Monday 12 January 2009

back to Asda this evening *rolls eyes*

Been back to Asda tonight, with a school shoe trek the ones I had chosen for Bronny were too big, we tried the smaller size and they were too tight (teach me for Buying shoes with her absent I suppose) so it looks like another visit to Clarks for Bronny as we can never find shoes to fit her adequately *rolls eyeballs* never mind. I had bought Euan's in completely the wrong size!

Euan was easy to please, although they didn't have the correct size of the shoe that I had bought in completely the wrong size (he's an 11 god knows why I bought a 13 stupid cow) but they had some in another design thankfully. I wanted velcro trainer like shoes so that he didn't keep having a hissy fit saying he wanted to wear his trainers instead because Bronny was wearing hers at the moment and so on, or some other reason why he wants to wear his trainers. No doubt there will be something wrong with these shoes you can bet once he wears them the first day either someone will comment on them and he'll hate them or he'll decide they don't fit blah blah blah.

wish me luck for tomorrow lol

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