Tuesday 9 December 2008

Today's Ramble 09.11.08

just a minute... yes I THOUGHT I had blogged on 7th, turns out it was saved as a draft, not completed and not published either rofl

I wish that Kezz and Vik would make up, it upsets me when they fall out because they are such good friends and are amazingly fun and cool when they are together, you can tell they were made to be together because they are not completely themselves when they are apart. Hopefully this one will blow over soon. I'm not commenting on WHAT they have fallen out about because that would cause an argument in itself. I have told them both that I am half and half. I don't think they would expect me to side with one or the other and I'm glad that I can still be friends with both of them.

I just got a craving for a chicken/turkey and stuffing sarny mmmmm what am I like lol *drools* I think it's because I have not eaten and I am thinking about Christmas heheh. I am drooling for real heheh!

This blog is going to have to be cut short this time round, I've got a splitter of a headache thumping away in my head and it keeps giving me a hot flush temperature. *phew it's hot in here* so I'm going to have to have a lie down which means bed time because I shall stay asleep or at least stay in bed for the night heheh

Goodnight fellow blogfollowers I'm sorry there is nothing interesting to read again, I will try catching up tomorrow in the daytime.



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