Thursday 12 February 2009


I'm knackered, all I did was put a load of washing in the washing machine and put it on, load the tumble dryer and switch that on, sort a load of washing that's clean and dry and put it away. I feel like I've run the 1500 metres at school, I'm not exaggerating either and my breathing matches that scenario :(

I used to be on my feet all day and hardly get the chance for my arse to touch a seat and I'd have the energy to do it, true I'd find myself knackered the day after but I'd do it. It's just not fair that I can't barely do anything without puffing for breath and having backache and arms and legs aching like hell and generally feeling like shit.

What is the difference between a Doctor and a Mr when it comes to consultants? Yes a Doctor has a doctorate, does that mean that a Mr has a Mistorate? pmsl. Seriously does anyone know the difference? Is a Mr more senior to a Doctor or what?

Daft Lizard is on the door to the flexarium at the moment, I think he is intent on escaping, either that or he wants Simon's hand? heheh he could do we'll never know. Are chameleons escapologists? not even sure whether that is spelled correctly.

I had a bad night last night, kept waking up every hour yet again, it really narks me when I do that because I don't feel like I've had much sleep when I get up in the morning when that happens. I'm going monged now already and hungee actually. I had a bowl of cereal before bed yesterday afternoon then faggots and chips for dinner. heheh whenever I have a hot dinner the night before I'm always starving by lunchtime the next day, it's almost as if my body clock is all mixed up and it's treating the night time dinner as breakfast, or maybe because I don't eat it's that meal that I DO have that is waking up my digestive system so I do eat something. I'm not really losing weight quickly any more, it's stupid because you would think that with not eating I would lose the weight because it would be burning my fat up as energy. Maybe now we've run out of crisps I'll start to lose the weight, I was eating them sensibly with or AS meals not as if I was pigging them all the time.

I want to be a size 12 again, I looked too gaunt in the face as a size 8-10 so I need to lose weight to get to a size 12, which will take quite some time as that is about 4 dress sizes to lose, which means 8 inches all over I think, that's a lot of inches to lose. I bet my arse stayes huge and my tummy will forever be a pot tummy, I don't think I can ever be thin thin, it's my dream to have such a fantastic bod that I'm not scared to flash a bit of flesh (even though I wouldn't because Simon wouldn't be too happy if I did) It would just be nice to be thin and look at myself in the mirror and not be disgusted with the way I look. At the moment I just want to get a knife and physically slice off the fat, that would be so fab if I could do that. No, I have to do it th e hard way so that I am reminded when I am at perfect weight for my body that eating makes you fat and huge and a size 20 when you used to be a size 10, it's eating that makes me that huge. Eating is going to have to be a sin that I only partake in when I'm absolutely starving and at passing out stage, though I cannot do that because I need to line my stomach with food to prevent my tablets from ripping it to pieces. Though, I've come off the gastric ripping out tablets thankfully, but I am sure that some of them should be watched with an empty tum, I presume that their effect would be stronger for a start (ooh less pain!)

What am I talking about? I'm a fat pig that loves food, there ain't no way I could slim down. Yes, I don''t eat at every meal at the moment, in fact some days will be lucky if I have A meal at all, but I am not exactly food-shy, if we had all the good stuff in the house I would probably eat it. I have run out of weightwatchers microwave dinners now so I'm going to have to go without as I don't know what amounnts of what I should and shouldn't be eating to stay just on the edge of being poorly cuz I'm not eating, I want to lose so much that I feel ill, but am not actually ill?

I haven't got a problem, I'm just fat, as you can see in pictures of me, no you can't see? Well I'll try and post some that show how fat I really am without being nekkid. My clothes hide a LOT of my fat, they must do as that woman wouldn't believe that I was 14 - 15 stone, she put me down as 12-13, there's no way I lost that much though, I'm still a fat heffer and I'm still bigger than I was pregnant with Euan (apart from my belly) and I was 12 stone on the dot when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with him (I remember from May 22nd 2002 when I broke my ankle when they weighed me.)

It sounds bloody windy outside :S poor kids if they are playing outside right now, though lunchtime is in 12 minutes I think so hopefully the wind will have died down by the time they actually go out to play. DOH, I'm so stupid, it's my tumble dryer I can hear that is making it sound bloody windy rofl I am sooooo stupid.

OOOh post. Bet it's Simon's, it's ALWAYS Simon's post, he gets lots and lots of post, too much post if you ask me! rofl It could be a newspaper though as he's not rushing to the door to get it, oh he's got it now, I bet/hope it's his screen protector for his iphone he's been waiting patiently for it for months now, especially as it was supposed to come included in the pachage for the back casing of the phone. It can't be anything spectacular because you still have to be able to use the touch screen as there are few keys to the phone and they are only function keys like volume and such.

Geesh I've waffled some crap today haven't I? heheh I'll sign off now though as my waffle is about all waffled out for now.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Do you remember how many times you've ranted at me about eating? Maybe I should return the favour! xxx