Thursday 20 November 2008

Today's Ramble 20.11.08

Well, what a day, I'm exhausted because I've not had a sleep, really regretting it now :S I wish I'd ignored Simon and gone to sleep instead of letting him disturb me with his fiddling and faffing, instead at 2 something I got up and went on my lappy bearing in mind that I'd only gone to bed just after 1 lol so I'm really knackered and in need of bed already and I think it is going to be some time before Simon decides that it is bedtime :S

Made some more ratmix up tonight and added a handful of sultanas to treat them :) that's probably one per scoop but that's good, as long as they don't all end up in the same bowl feeding the same rat rofl

By the sound of the way they are drinking i'm going to need to change their water before I go to bed so I don't have a reoccurence of the other day when they all were pretty buggered with no water and drank for a good 5 minutes solid each when I actually gave them some water.

Just sprayed some foot deodorant in the bathroom and had to shut the bathroom door so that I do not end up killing Simon's frog with it, I can bearly breathe now I inhaled most of it and it wasn't very good I tell you it was like standing right next to a dry ice machine and inhaling that, only it doesn't taste sweet like icing sugar it tastes like bleeding soap. I'll know not to use that again in a hurry, or do tinsy winsy little squirts so that it doesn't blow so much gas and powder out instead of deodorant liquid, perhaps the powder is to deodorise, if it is I won't be using it again as it will just clog up on the feet if they are sweaty and then there is room for infection to set in bleugh (my feet get infected with the slightest of things, I have what looks like a wart/verruca (same thing?) on the tip of my big toe at the corner where skin meets nail? well, underneath that was a mass of big thick green puss last time I tried to treat it.

I have my actual appointment for that coming up on 9th December, must remember so that we actually go to it and don't miss it, I'm not cancelling this time for any reason, I postponed the last one back in October for Simon's filter delivery to come and it turned out in the end that OK we were lucky that I did but that isn't the point, I'm not missing it again this time.

I have my rheumatoid appointment too but that is with a different consultant than the one I thought I would be seeing so I'm thinking that there is a chance I am not going to get the answers that I really wanted to get... Although as long as said person believes in FM, if I have it then he will agree that I have it and then and only then can I be referred to pain management again to see if we can get me out of bed these days.

Simon seems to be really understanding or non=caring about me being in bed for the last few days, hopefully he is actually OK about it. We are off to Tamworth tomorrow for Si to meet the woman that is buying one of his tanks off him. She's coming from Nuneaton. I want to go to Matalan to spend my long awaited vouchers too, so hopefully he won't mind mooching around Matalan with me. I need a couple of new tunic style tops, some casual stuff and perhaps another pair of going out places trousers or maybe even a nice long skirt, will have to see what is on offer tomorrow.

My ratties really are attacking that water bottle, I'd say it'll definitely be empty before we go to bed so I will remember to top it up before we go, I normally check on them very last thing anyway and I would notice that my babies have no water.

Water done, time for bed now, going to have an early night tonight.

Good night blog.


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