Sunday 28 December 2008

Ohhhh f...

Just read a very good friend's blog, it's very depressing and seems to be talking of suicidal thoughts but in a cryptic way, it brought lots of tears to my eyes and now I am so worried, honestly I am.

I don't know what to do, because if she's done something daft, well, I want to shout out and tell SOMEONE about it, someone that can fix it and make it better?

Oh god oh fuck what do I do?

IF she hasn't done what I think she's done and I go and. No I can't oh god I'm so worried now.

It's times like these that you realise how much someone means to you, it's a bugger that I didn't make it clear before now that I WANT to be that close person that she's talking about, I WANT to be that person that she can talk about anything and everything with without judging her, I WANT to be the person that tells her to stop being daft and stops her from DOING that something daft. I just WANT to be there for her, all the time... but

I can't if she's already "gone"

I don't know what to read into what she's said I mean it might even be that she's cutting away from internet, from me, or something I don't know I just wish I bloody well understood that brain of hers so that I could pre-empt her moves and make everything all better and stuff.

Poor girl just needs a REAL friend, one that will treat her with as much respect as they treat their loved one,, or their daughter, or best friend or something. I want to much to be that person but she just isn't interested in me becoming that close with her :(

Oh fuckeroo what am I going to do?!

*texts her again*

*sighs* I really hope that she is alive and hasn't done anything daft

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