Thursday 26 February 2009

The forum is still dead as a dodo. I can't understand where everyone has gone or why they have suddenly just given up on the forum. It seems as the odd few are coming back and making sure the forum still runs, but there are the odd few that used to come on regular that are not bothering at all anymore.

Oooh Jack Dee is on Live at the Apollo, I like him, such dry wit, I find him hilarious and he has to be one of the best straight faced comedians around.

Simon is playing the technician again and has taken his ipod stand apart and is trying to break a circuit, namely the audio one, so that it works when he tries to sync it with his pc, because at the moment it causes his iphone to time out so there's something in the contraption that is slowing the whole process down and not working. Give him his due though, most of the time when he tries to fix it, it works, he managed to fix Euan's DS when it was totally buggered so he does know his stuff heheh.

We have a load of plants in our bedroom now lol, cheeseplant, dracaena and elephant foot plant x 2 and a begonia on my bedside table heheh I do like plants though, I think they are clearing the air in the bedroom as it does get a tad stuffy in here.

My booby hurts at the moment :( it's my left one and its been hurting quite frequently, but I don't know why, I'm pretty sure there is no lump in there just a tender spot which hurts to touch, maybe the muscle is pulled from being under pressure from spasms a lot? I don't know.


Julian Cleary was also on Live at the Apollo, so bloody funny, I love that man! (not in THAT way) he's just amazing lol he did an act with two lads and lo and behold one was from the army and one from the navy, what a fix lol anyway, he was trying to find out which one was more romantic, they both won in the end.

I upset a friend tonight, I wasn't actually thinking with exactly what I said because I am totally drugged up, so pretty useless to anyone, I should have provided an honest compliment instead of saying what I said, I'm such a twat sometimes I really am. Hopefully she will forgive me, I text her to apologise but I don't know if it's good enough or not.

I am also in the middle of upsetting another friend because I'm such a twat, trying to say the right thing but things that are NOT the right things to say are coming out of my big fat gob I think I had better shut up before I upset her. I suppose I could change the subject to something else but that's not good enough either because she needs to get this problem off her chest.

I'm so bloody useless I can't do anything right. Even when not drugged up to the eyeballs I end up cocking up with saying things that are so out of order and THEN realising what I said, I just need to not say a word.

Time is a ticking again. With the kids not going to bed until 7.30 and 8pm it just seems as though it's no time until we have to go to bed. If we went to bed at the time we SHOULD for the next day, being 10pm we'd have 2 hours to ourselves, I know we have the whole day to ourselves but if we worked we wouldn't have that time to ourselves, I'm just saying when you have kids you really don't get much time to yourselves. *moan over*

I long for them to be old enough to go off and do things for themselves so that Simon and I can have the courting part of the relationship that we haven't had with the children already being with me, that will be nice and will further strengthen our relationship, not that it is weak or anything, I am just as in love with Simon as I was when we first met. He will always be my everything my all in the world.

I'm moving my spiddy tomorrow :) to it's new habitat, I'm rather nervous but excited to create a fantastic house for her, hopefully she will continue to be an active spiddy and make the most of all of her space :) at least if she explores it she will realise how big her new house is and start moving the furniture around like she did when she was first put in the exo-terra I think it's called. Poor baby she deserves more, nothing against Simon he just needed to make space for all of the spiddys, but now he's going to have lots of space because all the spiddys will be gone! The plan is to give her lots of coconut fibre because she enjoys digging in it, I'm going to use some cork bark and I am going to buy some ivy to place around and make it look natural. :D

I can't wait!

I'm just waffling now so I am going to get the hell out of here. ;)

I am hungry anyway.

Ni ni.



The New Me said...

Hi Carol, I will try harder to post on TN. I am currently so addicted to animes I watch them all day (or at least when I'm not asleep) and don't really get the time to post any where. I'll set aside some time each day just for posting on TN :)

Beowulf1976 said...

Thanks poppet :) Loves ya.