Saturday 18 October 2008



Got up at 12pm after various moans by Simon about what the time was, I just didn't want to get out of bed, but I can't just lie there because if I do, then nothing gets done as far as the children being fed etc. I guess if I was REALLY poorly poop and I asked him to deal with the kids he would do, it' s just that he knew I was just in the can't be arsed to get up mode. Would you be arsed to get up if you had had an evening of not being able to sleep very well and keep waking up and then struggling to go back to sleep because the damn hamsters are making too much noise? Yes, I know they are creatures of the night but please, they wait until we're just in bed and switch the light off and then they start making a whole world of noise.

Euan is nagging me to go outside so at some point it looks like I'm going to have to freeze my arse off so they can play outside... Otherwise I can kick them out and sit on the sofa downstairs.

Simon is outside weather proofing the rabbit run, he's putting perspex on the sides of the run that are open to the elements (not the two sides facing the fences) he's going to put it on the door and either side of the door but he has to cut it so that it fits obviously or we'd not be able to open the door to the run *doh, ain't that obvious?*

The sun is out although I know it's not going to be roasting outside but at least it gives the kids fresh air time *wonders whether or not to put some warmer clothes on and go out?*

bugger it, I'll catch you all later.

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