Saturday 17 January 2009

Today heheh

Well, I never I can't believe how many of my family are on Facebook now, even including my Mother! rofl that's got to be a bad sign, when yer Mother is on Facebook, I mean come on? She is 56 this year and has decided to welcome herself to technology rofl I am waiting for her to join msn so that I can talk to her of an evening and laugh at how slow she is with the typing rofl. Bless I'm so cruel to my Mumsie. it's great that she's finally trying to get connected to it all :) It's a shame that it took my BROTHER to introduce me to her though, I mean why couldn't she find me? :( It's not as if there are that many Carol Venables;s on facebook is it? There is 10 including me actually rofl and that's not including CAROLine s either god knows how many there is of them.

It is rather strange to see someone with your name, I mean if you had a name like Sarah Smith you'd not be surprised because come on, how common are both of those names? And the chances of them being together? There we go, lots and lots of people. My name isn't really that common though, Carol Venables, it's not common at all really. Tis not no tis not.

OK,, so it is, I just googled me and there are quite a lot, and a lot of Carol Venable too who is a professional by all rights heheh. Here's me just a boring done nothing achieved nothing, lost nearly everything disabled dork in Cannock, UK. :( *stops the self pity*

OK so I'm deviating from the point here, incidentally there is a Carol Venables on Deviant Art too rofl

On page 2 of google it showed my name a few times for the forum and for another forum in the forum profile it's got my nick name and full name. maybe I should edit that out, but then again I've never posted anything to get me in trouble, or anything personal in that forum so I just forget about it, especially as I won't be going back there again. or somet like that, hmmm don't think I'll be needing that no not I heheheh no no I not. Unless I wanted to reinstall kde or gnome on either of my pc's er, I don't think so certainly not yet anyway.

I think I am sharing the bedroom with the ghost cat, I just saw something out of the corner of my eye, a dark colour so I knew immediately it wasn't Oscar, then I heart the noise of when they open their mouths and ready their tongues for a licking festival, that is exactly how it sounded heheh.. *looks for cat* I can hear it but not see it. Either I'm going totally effin loopy or there really was a cat in this room. It would have to have been Oscar who is not in the bedroom at the moment I've just checked for him in fact I'll most likely find him in Bronny's bedroom if he's not downstairs. Oh, he's downstairs, so that confirms that it was not Oscar. (I just heard Simon telling him he couldn't come upstairs)

Right, now I have done the ghost story it is time for me to go to bed, I got to hurry up because Simon will moan at me and because I want to go for a cuppa too.

Huggles and lubs



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