Saturday 6 December 2008

Today's Ramble 06.12.08

Had a bad night sleep again but I surprised myself because when Euan was coughing repeatedly at 9:30 this morning I got up to check on him and then instead of going back to bed which I normally would, I got up and took the children downstairs, I was really surprised with myself.

Bronny and Euan were watching the TV whilst I was checking the forum and checking email and generally messing about with things on the laptop. When they had their breakfast they started complaining that they wanted to go upstairs and play on the PC and the DS, I obviously said that no that wasn't going to happen, perhaps after lunch but they were certainly not going to play on them all day long.

Next thing I knew it was time to feed the kids lunch, when they had had their lunch they were begging to go upstairs on the pc and ds, I think I gave in eventually because I planned to have a sleep because I was feeling rather poorly at this point. Sooo Euan went on the pc and Bronny went on the DS, they were not to swap over because Euan cannot use the DS with his poorly fingers.

Have just spoken to Mum and told her how Euan is today, silly boy I still can't believe that he did it! :( Mum said the time to watch is when the bisters burst because if he gets dirt or germs in them he'll have one poorly hand. I told Mum that if I wasn't happy with his hand on Monday I would take him to Minor Injuries at Cannock as they're open all day now from 9am - 12am I think it might be best to get him in to see them anyway to see what they think of it to see if they need to do anything to ensure that it heals perfectly. I did what I THOUGHT was best to do at the time, hopefully it was OK and enough to save his hand from being really scarred.

Simon has been in a weird mood today, this morning he did nothing but tell me and the children off for EVERYTHING we were doing which was getting me down somewhat but I just kept quiet because I didn't want a disagreement with him, we don't argue, we've not argued in the 5 years we have been together this year, 30th December is our anniversary heheh

Two weeks til Simon's family's Christmas Meal, I thoroughly enjoy this meal and the chance to get together with Simon's Gran and Alf and Simon's Aunt and Uncle :) it really is a great time that we have, even if Michael and Michelle are there lol, it's not that I don't like them, THEY don't like me, I have NO idea why not, what the heck I did to make them both fall out with me I have no idea, but I'm sure that Michelle has something to do with it. We didn't have a family meal last year because Gran and Alf didn't hold one and I have to say that I well and truly missed it, I know it's not my family but, well, it's the best family family that I have got. I just wish at the house Christina didn't ignore me when Michelle and Michael are around she always entertains them and I get left in the lounge looking at the wallpaper whilst everyone else buggers off and goes about their way. I think they have gotten the hint this time now I keep taking my DS with me though, I just hope they don't think that I am being rude with it, I am just trying to give myself something to do other than die of boredom when I am left in the lounge all alone as Simon has gone off to help his Dad with something, the kids are playing with Adam and/or James and that leaves me, on my tod, in the lounge. *yawns*

Anyway I shouldn't complain. They're not my family so are not obliged to talk to me.

Time is ticking away as per usual, it's nearly Sunday and then it will be Monday and then it will be the dreaded school run again :S arrggghhhh lol I cannot stand the school morning, I think it would be even worse if I had to go out in the horrible weathers, but being at home and doing this end of the school run, getting them up, dressed, eaten and ready to go is bad enough, sometimes it is the worst bit even if it IS pissing down with rain outside lol

I still have this horrible lump on the back of my head that the doc said was a cyst and he told me that we'd leave it alone and that it didn't matter etc, surely it needs getting rid of? I don't want this anymore I've had it for years this lump but only recently it seems to have gotten bigger, say in the last 12 months. Maybe I now have a cyst on top of a cyst or something. Next time I'm due at the doctors again I will actually ask about it again and ask it I could pretty please have it removed because I don't want it on my head anymore, pretty please.

I have my feet appointment on Friday morning WOOT, I know nothing will be done that morning as it is clinic assessing whether or not I need podiatry care but surely if my toes are still septic then they won't just leave them they'll get someone to look at them as soon as possible? I want half of the toe nail removing on each big toe to be honest because I am fed up of the problems that I am having with them, even with someone cutting my toenails for me and treating my feet, I'm still going to have problems in between appts, because I'm damn sure that they're not going to see me every week, in fact I don't want to be seen every bloody week because that would mean that we would have to be up and out every week lol Might do me good to have a schedule though and HAVE to go out on a certain day at a certain time.

I'm still wondering whether or not to bother with this weightwatchers and/or slimming world malarky. I know that I want to lose weight and that I NEED to lose weight but I don't know whether I want to do it publicly Marjory Dawes style or whether I would prefer to keep myself to myself. I shall google both of them in a bit and see which one looks more suitable, I obviously have to also find out which one of them does a course near to here instead of having to go miles to get to the nearest course.

I've just confessed to Vikki and Kezz that I stole the last packet of salt and vinegar crisps out of the children's drawer and hid them to eat at my leisure as I knew they would not be there next day if I left them there. Not a major confession I know but it honestly has made me feel guilty, I'm so naughty :(

My skin has gone really sensitive again, just rubbing my wrist up against the soft and creaseless quilt cover whilst typing is causing me great distress in my wrist and my arm, in fact touching everything is making me feel sore and in discomfort, the clothes I am wearing are making me feel all prickly and sore too. What a strange sensation, I hope that it doesn't last long. I've had it before and it lasted a good couple of hours before it calmed down, hopefully it will pass before I settle down to go to sleep otherwise there isn't going to be much sleeping going on heheh.

The fan on the laptop is so noisy I am surprised that Simon manages to go to sleep when I am typing away of an evening. I am trying to type quietly but the fan doesn't give any thought to how noisy it is when it wants to cool the laptop down heheh. Using the laptop has actually improved my wrists since I have used it because it's flat and because I rest my wrists on the lappy where the warmth comes through so I am constantly being warmed at a constant and wonderfully warm flow. Heat therapy works wonders heheh. I just wish I could use the heat on the rest of my body. Maybe I should invent a massage set up that you wrap around your neck, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles and use the heat of the laptop to soothe away the aches and pains and in the meantime you are keeping the temperature of the laptop down heheh

Vikki's laptop seems to crash quite often when it gets hot, basically it is the defence mechanism of the processor, it is designed to shut down the whole system when it reaches a certain temperature and not allow itself to be switched on again until that temperature is no longer reached, when it cools down to an acceptable level. This would tell me that either Vikki's laptop fan is not doing it's job or the vents for the fan are being completely blocked so the fan cannot cool the processor down. Other than the screen which is seperate to the MB and processor the things that get hottest are the hard drive when it's in use and the MB and processor itself. If the fan that has been installed in the laptop is not doing it's job properly then it cannot cool the MB and therefore processor down to the required level. Perhaps Vikki needs to consider hoovering the case of the laptop on the outside bottom to ensure that no dust or other small particles are blocking the air vents and then look at where she has the laptop positioned, if it is on a soft surface then the fan cannot circulate air out of the laptop, it has to be on a hard surface to be able to work propelry, even a lapdesk would suffice to give room to circulate around the base of the laptop even if being used on a lap. :)

Ooh I got all technical then heheh

I just drank my tea at the ideal temperature then, which is just cooler than mouth burning temperature ;) heheh Geesh I'm such a geek

Have to wrap up my secret santa gift and make it look all pretty wetty as am sending it in the week as I have some monies in my purse :) Hopefully Simon will take me into the village so I can also go and enquire at the beauty place how much it will cost to have my eyebrows done and when they can fit me in. It's about time I had them done properly again and I am sure that I can spare the monies that it costs to have them done, though not sure as it cost me £4 back in 2003 I'm guessing it's not far off £10 to have them done now :S

Right, I'm just waffling now so I'm going to shut up and bugger off.

Ni Ni bloggywoggythingywingymajig.


1 comment:

vikki said...

I do hoover it at least once a week, and I rest it on a hard surface as I can't sit still long enough with it on my lap lol I do defo need one of those cooling things. will have to get one, but after christmas, you'll have to put up with disappearing for now hehe