Saturday 14 February 2009

uugggghhhhhh arrrrgggghhhh

That's better, finally got the children out of the bedroom after they were in here being pains in the butt, they came in because Bronny wanted a new game, then Euan came in and plugged his charger in to play on his DS, they both got comfy on the bed and then Euan moved between Bronny and me, plenty of room but Bronny started kicking and elbowing him claiming he was squashing her, truth was that she was pissed that he was between myself and her. I ended up kicking them both out because they were doing my bloody head in. Arguing and bickering because Bronny was being a cow claiming she was squashed, Euan pestering "when are we going to watch that DVD?" all the time *rolls eyes*

On a better note, I received a funny card and a present from Simon for valentines day, it was a DVD, Horton Hears a Who! I'm quite looking forward to watching it, I told the children that they could probably watch it with us and Euan has been pestering ever since to tell him a time that we are going to watch it, not that he can tell the time but that's him for you, if it's an hour he understands but any other time he can't get it right, for instance it was quarter to 5 last night and Euan said it was 5 to 9, because the numbers said so *rolls eyes* I have no idea when he's actually going to take it all in and LEARN how to tell the time. I bought him a digital watch for his birthday last year so it was easier for him to learn how to read the time, but he didn't use past and to when telling the time he always read out digits, like it's eleven twenty two instead of it's 22 minutes past 11 heheh.

I am having a whale of a time deviating from the original point today lol I'm useless! Already I cannot focus and nor can I read what I am typing properly and I'm having to correct a good few words because I have them totally and utterly wrong. *rolls eyes* I suppose the good thing is that I can still recognise that the words are wrong, it's just that the brain cannot think straight when typing it and it keeps telling my fingers to type the wrong words. :(

I just fell into a daydream then too, a deep one that could almost be classed as going to sleep and dreaming, I dreamt that there was special locks on the door to frog cage and that you had to speak the password for them to open and they were jammed open and we were desperately trying to sort them out before the frog escaped out of the tank lol In realisty there is only one lock on the doors and that is a central lock when the cage is shut tight, the hinged bits do not have locks on them heheh.

I am jist about ready for bed, have fallen asleep so many times and now the kids are having a go at me because I won't let them in our bedroom to sit and play on their DS's *rolls eyes*

This isn't tablet related this time, it's way too early for the tablets to affect me, they usually affect me between 2 and 3 pm, I know it's not that far away but I took the tablets at the same time as usual if not later this morning so the effect from the morning tablets should be later on than now, the lunchtime tablets won't have kicked in yet either.

It must be the poorly again because it really can't be the tablets.

Someone said that I am an amazing blog writer and after a year of writing this blog I should release it as a book because it is that good, I don't agree though because it's crap and I spend most of my time waffling about complete and utter crap lol I don't think it would be any good.

Geesh I just fell asleep again (and again) I think I had better stop and have a lie down heheh though maybe if I get off my butt and do something then I won't be falling asleep. Don't know though legs are really weak today so not sure what I'm supposed to do.

Lizard has learned to come down to the large plant pot and feed from there which is a good thing as it means that we know he is eating when we see him scoff a cricket.

Simon has run out of locusts not sure if he needs me to buy some or not or whether he is planning on getting some, he needs some as they are frog food.

Right that's me waffled on I'm off to do the Tesco order for delivery hopefully tomorrow now.

Bye bye.


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