Tuesday 24 February 2009

bad night :(

I had such a bad night last night, I went to bed early (9:15pm) so I could catch up on some sleep ready for getting up early. Si accidentally (?) woke me up at 10:30pm trying to get Oscar downstairs to bed, then he decided to get a poorly tum and keep needing the toilet (constipation finally easing not the runs) so he started watching BBCi player on his iphone, but I said he didn't have to wear his headphones as I was so tired I was bound to go back to sleep WRONG!!! Simon and I were still awake at midnight! When Simon and I finally settled down to sleep, I kept waking up because I had myoclonic jerks in my arms which were causing me to nearly hit Simon or if I was facing the other way, hit the bedside table, I kept waking up because I kept getting twinges in my knees too, which were rather painful, I just didn't have an hour's solid sleep apart from the first hour I had before Simon woke me up. :(

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