol

Text sent, now waiting to hear back from her, she'll probably tell me to fuck off or curse Simon lol or she'll think fuck off and call me all the names under the sun and tell me I'm a cheeky cow, but yes I am a cheeky cow and she did say that whenever I need her help I should shout, perhaps she didn't mean it literally though, perhaps it was one of those offers of help which are empty and the person hopes you'll never call them? No, Emma ain't like that, Emma is a one in a million star and I loves her to bits, she really does bend over backwards for me and my kiddies bless her heart. I shouldn't take the piss though, maybe I shouldn't have asked? I don't know I don't know what mood it will reach her in :(

Simon is still playing his game and it is now 10:21 heheh going to bed soon, tired and hurting tonight, in fact my foot feels broken lol (no, it's not, it's just hurting like a broken bone) I have suddenly come over tired, I was fine a few moments ago heheh, I think I might make myself a drink and then bugger off to bed.

Ni ni

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