Tuesday 27 January 2009

A very crap night

Jebus was last night crap, I didn't drop off until just gone midnight, I woke up at 2am sweating my ass off, so I took the safety pad off the bed because that's what makes me 100 times hotter, it took me forever to get back to sleep, I could hear music playing like a television constantly with music in the background. Then I woke up again at 4am and that was it then I was wide awake! Absolutely knackered but wide awake, I finally got back off to sleep some time around 06:40 was the last time I looked at the clock, then the alarm to wake us up went off at 07:30! I could have cried, I'm not feeling too bad right now considering, apart from feeling very very tired of course, I mean I don't feel ill. At the moment anyway. (I normally feel rather poorly if I've not slept too well and end up in bed all the following day, but I seem to be doing OK at the moment)

At one point when I was trying to get to sleep I lay on the pillow and I swear to god it felt like somethingS were eating my ear in and out, like I had laid down on a pile of maggots or something, I could feel the wriggling literally and I could HEAR the wriggling, it was very scary, then I lifted my head swiftly off the pillow when I felt a maggot climbing into my ear deeper and deeper. Obviously that didn't really happen but it was horrible enough, I think I must have drifted into sleep at that point to feel and hear that because obviously we're not into putting maggots in the bed.

Between 4am and 06:40 all I could hear was music in my ear, I was tempted to get up and check the kids to make sure they were not up that early and playing on their DS's because they have a habit of having the sound up when they think that we won't be able to hear, however Euan's latest habit is turn it up and then turn it down when we tell him to, but then turn it straight back up within minutes of being told to turn it down again, this cycle goes on the entire time he plays on his DS, it especially does my head in when he's playing his shooting games.

We are booked in to see the headmaster and Euan's teacher together after school on Thursday, I'm not looking forward to that I know that I'm going to end up crying because I'm so ashamed of my boy that he would do what he has done :( I was supposed to be discussing things with Charlene but I wasn't around that Saturday morning as we were collecting Baron, then in the afternoon the excitement of it all ensured that I had a nice deep sleep, well as deep as can be expected, I still woke up exhausted.

That's what gets me, I wake up naturally after my afternoon nap which means that my body SHOULD be saying "you've had enough sleep now get yer ass out of bed" however when I get up I am just as knackered and feeling like poop as when I went to bed, I'm wondering whether I should bother having a sleep. Then again judging by Christmas this year, I definitely do need the sleep, it's not something that I can casually decide not to have. Even when we are out or something and it rearranges the day I still need to get home at some point and have a sleep.

I woke up early yesterday afternoon which enabled me to give my children some attention before their tea, they seemed to enjoy the fact that I was with them and playing with them instead of being fast asleep. I always feel guilty for sleeping through the after school before teatime, but if I have to I just have to! I can't just give up on the idea of sleeping.

So many times when I have put the children to bed, when they've both FINALLY gone by 8pm maybe later, I just fall asleep on the bed myself because I am so knackered, obviously I don't WANT to because I would appreciate being able to go online and talk to my good friends on WLM and see what is going on in the world, and I'm getting addicted to Facebook also and there's not that many people that use Facebook in the day so after I've updated my status and say, made a few posts on people's walls, flung a bit of food and such, there's not much else to do. I love flinging food on a sneak attack in the day because those who work or go to school inevitably lose and I'm like !woo hoo another win! rofl which is very cruel of me really don't ya think?

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