Friday 19 December 2008

Rambleamble 19.12.08

Oops, I'm slacking on this blog thing. To be honest I have felt so bleugh lately that I have neglected everything that I should be doing, I have even neglected the forum and for me not to have blogged must mean I am having a hard time of it right now. lol

We managed to get the Christmas Shopping done yesterday, we went to ToysRUs in Tamworth and got everything for both and stocked up on some batteries too heheh we just need some C batteries for one of Bronny's things and then we is all sorted. All wrapped up and hidden safely away :) woot now all we need is to get through the next 5 days of the children beating each other up, I say 5 because they'll have their DS/s off Aunty Emma on Christmas Eve so that will be a day where they are not fighting because they are bored.

Have just put Christmas music on to drown out Simon's horrible war game lol hopefully it's not going to piss him off too much, but with his game being so loud he won't even hear it over there. Always shooting and killing heh at least it's only a game.

I had bad dreams again last night, my own fault, was thinking about his parents before I went to sleep and that caused me to dream about him and his family which I hate doing not only do I have a bad night sleep but I always feel so guilty for even thinking about that sort of thing, never mind spending the night dreaming about it. I keep wondering how much easier life MIGHT be for Simon and I with the children if they were involved, the parents I mean, not HIM. But it might go the other way and it might be as stressful as ever.

*shuts up*

I mustn't really think like that, we have enough stress in our lives without reintroducing more. *rolls eyes*

*I wish it could be Christmas every day...* I don't because it wouldn't be a special day then and people wouldn't bother buying gifts for each other on a daily basis, no one would be able to afford it for a start.

We have bought a tin of Quality Street for each of our parents and a box of celebrations for James and for Adam (one each) I would have got them a tin to share but James would have pigged them all and left Adam with nowt rofl

I have a vague memory that we've bought Quality Street for Mum and Dad before and they have said that they prefer Roses, perhaps we should try and get a tin of Roses instead hopefully they are not too much money, haven't seen any in Tesco when we went though so maybe they don't do them anymore. Will have to ask Simon to have a look when he next goes in to Tesco as we owe someone a tin as Simon opened one of the tins last night *rolls eyes* I wasn't in the mood for sweeties or anything, I'm not really in the mood for "anything" to be honest, I really should get off my arse and do something but I am so tired.

I can't believe how much that damn flu and tummy bug took it out of me, I'm still recovering, tummy still in pain from the throwing up constant coughing and then pooping water *rolls eyes* hopefully I'll be able to find the space to fit some food in my body tomorrow without throwing it back up or anything, that would be so embarrassing.

Have turned the music down a bit now because Simon has stopped his game and he keeps moaning about the children singing to the songs and doing his head in *rolls eyes* they are doing my head in too actually just singing one or two words in the whole song and singing those out of line or out of tune lol

It's my best mate's birthday today, I didn't get her anything I got her something for Christmas though heheh :) bless her, she deserves so much more than what I bought, but that is all she wanted I couldn't persuade her to tell me what else she wanted heheh.

Oh well. She asked for it and I got it so I guess come Christmas Eve she will be a happy bunny. I just hope she didn't forget that I was getting it her and got it from someone else or something.

I've wrapped it nicely with a gift tag and a bow anyway, not that that makes a difference, but then again it does, if it looks more intriguing then it's more fun.

Ooh Space man came travelling, I really like this song, the one by Chris De Burgh. Beautiful song ;)

Right, have waffled enough for now so I'm going to bugger off and have a nap now methinks before it's too late to have one.



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