Tuesday 27 January 2009

Do I?

Blog for the sake of blogging? I don't know, none of my readers have complained about my blogging content, nothing ever gets commented on though, so either they feel no need to comment, or I'm being ignored because my blog is crap! rofl

Went out to B&Q and Tesco today, Simon had to buy a box and a tube to make a drainage and collection system for the water in the flexarium to save him having to stand and transfer it to a bowl to tip in the sink by the aid of a turkey baster, not a fun operation when you have to do it on a daily basis lol

The dripper is now working perfectly and Simon believes that he has fixed the drainage problem (there was a leak) on the flexarium. So hopefully all is well. Baron has spent a lot of his day hiding today which is strange, he has eaten and basked and had a drink though and Simon said if he wasn't well he wouldn't have done those things. It's just strange because he was out for most of the day yesterday. Maybe he has days where he is out, days when he hides, maybe he just had a bad hair day and didn't want to be seen lol

I haven't seen many beautiful colours on him as yet, he seems to be keeping all the wonderful colours that he CAN turn to himself, when he puffs up and hisses at Simon he can be quite colourful, not quite sure why he did that to be honest, maybe it's all the faffing around with his house Simon has done to day (thinking about it that's probably why he is hiding, because he is not settled with the stuff we are still doing to perfect his home.

To be honest we should have THOUGHT things through a little bit better before we got him like where he is going to get the water from, yes OK a drip system, but we didn't think about where the water was going to go afterwards did we? Oh no we didn't lol if we'd have thought about drainage in the first place Simon would have been able to make a proper "plug hole" in the flexarium *rolls eyes* never mind we can't always plan ahead.

Right, tis time for CSI now so I'm off to watch it fellow friends See ya later!

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