Saturday 7 March 2009

Logging in difficulties

Geesh was it a bugger to log into my OWN blog tonight, I had to create a profile for google before I could do anything else, then I couldn't find the link ON google to come back to my blog so I ended up having to use my bookmarks to get back to it. I know the address to my blog but when I HAVE to remember it do you think that I can? no sireee.

I'm thinking of re-introducing all the rattie boys because Bart and Corny don't seem to be faring too well being on their little ownsome at the bottom of the cage, it is a bit " left out" I guess because you have to go down to ground height to say hello to them, lately they've been spending a lot of time in their hidey and it's only food stuff that brings them out, not their bowl of food, that is usually hardly touched, but when I give them something special they'll come to me. They seem somewhat depressed. Hannah has suggested having them castrated so I might look into that and see how much it will cost to have them both done. Hopefully that will calm them down enough to be able to reintroduce them into the group so they can all live happily ever after together in one BIG cage instead of having half of it each.

Simon's lizard seems to be settling in well, his blue tongued skink. Bronny said yesterday "it's got a blue tongue" and I said, "REALLY, THAT must be why it's called a blue tongued skink" sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but boy is it funny sometimes, although usually wasted on either of the children.

Phoned Mum tonight, in response to her phoning me earlier and me not being too talkative because I was busy watching Gameplan. heheh That was a good film, there was a teary bit, a happy bit, then a teary bit, and then a happy bit again heheh. Anyway, the call with Mum. The usual subject that she introduces nervously popped up again about the children seeing "his" parents and it making a big difference to their lives, we were talking about them being able to go on holiday with them and everything, then I turned round and said that I wouldn't mind them seeing them that it was Simon that was completely against it and I didn't want to go against Simon's wishes, Simon is only trying to protect me after all and he knows that in my right mind (ie not being drugged up all the time) that I wouldn't want them to be involved in their lives again, after quite some discussion about it, I said that Bronny would probably like to see them again and Bronny said "no I wouldn't" I didn't realise she was awake never mind listening to our conversation!! *blushes* so no Bronny wouldn't like to get involved with them again, that is the decision made then, she got quite tearful and upset when I finished on the phone and went into her and tried to explain WHY Nanny keeps going on about it, like how she'd feel if she couldn't see them anymore and Bronny got tearful thinking I was going to make her go. So I had to explain that I would never make her do something she didn't want to do. Which is the truth, if she wants nothing to do with them, like she said, she actually said "I don't want to know anyone who has something to do with him" bless her, he must have really upset her, well I know he used to shout at her and smack her all the time, that would make me not want to go to my Daddy's anymore if I constantly got told off when I went.

If Bronny WANTED to see her Nanny and Grandad again I wouldn't stop her though, even through all the crap we've been through and the fact that Simon wouldn't agree with it, I would let her see them, it's Bronwyn's family after all.

I might email them to tell them that Bronny has made the decision that she doesn't want to get involved with them at this time but I will keep them in touch with the children's progress at time to time.

It's only fair that they see pictures and progress of their grandchildren every now and again, I know I'd bloody want to know my Grandchildren, I would hate to have them taken away from me I really would.

It's not as though I have taken them away from them though, the children (Bronny) have always made the decision that they do not want to see them, not me, I would never take that decision away from them. Hopefully when Bronny is older she will see that they are not out to get her and take her away or anything like that and she will decide to see them after all they are getting on in their years, He must be 68 this year and she 66 so they will have both retired.

Perhaps I could persuade Simon to let them back in and then explain to Bronny that she doesn't have to see her Dad by letting them back into their lives, I would never forgive myself if they were to pass on without seeing them again just one last time or something.

Anyway.... *changes the subject* (can't you tell I feel guilty that they are not seeing them growing up)

Perhaps it is for the best, I mean, they'd only blame me for Bronny's shyness and inwardness and Euan's naughty behaviour.

I don't know, I'm so torn over this, it's just that Bronny is 10 this August, another 10 years and they will have missed them growing up....


Charlie has eaten her locust :) I think it's clever how she webs underneath her and "stands tall" when she is digesting her food, it didn't take her long either, I wonder if she might want another one? It won't harm to put another one in surely? It was only small? I'll have to ask Simon even though it was only a small meal for her she might not want to eat again for some time. DOn't want to waste a locust by having it die of starvation whilst waiting for her to want to eat it.

Simon thinks that his Goliath is moulting again because he/she has webbed him/herself back up in his/her cave. Geeesh it's only recently had one!

Fwog seems happier back in her mudpit style accomodation now, she's not buried herself anyway and they totally bury themselves when they are too hot, too cold or generally pissed off with their surroundings.

Rex seems happy and is growing and feeding well, he even feeds from his little plastic cup heheh. Simon fills it with brown crickets every morning and then Rex travels down the vine and sits and eats his breakfast, if Simon is too late then Rex will already be sitting there waiting for his breakfast when he does it lol bless him he has it almost like clockwork.

Simon's snake came out and did a lovely poo for him this morning, it didn't digest the mouse tail so that was completely whole in the very stinky poop heheh. I would imagine that it is stinky considering all it eats is protein foods, my poop would be stinky if I only ate meat, would be pretty slimy and yucky without any bulk too (ewwww)

I have eaten 2 apples and a bowl of cereal today, I wasn't empty enough to have something more filling, yesterday was two bowls of cereal and a banana and an apple and I felt very fat so I had to cut down today, I still feel OK, little and often they said, not quite sure whether I'm eating often enough but I'm only eating a little when I do eat, also the cereal is used in the 2 bowls a day and lose a dress size in two weeks scheme so if I just eat one bowl of cereal I should be able to lose even more. I occasionally have a proper meal though as I know that I can't just eat cereal and fruit that I have to have some source of protein.

OOoh, my battery actually lasted for a fair while this time as have only just had to plug in the charging unit, that makes a change, there are various settings that I could change to make the battery last even longer but that would affect the performance of the laptop and to be honest, as I am sitting next to a power socket most of the time either downstairs or upstairs, I might as well go for performance over power saving.

My begonia is buggered. Simon said it was buggered when I bought it and that I had chosen the wrong one, to be honest I'm beginning to think that he was right. Though it would help if I would remember to water it now and again, THAT is why all the flowers that are out at present have gone brown because I forgot to water it, not because of any other reason lol I have given it a bloody good water, can't remember whether it was yesterday or the day before So I had better check the dryness of it and water it again, as long as I don't drown it.

We need a watering can, the cheeseplant is awkward to water because if you try and do it with a cup the plant gets in the way and I have to water my begonia at the sink because it's the only way to actually get in and under all the foliage to the compost, even then our tap is a stupid shape so makes watering very difficult, so we need a little watering can, trouble is the cheapest small one I saw was £10 at the garden centre! Maybe Big D has a cheap watering can. *plots and plans to go there next week*

Euan keeps nagging for the clone costume (Starwars Clone wars) he desperately wants a helmet and the laser gun and the white costume so that he can play star wars clone wars, I keep telling him that all he has to do is IMAGINE that he is in that costume and he keeps arguing that he has nothing white so he can LOOK like a clone. I don't know how much these things are though I'll have to have a look online and see if I can afford to at least get him the helmet.

Right, I'm finished waffling now.

Ni ni.

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