Tuesday 18 November 2008

Today's Ramble 18.11.08

What a wonderful day today has been!

Lappy arrived today :D woot. I've been on it for ages, first I went on it when it arrived but then I got tired so had to put it down, I wanted to play on it all day but I knew that it was going to be a mistake if I did that so I behaved.

I've been on it practically since the kids got home from school this evening, they of course went straight on the pc and DS, it's becoming too much of a norm I think I'm going to have problems when they can't go on them :S

Though in a month's time + 1 week they'll be playing on their own DS's and not wanting to use the PC (hopefully) lol so it'll be pretty much redundant unless I go on it to do a gimp image or something that I cannot do on here, though saying that I'd be able to just put a mouse on here should I decide that I prefer to use the laptop over the PC.

Health wise the laptop will do me good because I'll be able to keep my legs raised instead of them hurting because they're in the down position, I exercise a little bit by moving my legs every now and again to stop them going stiff, but at the pc desk I struggle with position I can never get to sit straight and look at the monitors face on so I'm always in an uncomfortable position.

Euan was well behaved tonight and actually agreed to come off the pc and go to bed at bedtime I nearly had a turn he was being that good about it, only trouble was after I'd settled him in bed was that I'd left the door open and left the landing light on for him as he was scared and had been thinking of scary things which obviously cause tension and upset before bed which also leads way to bad dreams. Simon closed his door and switched the light off and Euan swiftly became rather hysterical especially as he knew that I was going downstairs and not staying upstairs. I had to calm him down, leave his door open but agree to come back upstairs shortly which I did but he was asleep poor little man he got really worked up about it bless him.

Cockroaches are being ever noisy, it's actually quite freaky listening to them moving around, scurrying lil horrible creatures that they are, I hope that his spider that is still eating them hurries up and eats them to get rid of the bleeding things.

Hamsters better not keep me awake tonight lil craps rofl, my pet name for them is called Pompoms because they look like the little pompoms you see on the end of tassles for a furry coat or something or tied onto laces on eskimo boots rofl. Incidentally, High School Musical slippers have pompoms on them too.

I'm blank for bloggin tonight so that's all you get out of me i'm afraid :P

Nite nite

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