Thursday 29 January 2009

Bits and Bobs

Lol just reminded me of the children's programme, bless heheh (I used to sit and watch it with Euan actually!)

How many parents have found themselves watching a channel from the KIDS selection on Sky or NTL? Come on, admit it, you're so used to your kids watching them that you select one for yourself to watch.

I know that Dave and Caroline will have done so that Dave can watch his precious Spongebob Squarepants heheh I love him too, but I have to say I wouldn't decorate my aquarium with the pieces from the show :P

Speaking of aquariums, ours is going pretty well and does look like a semi stagnant pond now, the plants have grown like wildfire spreading across the water (yes I know fire and water don't mix, it was just a saying that happens to be mildly inappropriate but my thick brain couldn't think of a better one at the time) The snakeheads seem very happy indeed.

In the terrarium opposite we have water and land for Simon's 3inch Rainbow Crab, who has now eaten the baby ones all up, Simon watched as he crushed one of them to mush in his pincers and then ate it.

We know we have a boy because of the two big claws, girls only have small claws, males have bigger claws for fighting and showing off. (typical)

Going through to the hall we have 5 fancy rats, 3 common 1 roan and 1 dumbo.

Then, upstairs we have 18 tarantulas (eek?) a scorpion, Black Emperor to be precise, a trapdoor spider (he's a spider not a T), a pacman frog (Fantasy Horned Frog), and now our precious possession, or pet or whatever is our Yemen Chameleon (Veiled Chameleon) then there's my two roborovski hamsters.

Usually on ours or Bronny's bed you'll find Oscar our Turkish Van Cat :)

Going back downstairs, and outside you'll find Jasmin a Lionhead and Theodoor a Lionhead X

That's it then, our menagerie of pets :) it's just typical that I have chosen pets that require cleaning out on a regular basis. Simon cleans the rabbits out, I can't physically do it anymore, even just sitting down I can't do what is required to clean them out. :( So the only time I get to see them is when I pass them in the wheelchair on our way out. Not much fun. We are contemplating rehoming them to be honest, to someone who will give them far much love and attention than we are able to give them. True, in the Summer I'll be able to sit out there and talk with them but that's not really fair on my buns (teehee).

Going back to the ratties, they are getting a bit stinky poo so it's coming close to clean out day for them, it takes so much longer now they're in separate cages, naughty blacks for fighting and beating up the babies. Well, strictly speaking they are not babies any more, but they are still smaller than my original trio of ratties. It's been a fair while since we've allowed them out for a tour of Bronny's bed, will have to contemplate doing it soon. They need a bath too, stinky buggers. Perhaps I'll bath them when I've cleaned them out that way nice clean smelling ratties can go into a nice clean smelling cage. Then they'll go around re-marking everything in sight lol. They could play on Bronny's bed whilst drying then as her room seems to be the warmest in the house.

My O2 Machine seems to be kicking out a fair amount of heat at the moment, which means that there is a lot of nitrogen coming out (the engineer said that when the Nitrogen is extracted and pumped out it causes the heat underneath the machine to blow out with it) There must either be more Nitrogen in the air or the machine is just working up a heat for nothing lol It seems rather selfish of me to be taking the oxygen out of the air and pumping the Nitrogen back into the air, that must mean that when the children and Simon walk past the machine they are getting a higher amount of nitrogen in their bodies, I wonder what that must do to them long term? :S eeek

QUOTE: "There are two main things that these nitrogen compounds affect: the environment and human health. When nitrous oxide (N2O) reaches the stratosphere it helps destroy the ozone layer, resulting in higher levels of UV radiation and increasing the risk of skin cancer and cataracts. Ironically, when N2O is nearer to the Earth’s surface it can actually make ozone, which can become smog on a still and sunny day. Smog has been linked to respiratory problems, lung damage, increased risks of cancer and a weakening of the immune system. "


I wonder how much Nitrogen the machine is releasing into the air? That is scary to be honest, if I'm causing a problem to my children and to Simon. Surely I am breathing it in on top of my 100% oxygen too because I am not literally just breathing my tube I breathe normal air on top of that. (which means effectively that I am getting more than 100% oxygen in my body, I am getting the 100%@2lpm from the machine and then some from the natural air around us. ??

Oh god, I'm on a ramble again, I had better stop before it gets any worse.

PS This blog is a copy of what I put on Facebook Notes

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