Friday 24 October 2008

Today's Ramble 24.10.08

Woot! Bronny opted for the cheapest coat which looks remotely like it might actually keep her warm and dry, I must say it was the coat I'd have least expected her to choose, it's quite plain compared to some of the coats she could have chosen. Lo and behold she chose a hat too! She had better wear it lol, she looks really cute in it, I'll have to get a better picture of her in it to show you :) I bought Euan a new wooly hat and some gloves today which I must remember to label up before they both go back to school. I bought me some slippers too but as beautiful as they are, they're a little bit tight for my swollen feet. I am going to have to get a size 7 :O thankfully I didn't take the label off them and I still have the receipt. I have no idea when I'll actually get to change them though lol. I have two pairs of slippers atm but I like to have a wash and wear for my feeties lol

Not done anything else today, Euan played on my pc for a couple of hours whilst I had my nap but he had a screaming fit when it came to switching the PC off.

Well day two of the half term holiday (teacher training days) and so far so good I've not actually felt the need to scream or to send them to their rooms yet, they are excited about Saturday night though. :D

Well time flies, two weeks ago Em said she was going to take the children to Walsall Illuminations and now it's here, they're off tomorrow woot! Em is picking them up at 6pm and they're off! lol

I changed my cannula today which made a huge difference. I don't change it as often as I should but I am being good and changing it at all. I thought it might help with the sore nose issue but this one is actually a few mm longer so actually rubs on the area that is a problem at the moment. *rolls eyes* oh well I'm sure it won't do any extra damage heh.

Got stared at in Sainsburys again, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to but it still bothers me a bit. I bought Euan a triple pack of Kinder Suprise eggs for being good and waiting nicely in the car bless him, bought Simon a pack of 5 curly wurlys and me too heheh I can remember buying them on the way home from school with my tuck money as they were only 5p back then. There is less chocolate on them than I remember but it crumbles up and falls off anyway heheh

Simon is playing the car game again, Oscar is dreaming about something his back was just twitching whilst he was asleep, he has now woken up and is attentive of the hammies, he cba to move to actually go to them though. (don't blame him) lol he's now settled back down but you can see his ears are still twitching .

I'm going to get a mug of tea and put Oscar to bed now then I'm going to give ratties their supper before I put myself to bed lol.

Good night world.


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