Thursday 6 November 2008

morning ramble 06.11.08

Good Morning UK! rofl

Delivery arrived first thing this morning, any later and Simon wouldn't have been here, it came before he took the children to school, 8:30!! that's early for a delivery heheh

Mealies are HORRIBLE! ewwwwww lol they try to wriggle out of my fingers and they are really quite strong! :S Oscar likes mealies :) heheheh he played with it for a while and then killed it and ate it (yes I know that's cruel but still) and the rats, my God do they love mealies! rofl, they'd have eaten the whole tub full I think! lol

I have to find out whether the mealies are just a treat though, I know they're not very nutricious, so it tells me that there's mostly fat or something in them, there's got to be some protein because they are a creature and meat of sorts... hmmm

I will try hammies with a mealie when I clean them out, will see if they like them or not, oh I dropped one on the floor when I was feeding them to the critters and boy did it wriggle away fast! I thought I was going to lose it it was wriggling that fast lol

I've scanned the school photo in to show Dad & Mum and other people, I'm going to put a copy up on the forum too in fact I might put a copy here for you all to see, hold on....

There we go :) done :) ^ what do you think? :)

I am so proud of my beautiful children ;) I know every Mother is proud of her children but still. ;)

Waiting for the shopping to arrive... mmmm satsumas rofl hopefully there will not be anything out of stock, I bloody hate that, it's usually the thing I wanted the most or that we needed the most, Simon's pizza's have been out of stock quite a few times, that's two meals I have to find for him to eat when that happens :S oh well, such is life.

My lips are as rough as old boots again, I'm picking at the crappy skin to get down to new skin (another habit I have that I should quit) and unfortunately sometimes I slip and pull too much skin off and end up with bloody and then scabby lips which looks and feels far worse than old boots. rofl

My KPK order still hasn't come through, going to have to email her and query that because I would have thought I would have received it by now :S I'll be pissed if that has been lost in the post too! grrrr I can't believe that Grindey's sent a cheque through the post without even getting recorded mail, I mean what would they do if it went missing? How bloody long would it take for me to prove that I'd not received the cheque, also there's the fact that someone else might cash it on my behalf too eeek, then I'd have to prove that it didn't go into my bank, or they would have to, and I bet they'd drag their heels on that one and it would have taken til after Christmas to get it *breathes* at least I DID get it and it's safely paid in waiting to clear.

My Secret Santa order hasn't arrived yet either, I presume/hope that will come tomorrow, the person said they would try and post it yesterday, perhaps they didn't get to. I am REALLY looking forward to sending that to my Secret santa partner I really am woot :D lol

oops slipped, now I'm bleeding :S brb

Shopping now here, eaten a custard cream, a coconut macaroon and a satsuma for my lunch, not too healthy but I don't intend on eating much today anyway so there we go. I'm going to have to go to bed now because my body is saying it's had enough of sitting upright eeek

See you all laters.



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