Wednesday 28 January 2009


Euan was in a better mood when he got home from school, only problem was that he was totally hyper, I let them go outside tonight before tea so that they could burn some energy off, Simon said I was making a mistake because Euan and/or Bronny would expect it every night, but I don't THINK that they will, they might but so they should they SHOULD be allowed out to play when it's dry, they are kids for heaven's sake they deserve to be able to have FUN to run around and burn some energy off and generally BE KIDS.

Though saying that, it's me that has to sit there and watch them playing because they can't be trusted not to piss around and be naughty so I have to watch them. When I don't watch them they start being really stupid and doing really stupid stuff which is either dangerous, going to hurt one of them, get them filthy or lose a toy over the fence, various stupid things they've been known to get up to. Also the grass is still "wintery" at the moment which means if they play on it they will make it all muddy and it will ruin the grass as well as making their clothing that muggins here has to wash filthy.

Whilst Euan has been "grounded" at school he has come home in clean clothes that are actually suitable to wear the next day, today because they did the Big Bird Watch outside, he came home muddy on his shirt, apparently someone pushed him over :S

I don't know what it is with that school, either Euan is a blatant liar or the kids are all bloody nutters who race round breaking other people's stuff, fighting, bullying and pushing them over all the time, I've never known a school like it, it just does my head in. Take his birthday for instance, he took a few bits and bobs in after it and they were destroyed, he wore his watch and it was broken because the cretins literally ripped it off his wrist! It makes me sick!

When we have discussed Euan I am going to talk about the other children especially in Euan's class and try to explain that either Euan has become the gang leader and since he arrived all this aggression started, or it was already insitu and Euan just got pulled into it because he wants to do what his friends are doing, hopefully it is the latter although that is bad enough.

Euan would never have done something like that in his old school, in fact Euan was renowned for being although a little bit hyper at times, completely normal and excellently well behaved, he'd NEVER EVER dream of doing something like he did the other day, so why the hell, how the hell, has he turned into the type of evil child who would do something like that now? If I were the parents of Connor I would be totally devastated and exceptionally angry and would insist that each child be reprimanded and required to apologise formerly to Connor and both parents after school or in front of the whole school.

I forgot to say a while back that I've bought an epilady to use instead of shaving in the bath and then having to sit in my own removed hair and scum whilst I shave other areas, I can't shave in the shower because I can't keep balance and the bath seat doesn't fit the bath properly so I cannot safely sit down in the shower to shave. Anyway, I'm rather nervous about using it, I mean it plucks hairs out so, does it hurt, I don't know, Eeek, I have to use it though because it cost me £15 (was a bargain at BigD, discontinued line probably). Hopefully it's not at BigD because they recalled it, though it would be illegal to sell a recalled product surely? *doh*

My toes feel funny tonight. I have my toe socks on (the ones that have glove like attachments at the end purposely tailored for each toe so each toe has it's own little socky on and it's all knitted in with the main part of the sock so it's all together. Normally they feel OK but tonight it's obvious on my right foot that I have the toe sock on and it just feels "strange" not painful or awkward or anything, just strange. heheh

Simon is watering his tarantulas (not so they grow, I mean providing them with a drink of water) lol geesh that was quick, one minute he was watering them and the next minute he was going downstairs, strange man, he can't decide whether or not he is coming or going bless him. He's going to wake the kids up in a minute (he's pissing about unlocking and locking the bathroom door *rolls eyes*)

Baron Greenback has spent more time hiding, sitting right close to the UV light than he has basking today, I hope he's OK. It's a shame we can't have a sensor for the basking light so it only comes on when he comes onto his basking perch, that way we would be saving a tonne of electricity each day and it could be left 24/7 incase it's really early in the morning and he wants to bask so he can go and switch it on, though he doesn't bother with it until about lunchtime anyways, it takes him forever to wake up (typical man really then? lol) People on the reptile forum have said that he needs the UV light for 12 hours a day and that if he's not within so many feet of it it won't work, well most of the day he is further away from it than what they said (can't remember now) because he's close to the bottom or covered by the dense foliage in the middle (height) of the flexarium.

Right, tis nigh on 10pm and I'm tired yes I am so I am going to get a cuppa, fill up my drink bottle and go to bed I think.

Sleep tight world.


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