Tuesday 23 December 2008

What a morning 23.12.08

Children were found to be playing together in Euan's bedroom again this morning, they are not allowed to play together until it's time to get up because of the noise that they make together lol They have broken the rules the past two mornings, it's Bronny coming out and going into Euan's room because she is bored and she knows she's not allowed to do that, naughty naughty Bronny!

Anyway that is what awoke Simon and caused him to get up, I was woken up much later by Euan getting rather loud in his games. It is as if he gets louder and louder to try and wake me up the later it is lol poor sod hasn't yet realised that I could sleep through a bomb lol

Didn't get up til gone lunchtime so of course my first port of call when I got up was to make the children some food. They were starving hungry by the time I fed them, but at least I fed them, they had a ham bap, crisps and some biscuits, two chocolate and 2 custard creams. That will be enough to sate them until tea time, heheh.

We're watching 20,000 leagues under the sea at the moment, what a load of crap rofl unfortunately although it is nearly Christmas, there is bugger all else on. I came down to watch the TV thinking that because it's nigh on Christmas that there will be something decent on *rolls eyes* perhaps we should try and look again because it's so crap I'm watching it rofl

Kids have been fighting this morning too, well this afternoon when we came downstairs they started fighting lots so I had to shout really loud at them to get their attention so that they would stop fighting. Simon has sent them to their bedrooms for being naughty and I have to say it's the quietest they have been since they have been off school.

I don't know why they have to constantly fight, it's terrible one of these days they are going to kill each other with the way they fight, it's terrible, honestly they kick and punch at each other so badly and they don't care where their assault lands on each other the amount of times they've been on the sofa just kicking and punching each other in the head and everywhere, all it needs is for one of them to catch the other in the neck at the wrong angle and that's it .. gone :(

Well, that's enough blogging of waffle crap for me for now.

Ni ni.


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