Wednesday 14 January 2009

rAt Last

Finally cleaned out the ratties today, the top lot were not too bad but the bottom cage because it hadn't been cleaned out from before we had the babies (there was nothing in it for ages before you all have a go at me) and because the blacks were put in there as a kind of emergency I didn't have time to clean it out before I put them in, it was rather a mess. Finally got both cages done though and was absolutely cream crackered and didn't even have the energy to do my dailies when I had finished so I went straight to bed (after cleaning up a bit)

All critters cleaned out now although you'd not believe that I cleaned the hammies out the other day, they stink to high heaven again already phhoooooeeeeyyy lol I don't know why they stink so much, I clean them out when they smell, but it's never less than a week between cleans and I clean everything thoroughly to get rid of the stench, and even when Simon carried them upstairs straight after a clean he said that they stank and they did! Why? Why is it that all my rodents stink? What am I doing wrong? :(

I have the doctors tomorrow morning, he wants to talk to me about my blood test results, apparently the receptionist said that it wasn't to tell me that there was nothing wrong that the blood test did have a flag on it, so I have to wait til tomorrow to find out what is wrong now, I know I'm low on vits and minerals because I don't intake enough food with them in to be able to give me normal levels, but that's just tough cookie dough, I am not intaking more food, I want to be slender bean not fat egg.

I'm tired, not as tired as I was last night, but still tired, I went to bed as soon as I put the children to bed last night, and I made them go early so I was in bed by quarter to eight at the latest heheh

I can hear one of the rats chewing on a piece of pasta lol they are so noisy when they do that! That reminds me the hammies are going to need some more food, they eat the shunamite diet now, I'm trying to elongate their lives as they were looking VERY old and frail the other week, they're not even a year old yet but they didn't look too well, so I thought, as long as it's not too late, if I put them on a controlled diet instead of the crappy cheap Tesco hamster mix, that hopefully we will elongate their lives a bit after their normal sell by date heheh

Went out to Hollybush today, Simon was stocking up on things for his hermit crabs and we also went to look for ideas for planting in the lizard tank, we looked around the fishy bit and as usual other than the axylotles (sp) which always catch my eye there was nothing else in there that was truly amazing.

Tis nice to just trundle (in the chair being pushed) around there though and had a look at the lizards and they had some beautiful ones even a chameleon, I love chameleons I'd love one as a pet, that is one lizard I have always wanted, sadly though, unless we get a bigger house, I'm not going to be able to have one :( They had some beautiful geckos in there there were some that were sitting on the glass, I did check and it said they were geckos, they were beautiful, some kind of tree species I think, Simon said we could have those in our tank if money wasn't an issue, they were about £50 each I think, quite a bit of money, especially when we'd want at least a pair of them. Would have to ask if they'd do a deal for the two I guess.

Hollybush will get green anoles in at £10.99 each which is round about the price that Simon was looking at them for, and obviously we wouldn't have to pay postage on them as we'd collect them ourselves. All we have to do is either pop in or call on the Wednesday and he would have them for us as swiftly as next day on the Thursday, we'd obviously have to call early to ensure that they'd not already done the order.

Well, I suppose I better bog off and go and do some forum work, I haven't done backups for a while! Not that it matters though as there's not that many posts been done on the forum, it's dead as a dodo lately. *rolls eyes*

See ya laters!


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