Friday 13 February 2009

Oooh I could crush a grape.

David (my brother)'s Facebook Status : David Venables is working harder,as millions on benefit depend on it !

That pisses me off. We don't depend on him in the slightest, yes we get our money out of the taxpayers money but I CAN NOT work so why should I not be able to still cater for my family's needs? Oooh comments like that really piss me off.

Stupid hamsters are crawling hanging upside down along the bars on the top of the cage and then dropping down into the lowest part of the cage so they're kamikazi jumping lol stupid hamsters. It can't hurt as he's doing it repeatedly, it must be a game for them. They've been hanging on with their hands and chewing the bars too. Their feet look pretty useless when it comes to hanging upside down, I guess if they were in a proper cage with bars their feet would be used to help clamber up the sides though, I don't know?

Have been talking to Tracey via text, haven't spoken to her since 2004! She didn't seem to want to know me back then but now she is texting me lots. Perhaps she has noone else because she is like that, she is one of those "friends" that only wants you when there is noone else around to "play with" I'm used to it as she was like that at scchool too :S always a user never been used. \Though saying that I actually used her as a baby sitter once when SI and I went somewhere (can't remember where we went) and she looked after Euan for me. It wasn't for that long though I think we only went into town for something I can't remember all that far back.

My dearest brother has just had a go at me on FaceBook and told me that the only reason I am in his friend list is to keep everyone else from having a go at him for not being my friend. Here was me thinking he'd finally grown up and stopped having a grudge at me when I don't actually deserve it he can be so bloody evil sometimes that brother of mine can! :(

Stupid hamster is still doing it rofl I'll have to get Si to take a video for me. lol have done it myself and placed it on the forum lol daft silly hamster.

Time for some cereal methinks and to see what Simon is up to.


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