Friday 6 February 2009

Be Oh Ar Ee Dee

Spells BORED.

Am waiting for the forum backups to complete so that I can upgrade the forum software to the newest version, which is sometimes easier said than done, I have to back up the forum and everything in it so that if the upgrade doesn't work and breaks the forum I can put it back on as if nothing has happened, well, truth behind that is that I can get Simon to put it back on as if nothing has happened because I wouldn't be able to do it. I would actually if Simon showed me how to. I learn dead quick and he wouldn't have to tell me twice either.

Have been chatting to Scott on Facebook this morning, he's my cousin, my Mum's Sister's Son :) he's 30 years old today, I can remember when he was running around like a little devil in the back garden at Aunty Teresa's house donkeys ago, he's not that much younger than me but I can still remember it.

I keep looking in Baron's house expecting to see him :( we're not collapsing it as we are hoping to have another chameleon in the near future, a baby one that has been bred by the person that has them so we know the entire history of it, that way if it gets poorly like Baron did we will know probably that it's something we are doing. Hopefully it won't though because I don't think we did anything wrong with Baron at all. Poor little man I still miss him :(

Hamsters are active today, little mites look 100 times better now they have a sand/dust bath again, I honestly didn't think we had any left at all. I found it on top of the cupboards in the kitchen, I reckon it was left on the work surface and Si needed space to make his lunch so he put it up there out of the way. There was no way I put it up there, he is of course denying all knowledge of putting it on the cupboards but it is obvious that it was him. Unless it was the ghost, and I thought we only had a cat as a ghost so it'd be a very clever cat to pick up the sand and put it up there wouldn't it? Yes it would.

Must ask Simon to mist the plants for a bit today otherwise they are all going to die on us and I cannot afford another £30-£40 worth of plants so he'll have to look after these plants unless he's going to buy the next lot. I'm going to be skint all month this month as I'm going to be using the DLA to top up the rent account so that we are not late next month like we have been the past month and this month. I have just text the landlord to explain that we will be a week late again this month but I will make arrangements to ensure we're not late the month after.

Simon's snake hasn't been out yet, I hope it's OK I really do, I know it takes a week to settle in it's new surroundings but I am worried that it is not well or something as it just sits in the log that's in there and doesn't move around at all. Though saying that I've seen snakes very often in pet shops and they are hardly ever moving about so it's just me I guess. I wonder when he's going to feed it, the rat (sorry ratties!) that was put in with it when Simon collected it was going off so it had to be thrown away so we now don't know when the snakey will want feeding next.

Landlord has just text back saying that's fine, so that's OK. One thing off my chest anyway.

Must sort out that container for Simon and his super worms, although I don't think they are dying because of the size of the container, I think they are dying because they don't last long unless kept in the fridge.

I am so monged today, I'm going to have to go to bed very shortly, I can't believe how monged I am, I can hardly see or focus on anything my eyes keep going boss eyed, it keeps coming and going but at the minute there is more coming and staying than going :S

Right, I'm going to have to bugger off now I am feeling rather dizzy because my eyes won't sit still and I'm really hurting them trying to get them to focus :S

Love to readers

Bye ! :D

1 comment:

Beowulf1976 said...

Forum Upgrade was successful thank god heheh I had to do it manually and not the automatic way again though. Think it's the amount of mods arguing with it when I try to install it the automatic way. I'm waffling tech speak now so I am BORING *shuts up*
