Saturday 7 February 2009

Si getting ready...

....for a new chameleon.

We're having a 7 week old baby that Simon has seen advertised by googling to find them. They are in Birmingham and they are £45 each and there is two left. It's a shop that sells reptiles amongst other animals.

I'm quite looking forward to going and having a look actually, I might find I fall in love with something there though heheh I have to be weary of going into pet shops as I usually end up falling in love with something, though the sheer fact that we have no space whatsoever might make a change to our visit on Monday.

Simon has to ensure that the habitat is just perfect for Monday, he has taken the Monstera out (cheese plant) because he is not sure whether it was that that helped with the death of Baron, I don't think it was but still, it could have been one of a million things and we'll never know because we didn't arrange for an autopsy (couldn't afford it)

Euan has completed his homework I am now ensuring that Bronny gets her homework done so that I can have a nap knowing that all homework is complete and I don't have to worry about it tomorrow.

I HAVE to clean the rats out tomorrow because they stink a fair bit, nowhere near as much as the hamsters' pong that they are giving off though, I swear that the more I clean them the more they stink, I only clean them once a week tops though so it's not as if I am overcleaning them at all.

The rats' furnishings require washing too but now that they are in separate housing I have no wash and wear left so if I put their stuff in the wash then they will have no furniture until it is clean and dry *rolls eyes*. Which will probably cause arguments as they will not have separate places to go and play.

Bronny is now sulking because I have allowed Euan out of his bedroom, he was being naughty so Simon sent him into his room and now he's calmed down and said sorry I have let him out. He's being a pain in the arse talking and playing his DS loud again though.

Bronny is doing her homework, we worked together on her literacy because she was struggling to concentrate on the text about Dick Turpin and answer the questions by reading the text, I can remember struggling to do things like that when I was at SECONDARY school lol, the latter questions were quite difficult because you were not asked to find a certain piece of text, it was a case of deciphering the text to get the answer out of it. Which I always had problems doing when I was at school lol.

She now has to draw a picture of the house and where the water comes into the house and where it goes once it has come into the house, for instance drawing the kitchen and the bathroom, and showing the piping to it.

Euan is playing his DS, I'm slobbing on here and Simon is creating the Lizard habitat and making sure that everything is hunky dory in time for the lizard's arrival home on Monday. To be honest without the monstera in there I think it'll be too much space wasted that the lizard can't get to because there is nothing to hold on to. Simon knows what he is doing though so I will just leave it to him, I feel that this is Simon's pet that I am allowed to look at, but I hope that I can be hands on like I was with Baron, maybe being hands on with the Baron caused him to be ill, I don't know.

Peace and quiet? HAH Bronny is constantly whining about something and Euan is pestering us both.

Now Bronny is moaning that she misses the house in Stafford, the big house where she had a double bed in her bedroom and Euan had that huge sleeper bed and we had an ensuite in our bedroom, it was beautiful but it spoilt us because we amassed way too much junk, it would be nice to still be there though, it was a beautiful house with a beautiful garden and the school was really nice too. The only downside was that we never knew when she would be back kicking us out and we felt "watched" with her daughter living in the flat annexe.

I think that was my favourite property of all of them, socially it was crap because Tracey had managed to make the school Mums rather against me, the neighbours were lovely though and Simon would be able to take me to the school with him to take and collect the children because the route was relatively flat, very flat compared to others actually. It's just a shame, if I won the lottery I would buy that house off her and move us in ourselves I loved it so much. I don't think Simon would live there anyway, he already said if he won the lottery he'd buy a house somewhere else or have one built or something.

Euan has stopped playing on his DS and is now pestering Simon and myself! eeek, Simon has begged Euan to stop talking lol he is doing my head in at the moment. *rolls eyes* Bronny is stuck on her homework. which is convenient and it means it's going to take her forever to do.

I'm getting monged aswell which means that I should be having a nap to recover but until the kids bugger off I can't have a nap, I am struggling to focus on this now so I'm going to sign out and say goodbye.

Bye bye

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