Sunday 21 December 2008

Ramble 21.12.08

waiting... for Simon to decide if he wants feeding or not, want to order from Joe's Pizza (the fast food options not the pizza options) but can't order anything until Simon has decided whether or not he wants to eat or not, there's not much point in me ordering if he isn't going to eat anything.

I might just order anyway in a minute and if he doesn't want feeding now he can have his reheated later on, it won't taste too bad reheated anywhoo.

Have had a weird day today, haven't slept yet because have been on lappy whilst the children are on DS and PC, I didn't get up until lunchtime so shouldn't really have slept anyway so good job I didn't heheh.

I cleaned out the ratties today, they stink and were well overdue *blush* I need time and no back ache to do them though because standing up that long makes my legs very painful and my back REALLY bad, so if it's painful already it's stupid to attempt it. Didn't do too bad in cleaning them out though and when I had finished I came upstairs with the children round about 1.30pm and allowed them on the PC and DS to change every hour upon the hour so Bron ended up with 1.5 hours to start with so I could make them change at the o clock rather then involving minutes heheh

They did their usual interfering with each other whilst on the PC, the DS hardly got played with. Can't say I blame them I haven't got that many games that would interest them, Euan likes Ben10 Super mario, rayman and Spiro but he gets fed up of them so so quickly :S heheh I can see him getting through his list of 200 games to play on that one card within a week, as in playing nearly everything at least once and being bored.

Hopefully between the DS and the presents he receives for Christmas they will keep him busy bee. :)

That's me done for now, going to order now and hope that Simon soon finds his appetite.


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