Wednesday 24 December 2008

Today's Ramble 24.12.08

arrrghhhhh arrrrgghghghghhhhh it's only one sleep arrrrgghhhhhh weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wooot woot!

*dances* *jigs* *wriggles* woot!



And why am I so excited?

as I can't wait to see the children open their Christmas presents "from Santa" heheh

I know all other presents are not really going to matter now that they have their precious DS's but hopefully they will still like what we have got for them :D

I've left their DS's charging out on the landing so that they are ready for them to play on tomorrow :D They both have a large selection of games to play on their R4 cards, I'm definitely going to have to get me one of those cards and a MicroSD card to plug into it, what a clever clever idea, I've never seen so many DS games in one place. The more GB they can squeeze on their SD cards the more games they can put on them.

I'm thinking of buying them either a 4 or 8gb memory SD card, that should be more than sufficient for the game and the save games to fit all two hundred games on. Doesn't look like there are 200 games on the two dvd's combined but that's how many games it said there was so they must all be there. I'm trying to think of what size SD card I would need to ensure that they have the entire stock of games on one card so they never have to take it out of the slot. :D The less things they take out the less things there are for them to lose :D

All I know is that I need me an R4 card and SD card so that I can play some of the games too, it would save an absolute fortune especially considering every game that I was going to ever buy is on that list of 200 games. If I could get them all for me to play with too I'd be laughing :) I think there are many games that I wouldn't play such as the pokemongames and the like but the rest I could easily get addicted too, nintendogs Labrador for instance is still a fortune to buy in the shops and I could have it for nothing woot! heheh

Well, it's nearly Christmas, not that Santa Claus is coming for me, but I enjoy the excitement that the children bring into the house, as long as they are not stupid excited which they won't be as they will have their DS's to play with.

I hope Michael and Michelle are only making a swift entrance and not staying all day today, otherwise I may as well stay here because I cannot stand the way they have to take over the whole day, they always make it sound as if it is about them, Simon's Dad doesn't always get dragged in but Christina spends all her time talking to them and I get deafed out in the lounge if Simon is yet again fixing the pc *rolls eyes*

Well, I've treated Bronny and Euan and Simon treated me with the headlice treatment today so hopefully none of us have live ones anymore although I saw a live one on Euan's head, I think it was live anyway, will soon find out if we are still infected with the damn parasites.

watches as every readers' skin crawls lol sorry peeps but I have to be honest as the day.

Ooooh 50 minutes until tomorrow then it is officially Christmas Day heheh, to think that some people are already up and celebrating Christmas whereas some will only be getting up as we go to bed, time zones are so strange, I honestly used to believe that you could travel to a future time zone, see the horse racing results and then come back and put your bet on the horses. Not literally time travel but to a country who is like 8 hours ahead *rolls eyes* little was I to know eh? So innocent and bloody thick back then! rofl

I miss my Nan. I really do, it's not going to stop me going to see Gramps on Boxing Day before we go round to my parents house though, we simply must go and visit him, I'll be the only Grandchild he's not seen all Christmas otherwise. Bless his old socks he's really getting rather senile in his old age, remembering things that were not there to be remembered, or remembering little things that meant nothing to anyone else but he claims that they've bothered him all this time. Oh well, I still loves him to bits the silly old sausage. It is him after all Nan. rofl

Reminds me of the time we were there on a Saturday, you see back when we were growing up we'd go and stay at Nan's for the day on a Saturday, Dad would join us there for dinner and then we'd all go home. Anyway, Nan had a head on her, one of her usual bad heads that she had regular and Mum said something about it and Nan turned round and said it's him and was about to start on a world of why Gramps was to blame when Gramps came in from the kitchen saying "what's me?" lol he had been listening. You know when you think men are not listening? When you don't want them to listen they do, but when you want them to they don't? Well this was one of those moments. You'd have to have been there to find the funny side of it but boy we found it funny, we were in stitches.

Snuggling down on this wonderful comfortable bed reminds me of Nan too, because their front bedroom bed was this comfortable, it was a bed worth dying in, only I didn't, I stayed there every weekend instead :) No-one else was allowed, only me, I think at one point we were supposed to alternate between my Sister and myself but she grew out of wanting to go but I'd never grow out of it, even when I left home I still wanted to go and stay at my Nan's house. Everything was safe in that bed, nothing was ever going to hurt me, I'd had my night night kiss and cuddle of Nan and Gramps and that was it then, I was set for the night, nothing could hurt me.

This bed makes me have warm safe thoughts that I used to have in my Nan's front room bed. Not sure where it has gone now as it is no longer there, I think it went when Nan died to be honest, no need for it because no-one would ever stay again :(

I love my Nan, I wish I could spend just one more Saturday with her. Just her and me and Gramps, no-one else in the world to piss us off. Just us three :) :D

Merry Christmas and Ni Ni world.

Ni Ni Nan. I love you forever.


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