Tuesday 20 January 2009

Waffle waffle waffle


We're off to the doctors for the dreaded thing that a woman has to do at 11something, not looking forward to that, not in the slightest, I've already cancelled lots of appointments and missed the last one, accidentally on purpose like. I cannot stand them, well, you have to lie down, but nevertheless they are no fun at all.

Why cannot a man have something degrading have to be done to them on a regular basis, cough and drop is nothing, they do that in the bathroom at home alone anyway. I don't think ANY man on this planet does not know the intricate ins and outs of his manhood. He probably has every millimetre of it mapped out on the back of his brain so that he knows it in the dark.

EWww. *shuts up*

Euan's arm looked like it was getting better yesterday, I just cannot for the life of me understand how on earth he could get a boil/infection, though he is a pretty grubby boy, but that would have had to have started in one of his pores, I just can't think what it could be. Poor little man he said it's hurting him again today whilst I was giving him his antibiotics and the cream which I buggered up again and gave him a hippo sized squirt instead of a "thin layer of cream over the affected area" lol

I wonder if Rachael's kitty has been found yet, that's a bloody busy road for a little kitty to be visiting the neighbourhood in. We keep Oscar in because we don't want him to end up as Road Kill. If you hit a dog it is law to report it, if you hit a cat you don't have to, what's with that? Poor kitties deserve some recognition and respect too?

Was looking at pictures and can see that Becca is thoroughly enjoying college social life, I just hope on all hopes that she is working hard too ;) (don't hit me becca rofl) I just don't want you to get kicked off the course.

I enjoyed the social life of a pint at lunchtime at the pub over the road from the college, they must have a steady trade from that college it's the nearest thing towards civilisation to the college. I think I spent more time in the pub than I did at home actually eventually, we'd go to the pub at lunchtime, we'd visit it at tea time before we went home on the bus, then train, then I'd walk from the train station to home.

That was a boring statement. *yawns* I'm really tired and feeling monged this morning, I've increased medication to relieve the pain though so it could be a reaction to that until I get used to the higher levels again.

I've been so badly in pain the last few days, Sod my Doc's request to reduce different meds, I'd much rather not suffer the pain thankyee, at least without suffering as much pain (you have to understand I have the migraine equivalent of pain all over my body 24/7, that's the level of tolerable pain I suffer, anything above that and I will have to talk about getting another pain relief) I can get on with being a Mummy and a g/f fiance type person, basically chief cook and bottle washer, though I don't wash up, the dishwasher does that, and Simon loads the dishwasher. ALso I don't cook, I just put things in the microwave or oven or grill etc and hope that they come out looking remotely cooked and fit for human consumption. If I created masterpieces and cooked them to perfection then I would gladly call myself "a cook" but as I just shove stuff in the oven for the time it says and the temperature it says, I cannot profess to be a chef, even a cook.

I am waffling again. The pain, that's what I was talking about, anyway, I've been bed ridden for most of the last week or so, I can't sit on the sofa when I'm in too much pain as it just makes the pain worse, I don't know why it must be the position on the sofa compared to that of the bed. I want to try and stop SITTING on the bed though because that's how I buggered the mattress that we had before the new bed (not this new bed, or the new bed before that, the one before that (long story)) because I ended up creating a big pit where my arse was always sitting up, thus being in the same position day in day out, and then eventually the mattress started collapsing under me and I ended up having to lie across this immense pit that my ass (it's huge you know, I have a siren attached to it so when I walk backwards or go to sit down I get a "warning this vehicle is reversing" sound and beep beep coming out, I also support a pair of hazard triangles and a wide load sticker don't ya know?) had created. Not comfortable at all.

I waffled. I am a waffle, only I don't have little square spaces. *yawn*

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