Wednesday 29 October 2008

ramble / amble

Incidentally (in answer to a hypothetical question I pondered last night):


to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter: He ambled around the town.
2. (of a horse) to go at a slow pace with the legs moving in lateral pairs and usually having a four-beat rhythm.
3. an ambling gait.
4. a slow, easy walk or gentle pace.
5. a stroll.


1. to wander around in a leisurely, aimless manner: They rambled through the shops until closing time.
2. to take a course with many turns or windings, as a stream or path.
3. to grow in a random, unsystematic fashion: The vine rambled over the walls and tree trunks.
4. to talk or write in a discursive, aimless way (usually fol. by on): The speaker rambled on with anecdote after anecdote.
–verb (used with object)
5. to walk aimlessly or idly over or through: They spent the spring afternoon rambling woodland paths.
6. a walk without a definite route, taken merely for pleasure.

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