Sunday 4 January 2009


I've just purchased this song on itunes, I love it, I have loved it since I heard it in Shrek, I know it was definitely third one not sure if it is in a previous version.

I don't like it as much as I like Bon Jovi singing it on Youtube *blush*

Oooh I like Boadicea by Enya, it is very nice, almost as if they are humming to it, really nice and relaxing sound to listen to ;)

Simon bought me an itunes gift card for my birthday which admittedly is next week but he asked me if I wanted it now and I said I might as well have it now, considering he only has a bit of money to spend on me, I'd rather have waited and had something that he actually THOUGHT about getting me to be honest :S Instead of something that I told him to get me because he had no idea at all what to get me. I've run out of credit already lol, I got 18 songs for £15 I now have 78p left and a single is 79p lmfao. how bad is that? rofl

eeek I'm addicted to itunes and ipods, I've even found myself tempted to buy the ipod touch heheh *rolls eyes* not that I have the money at the moment but boy is it tempting heheh.

I've just taken my glasses off and just realised I was trying to look through some incredibly minging looking glasses, I cannot believe I managed to even see through them, it looks like I have snot on one of the lenses heheh. That COULD have been the choice of kitchen roll to just wipe them over though *blush* Yes it was *bigger blush* they're nice and clean now heheh.

Oooh this one is nice "The Celts" by Enya. I love the arrangement, the "instruments" and the beat :) it's briliant :) heheh

I am sitting here slowly softly drifting off to sleep like an innocent child, no qualms with the world and no problems, just a happy protected and innocent child. Too late for me to play that role on all counts rofl

I don't think it is possible to get children as fat as I anyway heheh, perhaps it is on the teenage level if they none stop eat and do bugger all to allow the weirght to drop off.

Oh how I wish I could exercise and lose all this incredible fat quicker I think the only way I lost so much weight so quickly back when I was rearing Euan was because I was breastfeeding him, boy was he demanding but boy did that weight drop off me, you see it turns the fatty reserves into milk too, so for a while Euan was feeding literally off me which was a bloody good thing, I was back down to an 8-10 depending on what I wore, the thinnest I had ever been. Dad said I didn't look healthy, when he asked if a;; was well back then I should have said well, honestly? No it's not all OK, but I stuck withit, knowing that I'd get rid of that leech eventually, and I di, now I'm here with way too much weight on me, but I look better in myself than I did back then, If I lost all my weight this time I would look good on it, I wouldn't look "ill" as my Dad used to say I looked. He said I looked ill and gaunt.

I'd look thin and OK with it, just like my big but extremely little sis heheh She's always looked good though, even with a bit of weight on she's looked good, and now Amy has a fab figuer that she is going to be proud of when she is older.

I can't wait til my Bronny is 14, she'll be my bestest mate forever heheh. bless her socks, hopefully she won't be too embarrassed of me when she's older, I know she's OK with me now but that;s because she hasn't all that many friends righ now bless her. But you can bet a pound to a penny that when she has more friends Mum is going to have to be put in her place, at home out of the way and not embarrassing the little'uns that won't be that little anymore. heheh

I have probably embarrassed Bronny by saying what I have said in the blog in the first place if she ever reads it that is.

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