Friday 9 January 2009

Apologies dear readers

I apologise for writing such a morbid blog yesterday, it's always when I think of death that I go over the whole fate, justice fair scenario and it really screws with my head and I get really upset about it and then scared about dying.. and so on.

Anyway, this is an apology so I am not going to go on about it again.

~~<~@ ~~<~@ ~~<~@ ~~<~@ ~~<~@ ~~<~@ ~~<~@ ~~<~@

^^ They are supposed to be roses heheh

Have already cleaned the hamsters out this morning and yes I can now confirm I'm having a flare up because just that simple task of cleaning out such a small housing has totally knackered me from head to toe, I mean come on, even my kids could do that job easy enough, it's not back breaking work, but it felt like it was, after a few moments of standing up I get increasingly sharp and painful stabs in my back and then it just spreads all over down my legs and up into my body and my shoulders and everything hurt, just from standing up doing nothing! :( and Simon wonders why I hardly do anything or I try and put off cleaning out the rats until the very last minute, that's the one that nigh on kills me, cleaning out the rats :S I love them to bits I truly do but I kinda wish when it's cleaning out time that they were not mine rofl.

Simon and I have decided that as a joint venture we are going to have lizards instead of crabs or frogs, we fell in love with a basalisk yesterday but when we found out that they grow to 2.5feet we realised that was a tad too big for us. We are going to get the rent out of the way, Simon wants to buy more scorpions before he buys anything else then we are going to work on the lizard project. I think Simon will end up spending the most money on them but that's only because I have less and less money to spend on things as the weeks go by, giving Si £15 a week towards the electricity bill has really crippled me and I'm not sure I will EVER have any pennies spare, I don't think I'll be able to continue doing the shopping never mind anything else, it's just not fair, especially as he seems to have a lot more spare cash every other week than I ever have these days, which means he can constantly treat HIMself to things. When I buy something for me I get told off for spending money most of the time.

Anyway we won't go into that argument because there is a lot deeper to go and I don't want to get stuck in the bottom and not be able to climb out and then resent him for the rest of the day rofl

I can hear birds! First time I've heard birds in a long time, and I know that it's not his crickets making all the noise, tis tweetypie birds so it is.

My R4 card still hasn't arrived in the post :( I'm well pissed, it should have been here ages ago, I paid for it ages ago anyway. *goes to check bank* yes it went out on time too, so I cannot see where the problem lies *goes to check Amazon* estimated delivery was 5 - 8 January so I'm guessing Royal Mail is at fault here, I can't use it until Euan's memory card turns up anyway because I'm having his old memory card for my R4. I'll probably be most likely to use it in my phone than the DS actually. Though I could ask Simon to buy me a micro SD card for the phone it's not got to be a huge one just big enough to take a few pictures when we're out, though I suppose I had better start using the big bulky camera that he gave me when his new one arrived from his parents either for his birthday or Christmas I cannot remember which.

I have decided that if I can save myself from spending March's DLA payment I am going to use it to buy the family a Wii :) Though, knowing us we'll have to dip into the rent so I'll have no choice but to do it.

Hmm what to say next? I don't know actually I have no idea what to say next, I take it that gives me the hint to say goodbye and bugger off and do something else, I haven't checked the forum this morning I guess I could check that we don't have any bad spamming members joined rofl lol


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